Flash and Shine

Always has to be Lucky Charms-Colour in Moderation, the votes by the starred, lined up together, look cool-also, more contests, challenge is what we seek as hominids, ('swat got us this far), no reason to slow down-
Involvement in the experiment, you draw the adepts with the established modus-...Folks love to compete-

Inspiration for this start, comes from the energy created when constant change, is the operating principle...know you are busy there Lucky,...hire an asssistant, here's a virtual....1.2 mil

$1,500,000:**transfer verified, videosiftbot acct# 6660230230701
ren says...

It takes a while for people to translate chogish.

From what I can tell(although you have to be on crack to truly understand chogish), chogs is giving Lucky credit for all his hard work, plus props to Dag for the idea in the first place, plus I think requesting more competitions, or ways for Sifters to better themselves. Then offers some deep words and some fake money for their troubles.

choggie says...

Whew! What a buncha' tooth pulling! Ren was right first, and James, perhaps your gesture, will help the non-linear friends of humanity, to slow down a little with the jerkin' knees...oh and the crack comment hits a little too far from the crack, try inert gases!

choggie says...

For the cheap seats:
Am suggesting that less is more with regards to bungling up the site with too much eye candy-simple and sweet, google model. Not to dissuade the efforts of the charmer, find a balance.
The events which inspire participation requiring a bit more than one point five hemispheres of the brain, is a way to weed out posers, without, scaring away potentials... That would really be fun, but of course, we all pay to play, which is where all good ideas become empires....

Thanks for Calling!

choggie says...

Oh and, please, what topic was off??....Now who has the cheap seat!! Doesn't the poster begin the discussion.??..."invalid" or "unable to compute", is a better invocation-or perhaps fine print is not worth reading!
Almost forgot, Thank you Swampgirl, you elephant man fan!

lucky760 says...

I agree this is not off topic, especially since choggmeister is talking about VS, according to ren's translation. Thanks for translating, btw. I honestly can't understand choggie's thick Cockney accent no matter how hard I try.

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