Dreamin' 'bout the Sift
So, a couple of nights ago I had a dream. In my dream all of the Sifters were gathering for our annual convention! I was so excited to meet everyone face to face! When we finally had our first meeting of the convention I walked into the room, took my spot, and looked around at everyone.
Instead of seeing actual human faces I saw human bodies walking around with Sift avatars for heads! I definitely remember Schmawy's avatar cat-head thingy walking 'round and NicolBee's too. Everything else was all just random.
So I had a dream about you... yes, you.
Please analyze
Instead of seeing actual human faces I saw human bodies walking around with Sift avatars for heads! I definitely remember Schmawy's avatar cat-head thingy walking 'round and NicolBee's too. Everything else was all just random.
So I had a dream about you... yes, you.
Please analyze
Were we moving slowly enough to have light-sources in our hands make letter patterns? If so, what did they spell out?
My self-centered obsession aside, I also had a sift-related dream recently, I really did. In it, I was
sucking all the sifters ballspunching everybody in the nuts, 'cause, you know, sucking them would be gay. And I'm so not gay.I distinctly remember a cat's penis, though, so I guess schmawy was there in mine, too.
On another attempt at seriousness though, the B-blockers I've taken recently have truly expanded my dreamscapes, so to say. I honestly remember dreaming some hilariously absurd Sift-related stuff couple of nights ago, but I just wasn't lucid enough to remember it afterward.
You made a total ass of yourself at that meeting, Fusionaut. Running around touching everyone's faces just isn't considered appropriate behaviour at sift conventions. I lost my monocle in all the commotion and do you know how difficult those are to come by in this day and age?!
which avatar did I wear?
^ It's a Trap!
We all had that dream last night. For a brief period a new consciousness flared into existence and engulfed ours. We were one and the same for that short time and when the hive-mind faded, our brains could not keep the images of our faces intact and withdrew to familiar patterns. We were in the world outside this universe.

What I'm trying to say is you had blankfist in you...
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Glad I'm reasonably human.
Was I sifting anything?
I vaguely remember my dream from last night - I was at my neighbor's house (who doesn't exist in real life) and we were playing video games. His girlfriend was there and at some point I got really pissed and choked the bitch out, killing her, and then just threw her on the couch. My neighbor was irritated at this and told me I couldn't play anymore and had to go home.
It's one of several dreams I have about violence against women. On some subconscious level I must really hate females.
I always walk with my block head in the clouds
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