Deathcow hits the big 100

Congratulations to my meatspace buddy, DC on getting his 100 star. We used to hang out on BBSes in the late 80s and post messages at 300 baud on our Apple IIe (me) and Commodore 64 (DC). 20+ years later and things haven't changed that much. I think I sent this link to DC in the first couple of weeks of VideoSift.
deathcow says...

Awesome, thanks! (And the Baron returns for a few days for SG.) I'm about the slowest advancing semi-serious sifter around, so making it to diamond would seem to be an impossible feat. I'd guess it would take 4 years at this pace : ) Besides astronomy sites and news sites, the Sift is the only place I visit online. Certainly my most perused site. I feel like you're all family now - so I'd like to borrow some money from each of you.

choggie says...

Loonies and dollars being the same, hit the Candians up, they're gullible, and laugh at all jokes, even if they can't understand them.....

Way funny man-rank means squat, Alaskans ans Hindi's, grow the best pot!

hey....nay chance of some pics of them pecs and those abs, and maybe a post-yoga sweat-spread....we wanna see the progress, Mr. GQ Up-Country.....

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