Flagging the Dead

In order for us to help out our fellow Sifters when finding that a video is no longer available, instead of immediately calling *discard to remove it, a new option is available: the *dead invocation.

This Gold Star invocation will flag a published video (only published videos) as having a dead "link" to the content host (e.g., YouTube, Google Video, etc.). If a dead video has been fixed or is simply no longer broken for some reason, the *undead Gold Star invocation will return it to normal status. However, if undead is not invoked within 48 hours, the video will be discarded.

On a side note, you will notice two new icons beside some videos. One denotes that a video has been discarded

and the other denotes that a video has been flagged dead

Thanks to ren for these nice new icons! As usual, if there are any problems, please announce them in this post.
benjee says...

Great work (as usual) Lucky! Is it possible to link the icon to the original (either dead or discarded post)? I just noticed the new icons when submitting a video - showed it had been discarded previously. A link to the original discarded submittion will help understand why a videos been discarded in the past...

lucky760 says...

firefly: Yes. Regardless of your email preferences for the video in question, you will receive an email saying your video is dead, but if it is restored you will only get an email if you have the box checked. As usual, Siftbot will also post a comment.

benjee: I think I'm confused by your question or maybe it's just that you're confused or both. ... Ahhh. After re-reading your comment a few times I think I understand your confusion. The discard icon is there when you're posting a video or ST post because when you start the submission process but have not yet clicked the final submit button, the video is considered discarded and only changes if you decide to complete the submission. Does that make sense?

oohahh says...

Lucky wrote: "Note: Do not be confused by the presence of the 'discard' icon when you are posting a video or Sift Talk post. Until you complete the entire submission process, your new post is considered discarded and that's the only reason it's there."

Could you look into kluging the video status or display-thereof in the submission process? Calling a video discarded (even though that's the real status) just isn't friendly.

lucky760 says...

You make a persuasive argument. And as your treat for this Halloween, your wish is granted... Seriously though, it's obvious that's how it should have been done in the first place. Thanks for hollerin' oohahh.

benjee says...

Sorry about the confusion Lucky. I sneaked a couple of minutes in work to submit my vid when I noticed the icon...posted the above in a few remaining seconds! I think it's useful (if possible) to show that this video [being submitted] has been discarded in the past (what I assumed the icon meant when I noticed it, although I understand it's aimed entirely at published/queued vids).

winkler1 says...

Once confusing thing-- the Trashcan icon being labeled "Discard" sounds like a verb - like a Mac trash can/Windows Recycle Bin.

If the text were "Discarded", it would be more clear that it's an adjective, not a button which will chuck the post. Maybe the "ed" made the icon too wide?

Just saying'

NTB says...

Guess I am a bit confused on this.
I had a video marked as dead and went out and found a replacement video. I went ahead and attempted to mark the video undead and got a "Only published videos may be flagged undead (ignoring request by gold star member NTB)"
So is this saying that only the member that posted the dead link can undead it?

rickegee says...

Sorry for this interruption in the ordinary comment stream. Do not mind the smell of rotting Sift. Just go about your business.

Vote tomorrow, Americans.
Non-Americans, make the ordinary snarky comments tomorrow about the flawed but beautiful experiment of US representative democracy.

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