karaidl says...

Oh, trust me, I don't need luck! I'm goooood. As for collectives, I had a lot of ideas, but I'll be taking over EIA for Choggie.

And on a completely unrelated note, I was going to change my avatar to a picture that actually has me in it, but then I decided man-teats has become too iconic, so I'll just post it on my profile. It's here.

choggie says...

Its all yers mate, a better man than I shall now steer us all closer to oblivion......way to pimp that bitchassa yers , from the land of legalized prostitution to the Videosift, in a few short weeks, like Charles freekin Atlas on the back of a comic book at a newsstand where you shouldn't be hangin' out.

choggie says...

Aww hell man, you need more discipline to live up to yer monniker, try crackin' some skulls and swearing some more.....(just read some of my old comments.....a good primmer......)

dotdude says...

Way to go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go . . .

The little pink umbrella's a nice touch.

choggie says...

Hey......Evolution In Action
Founder: karaidl [50 Published Videos]
Vote Leader: silvercord [330 Published Videos]
Total Votes: 1356
Collective Rank: 21
Members: 30
Videos: 45
Comments: 4
Related Videos: 59

He was not the founder, man......ya'll gotta do something about that bit of disinfo-
And can I join yer new collective, Oceans50??? I wanna see whats its like on the outside.

karaidl says...

Hey you know what they say, if you don't have a lot to contribute to political and religious discussions, talk about Russian brides! ...at least someone says that...

maudlin says...

Yay for toasty-gold karaidl!

That's a nice pic of you. You look like a blonder version of one of my old boyfriends. No wonder I delight in tormenting you so much.

silvercord says...

Karaidl - congratulations! And I won't toast you since you're too young to imbibe, however, I'll give you a man-teat cheer:


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