If I begged

Would I be able to get it so I don't get logged back out at the drop of a hat? I swear login doesn't last more then a minute or two. Mac OS X, Safari 4.0.5
lucky760 says...

This issue doesn't exist in Windows anymore afaik. Does anyone with a Mac have any insight into this problem? Does it happen for every Mac user? Have you tried clearing all your videosift cookies?

blankfist says...

Yep, happens pretty regularly in Safari. I'd recommend switching to either FireFox or Camino (recommended). If you must use Safari, quit out, reopen, go to Safari>Preferences, under the Security tab click the Show Cookies button, and finally click Remove All.

You should be able to remain logged in until you quite Safari again. Then again sometimes even this doesn't work.

dag says...

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This is a long standing problem for me too in Safari. I wish I knew how to fix it. My fix was moving to Chrome- which I have to say I like better than Safari now anyway.

pmkierst says...

Hmm, maybe Chrome is the answer. It is my day-job browser of choice on windows and I've grown to quite like it; it is well behaved. I've also gotten so use to searching using he address bar that I get confused at home ...

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

yeah, I'm loving Chrome for the Mac. Has the same fast webkit engine as Safari- but it's all Googled out. I too like the single searchbar/URL bar at the top. It feels right.>> ^pmkierst:

Hmm, maybe Chrome is the answer. It is my day-job browser of choice on windows and I've grown to quite like it; it is well behaved. I've also gotten so use to searching using he address bar that I get confused at home ...

lucky760 says...

I have extra love for Chrome now that it finally, officially supports extensions, and all the most vital ones from Firefox to boot (e.g., Firebug, Adblock Plus, etc.)

pmkierst says...

I switched to Chrome, and it solved it very nicely without messing up my browsing 'experience'; the Mac version really is very very good. It also solved a couple of other sites where logging out was spontaneous and quick. Thanks for the suggestion, I didn't really think of it for some silly reason.

A while back I used to use Camino, but felt it was going in the wrong direction, speed and usability wise. Perhaps they have re-aligned, but I have got very used Chrome on Windows (I also like its lower attack profile); Safari and Chrome on the Mac kind of make the whole thing kind of seamless for me. I like it.

blankfist says...

>> ^dag:

I haven't found Camino to be particularly fast. It's like Firefox without the capability of extensions. Chrome is the browser to beat for me at the moment.

Camino is lean and open source. Not a lot of whizzy-pop. It's fast because it's not a huge, clunky browser like Safari or Firefox. I surf VideoSift a lot on my Macbook Air, and there's a major issue with one of the MBA's processors shutting off while playing videos, and vids become choppy and the computer non-responsive.

Camino is lean therefore faster for me. I haven't used Chrome on Mac, but I'm not a fan of it on PC.

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