Geek Channel changing owners (That is if the staff is cool)
Hear ye Hear ye. All sifter who have been wondering what has happened to the owner of the Geek Channel, ok so maybe you didn't even care, but I've come back from the dead to transfer ownership over to demon_ix, who will be the new proprietor. That is if Dag and Lucky are willing to change that. Just keep your fingers crossed that when they do they don't erase all the votes from every video on the sift.
I just haven't been nearly as active on the sift as I was about a year ago so I feel it's time to pass the torch. Just remember, wherever stupid video create unstoppable memes on the interweb. I will be there, lurking... and occasionally posting things.... and such.... I'm batman!
I just haven't been nearly as active on the sift as I was about a year ago so I feel it's time to pass the torch. Just remember, wherever stupid video create unstoppable memes on the interweb. I will be there, lurking... and occasionally posting things.... and such.... I'm batman!
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
All done. Congrats to Demon_ix. Thanks for dropping by Gorgon, good to see you're still around.
Yay. Officially geek now
Thanks gorgonheap. I'll take good care of it, promise.
Good to see you again, gorgon. And congrats demon_ix, I know you've been gunning for this.
*ban, I mean, yay! Great to see you're back, gorgie. But seriously, *ban.
gorgonheap cannot be banned because star accounts are immune to banination - ignoring ban request by blankfist.
You are honestly one of the most funny on this site. Please don't be a stranger.
Gorgonheap! *Quality Sifter!
Awarding gorgonheap with one star point for this contribution to VideoSift - declared quality by Issykitty.
Thanks everyone, you know it's really the community here that got me hooked, (except for blankfist of course, cause he's a total douche bag). So I'm gonna try to rehabilitate my siftdiction if I can. I really have missed you all. (Except that dumbass blankfist of course.)
crap. I wanted to take over the *geek channel even before I got to 250, but I just couldn't ask this of you, gorgonheap
To be fair though, demonix is probably the best choice of new ownership I can imagine. Now, I guess I will either be taking over WTF or creating MEDICAL/HEALTH, whenever I have the time to get back to good-ol' siftin'.
Keep up the good memes, Gorgon! Hope to see you around.
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