DMCA requests for documentaries on google video

Sorry guys - animal planet has contacted us and asserted copyright under the DMCA. Yes, we explained that we don't really host it - but they evidently find us easier to deal with than Google.

At the very least, I can say that they asked nicely.
I recommend the content producers not follow this path. Google video is a documentary maker's best friend. I have in the last year bought 10-20 documentaries on DVD, after previewing them first here, and then later on Google Video. If anything start putting your own videos up on there yourself.

If the Animal Planet starts doing this, I will never buy another Animal Planet documentary. I have already purchased several.

Don't shoot your biggest promotional tool in the foot. The quality of streaming video sucks, and pretty much makes people go out and buy the really good documentaries on DVD. Yes some people will watch and never buy but they most likely would have never spent their money for a documentary anyway. The thing the content producers need to understand is that many others will buy it. I have taken to previewing the documentary online to help me decide which I want, before going to buy.

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