It's dead, Jim

So, poking around the Sift, I semi-frequently come upon posts which have died for one reason or another. Now I am yet to obtain the god-like status require for a *dead, so I cannot contribute by doing so. I can understand not wanting n00bs like me to do it, but how about having a two level dead, where if someone like me flags it dead, it at least pops up on some list where someone with sift-god status can check it? At least some of us could contribute in other ways then.
lucky760 says...

You make a good point, pmkierst. While we ponder that thought, maybe the 2nd best thing for the time being would be to profile comment the video submitter.

Thanks for the input!

choggie says...

I like it....sort of a heads up for the lazy, bored, soon-to-be-burned-out, old-timers......

How bout a way for new folks, to be congratulated for doing the cleaning....perhaps a group hooray, for pmkierst, new and improved, house cleaning sifter....
Hey mon, send me a list and I'll help ya sweep!!! Booooya!

Krupo says...

No burden; drop a profile comment on any of the top 15ers or on the original submitter themself and it'll be fixed in short order. This is, I should add, a *quality suggestion to improve Sift operations and as such is worthy of recognition.

joedirt says...

I prefer Lucky's method. When I log in after say a week, my profile will have a list of videos I need to take care of.

I won't find them if they are dead'd and even if I could?! (not listed in profile) it might be after 7 days and the video is gone forever. I've tried to revive at least 4 videos that are screwed.

Why can't the siftbot comment about dead ALSO post to my profile?

joedirt says...

I believe you should be ABLE to use a website like this or SLASHDOT, or DIGG, etc. WITHOUT EMAIL!

Aside from account stuff and admin contact, there should not be emails, except if you want it and it makes your life easier. You certainly should not have to be receiving emails to keep the cogs of VS turning. I receive NO emails eva.

Krupo says...

True; I prefer the e-mail route myself, though, esp. when I don't have time to check out the site for days at a time but want to have my finger on the pulse of anything that interests me; to each his own, eh?

LadyBug says...

personally, i think just adding a comment on the vids page is sufficient .... a gold member usually swings by the comment page soon enough to pick up on it and actually *dead the submission ...

but that's my 2¢ ...

grspec says...

I like the idea, less clicks and less work by the casual viewer than to copy link, find gold star member, view profile, profile reply, paste link.



Perhaps a button on every post to report as dead? It could go along the row of icons that are there now. That might be easiest solution. Then just have set list of admin/gold star sifters that get a notification.

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