alien_concept says...

Fuck knows, something to do with everyone wrapped presents in boxes back in the olden days and the day after was the day to re-use or get rid of all the left over boxes. Just sounds like a great excuse for a day off work to me! Yay. Don't Canada have one too?

Cheers firefly, and an early Happy New Year to you

Farhad2000 says...

You know how America has those stampedes at Wallmart over cut price products right before Thanksgiving and it's called Black Thursday or something?

Well this is just being honest with whats going to happen.

davidraine says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
You know how America has those stampedes at Wallmart over cut price products right before Thanksgiving and it's called Black Thursday or something?
Well this is just being honest with whats going to happen.

Black Friday (Thanksgiving is always Thursday, and the big doorbuster sales are the day after), and yeah, I thought Boxing Day was the day when everyone puts their awful gifts back into boxes and returns them. Hope you got gift receipts for Christmas!

RhesusMonk says...

My lady just read me something about churches opening the "Poor Box" the day after Jesus Day and distributing the money that had accumulated during the holiday season, and that's why the Brits called it boxing day to begin with.

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