General Wonderings..

I was thinking, how much of Videosift's stats do you [the admins] know?

I sometimes want to know things like 'average number of posts made per user per day', 'number of posts with 70+ votes' or 'average number of comments per video' and I just thought that if the information was obtainable (without counting them all ) could it be put somewhere? I know it sounds a little werid, but I like knowing things like that.. It's almost like Videosift trivia

And also what about members? Who's the oldest and youngest, how many of us are British/American/Australian/etc, who's made their goldstar in the fastest time, stuff like that.

Don't bother if its too much work, just wondered s'all
dag says...

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A VS stats page would be awesome. I have to say I am pretty addicted to Google Analytics. I wish I could somehow put some of that stuff up. Looking at the referers is always kind of fun. For instance, today we're getting a big influx from and They are linking to the kids playing Iron Maiden, here:

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