
So, we made the Digg front page yesterday with this post. Aside from the big spike on our server, it was interesting to read the comments on Digg. While most of them related to the content of the video, a couple were like "No vote for Digg knock off". I guess I should expect that, but it still irks me. Must Digg have the monopoly on voting sites forever? - when does that patent expire?

I guess I see VideoSift as being different enough that the comparison isn't really warranted.

    1. We embed videos, we don't link to other sites.

    2. We are more community focused, directed at the social side of video sharing. (I feel like I know most of you, try that feeling out on Digg)

    3. We're not a "technology" site - though some of the vids are techie, I think we have more of an artsy bent.

    4. We're tinier. As a community, we're a small, friendly town. Digg is like ... Pittsburgh.

I definitely give Digg their props for pioneering the voting idea, and we thank them here- but I think their voting site hegemony has come to an end. Netscape would certainly agree.

Krupo says...

LOL, whoever had that comment that upset you, dag, was "buried" b/c I couldn't even find it.

I did find this amusing exchange of comments, though (in response to someone posting the YouTube link):
#1: "Please submit stories without the middle man."
#2: "youtube is the middle man..."
#3: "... and Digg is the ultimate middle man."

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

We could dotdude, bu I think we have to be wary of orchestrating votes, because we're a voting site ourselves.

It could be a case of live by the sword die by the sword. I imagine the Digg userbase could blast a crap video to the all-time high vote for our site in a day if they really made the effort.

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