Beginning of the End for Videosift

I think this is the beginning of the end for videosift. Soon there will be no more videos on the internet to post. However, I'm sure you're saying 'Well, I bet people put videos on the internet as fast as we put them on videosift'. You may be right, but how many of those videos will be good enough to post?

sorry to be negative, but I feel everybody should have a say in this
dotdude says...

There are plenty of good videos out there. It’s just that there are increasingly more lame ones that you have to sift through to find them online. “Everyone wants to get into the act.” People are determined to repeat what has been already been done ten times over - which is even more annoying.

I don’t believe the end is near, but I do think the newness has worn off. What genres have we not already beaten to death with submissions?

The question is more “OK, what do we do now?”

Anyway, back to hunting and sifting.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

That reminds me of the guy who said back in 1899 that there was nothing left for science to discover.

We're on the cusp of a video revolution. I don't know where it's going to end, but there is a seminal battle forming coming between the democratic, bottom-up driven method of Internet video distribution and the standard pump it to your living room, you'll-watch-it-and-you'll-like-it-you-little-shit mode of TV distribution.

I seriously believe that so far we've only seen the tip of the iceberg. Of those 100 channels of TV, we'll soon see all of it on the Web, but chopped up in novel ways with only the good bits left in. Add this to the proliferation of camera phones and that's a lot of video.

Here's a prediction. Soon "personal video" will be always on. People will wear a lapel camera and record their whole f*cking life. Handy for when you get in arguments with your wife. You can rewind and find out who really said what.

So, no - I don't think it's the end, quite the opposite.

joedirt says...

I think there is some valid points in this rant. I do feel VS queue has much more crap than normal. And even what does and doesn't make front page is lower than normal quality.

As I have been repeatedly saying, it's about categories and increasing the signal to noise ratio. If there was a queue for music vids, then quality music vids would make the front page, and people wouldn't mind slogging through the queue. If there was a tv show queue, etc. etc.

At some point this site does not scale, especially with the number of active queue surfers we currently have. Technically if there was 100 more queue surfer than nearly everything would make front page. If there was 100 more new users, then we would be swamped with too many queued videos to even get any of them out of the queue.

ren says...

I don't think the video - internet medium has even scratched the surface of whats available.

All kinds of budding directors, animators, artists, musicians, accident prone, educators are making new material every second. Just need more people using the internet and understand how to share the material they have access too with others.

Krupo says...

"Here's a prediction. Soon "personal video" will be always on. People will wear a lapel camera and record their whole f*cking life. Handy for when you get in arguments with your wife. You can rewind and find out who really said what."

As a (megalomanical) kid, I always pictured that concept. Didn't advance towards the "wife defense" part, but that's equally clever.

I find the evolution towards categories a very interesting response towards the growth of VS - another piece of the growth-management puzzle, I suppose. I wonder if there'll be another tweak to queue escape levels to go along with that - or has tweaking those values approached its own inherent limits?

Must say one thing, though -> the votes that the top 15 vids get has been a pretty steady constant (entry level 25 to 30, top vote-getter, 40-60+++) for the past couple of months, eh? I wonder what that implies?

joedirt says...

escape level.. technically I think this needs to evolve into a formula based upon how many frontpage post you want per day. So you would take the number of queue upvotes in the last week (maybe factor in the number of unique queue sifters) and take the average queue submissions per week and figure out the number of votes needed to promote x number of videos. And the number of votes needed would be a moving target. So you might also want to apply this formula only to videos after the first 24 hours which filters out most worthless vids.

Farhad2000 says...

I agree with what Dag said, in our world of narrowing mainstream media sources via corporate control and downsizing, a new medium is coming to take over first it was blogs, now video blogs. For us, we are a media filter, something that's vital in the age of noise. Coming on VideoSift gives you funny, cool, scientific, cute, music, cartoons and so much more.

The new system of videos with their own domains will help that, as the reservior of videos increases we will have to start to get very specific with the tag subdivisions, I for example would want to see an ability for Gold stars over a 100 to be able to correct and edit the tags of other submissions. Alot of them I find incomplete.

That's all.

Krupo says...

Allowing tag edit powers (perhaps a second line of tags, so we'll add new ones rather than just replacing the existing ones?) would go a long way towards helping make searching for vids and dupes much easier. Wonder if doing it wiki-style (where any gold/whoever can edit them), or more like the current comment system, where once it's written, it's pretty much set in stone would be better?

joedirt's suggestion about an escape formula also has lots of merit...

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