Merry Christmas Happy Harradays

Just wanted to set all our differences aside and wish everyone a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays. It's been snowing a lot where I'm on vacation, so it's going to be a white Christmas yayyyyy! We're going to make like a 100 Christmas cookies, over frost them and listen to happy holiday music. May your days be merry and briiiiiiiiight...
mintbbb says...

Merry Christmas! And *Please* be kind to your barista (salesperson/ food service worker/whoever is working hard!), or they will get a bazooka for Xmas from Santa and come and get you January 1st!

rottenseed says...

>> ^gwiz665:
Glædelig jul. Til jer der fortjener det. Jeg håber I har det rigtig godt og at vi ses i det nye år.
^decipher that assholes.

Translation: I am an asshat. I like to take it up the anus while eating fried pancakes and watching gay porn.

gwiz665 says...

My God, it's like you've got some dane in you. In fact, I would not be surprised at all if you had some dane in you..

>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^gwiz665:
Glædelig jul. Til jer der fortjener det. Jeg håber I har det rigtig godt og at vi ses i det nye år.
^decipher that assholes.

Translation: I am an asshat. I like to take it up the anus while eating fried pancakes and watching gay porn.

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