I can't visit Videosift from my home computer

Since February I was not able to log into Videosift from my home computer. Has anyone else encounter this problem as well? My ISP is RCN.

Right now I am at a different location, different computer with different ISP. And I am able to view Videosift fine.

Does this have something to do with SOPA/PIPA? Is my ISP blocking Videosift? Or is there something wrong with my Computer? I am able to view everything else just fine. Youtubes and fourchans and stuff...

Why just Videosift? I have no idea.
probie says...

Can you traceroute to it? Does it resolve to the same IP at work that it does at home? Have you checked your hosts file to make sure it's not redirected? Silly troubleshooting steps, but it doesn't hurt to check.

Also check with the ISP and ask them of they're actively blocking it. They should be able to tell you.

legacy0100 says...

Hmm, this is odd. I posted this thread yesterday, came home, and accessed Videosift this morning right exactly this moment with my laptop at home.

And voila, now I'm on Videosift.

I'm guessing something was up with the Videosift servers then?

I dunno. All I know is that it's working perfectly fine now all of sudden. Weird!!!

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