Adjusting the Queue

Okay, this would be better titled "Fixing the Queue."

You know when you get bogged down behind the scenes of it all you tend to start losing touch with how what you're working on actually performs. Take the queue... Please!

I just actually started trying to browse through it a little and I was confused as to the ordering of it all. I did some sifting into it and realized I kind of jerked up the votes-to-views ratio calculation. This is why no matter the contents of the queue, all the 9 vote videos were at the top of the default listing. After all, the new ordering was supposed to fend against queue rot, but essentially ordering by most votes wouldn't make a lick o' difference.

After I corrected it, it now lists videos much, much more accurately/appropriately. Very sorry I never noticed this slip-up, but I hope y'all haven't given up on the new default listing. Give the now fixed queue the ol' once over for a while before you reckon but good it just i'nt for you.

Opinions on the new ordering are appreciated.
jonny says...

Wahoooo!! <dancing around the room> First round's on me!

(While you're at it, you might want to take a look at how votes are getting counted for users - I think it's including pre-3.0 discards.)

Would it possible to show the # of unique user views instead of, or in addition to, the total # of views?

Don't forget to vote for your own videos - if you don't, it will be on the last page!

twiddles says...

Much appreciation for the tinkering Lucky. I would like to know more about the algorithm because it still seems like the vote/views that are shown do not fall into the correct order. I assume that is because some of the views we see are not the same number of views used in the calculation?

arvana says...

I agree with twiddles, it still doesn't seem to be working 100%. When I sort by best votes-to-views, the top 10 videos have the following votes-to-views ratios for me (in order): 0.17, 0.38, 0.43, 0.3, 1, 0.36, 0.42, 0.29, 0.5, 0.86

lucky760 says...

Yes, it is unique views, but this value is only known/stored for queued videos. Just added: If you hover over the views on any queued video, it will display the number of unique views for all you nervous nellies.

So, assuming the sorting is working correctly (and I'm pretty sure it is now as I've checked repeatedly), how's the ordering looking to you now? I'm liking it a lot more as there's a nice mix of old/new, high/low votes, etc. all on the Unsifted front page.


jonny says...

If you hover over the views on any queued video, it will display the number of unique views for all you nervous nellies.

Sweet! Dude, you rule. I wanted to see the # of unique views to have better information on whether to discard or requeue a video. I suppose its position in the queue gives a qualitative sense of that, but it's nice to see the actual number. Thanks.

I'm liking it a lot more as there's a nice mix of old/new, high/low votes, etc. all on the Unsifted front page.

Definitely like it - pretty much just what I'd hoped would happen. During high traffic times, it should get really jumbled up, kind of like shaking the sifter.

Zifnab says...

Thanks Lucky, that's what I was expecting the votes-to-views ratio view to look like. Thanks for fixing that up, definitely worth some *quality

If you could also double check how the vote totals are being counted, like jonny said, that would be great. There was a big change in everyone's vote total when the upgrade occurred.

drattus says...

That's not bad, as others have said already that's more what I would have expected. I'll try that for a few days and see how it feels.

Thanks for all the time with this stuff, building a whole new system from scratch can't be easy. Overall it's pretty good so far.

lucky760 says...

I know wrong thread.. but my queue sort order is stuck on remembering the last thing which now is always "newest". logout and in?

Really? You mean if you change the selection, click the button, then go back to Unsifted home, it won't display what you changed it to? Logging out won't work because the value is cookie and not account based.

I'll try that for a few days and see how it feels.

Great thanks. I hope everyone else follows suit. Also much thanks for the kind sentiments.

you might want to take a look at how votes are getting counted for users

I've checked into this a few times and in v3 ranks are calculated by all votes for published and queued videos. On the old site it was just by published video votes.

jonny says...

I've checked into this a few times and in v3 ranks are calculated by all votes for published and queued videos. On the old site it was just by published video votes.

It is definitely including videos discarded prior to 3.0. I've added up the totals for several users and it's always the same - # published + # queued + # discarded up to the date of the switch. At least, it always very close to that - some discarded vids don't list who voted for them. But it is always greater than # of published + # queued.

lucky760 says...

On your insistance, I've dug sifted much deeper into the sitch and it looks like you're really onto something. I'm still not sure how/why, but I'll get the numbers corrected asap. Thanks jonny.

lucky760 says...

Okay, received votes are all corrected and ranks recalculated. I was right about how the calculation is currently working, but it's just how I initially built the statistics from the old site's data that went awry.

drattus says...

It's been two nights rather than a few but I've got some first impressions, doubt they'll change much though I'll still play with it some.

Things are fine the way they are. Best ratio seems to work for the casual sifter and would guide them toward the more popular queued vids so works as the default but personally I'd guess the more dedicated sifters will drift back toward the most recent view. What I find is I'm looking at the same vids too often and would have to go through the whole queue to make sure I don't miss a gem somewhere. Most recent and I'll get most except the fast movers which I'll probably see later on the top 15 so no loss.

As long as we can change the default for ourselves and have it stick it looks good to me.

Zifnab says...

For some reason when I'm looking at the Unsifted Videos I am only seeing 1 page no matter which listing order I use. I will see different videos on that one page depending on the listing order so I know there are more pages (the queue would never just be one page). Not sure if it's just me though...

[edit] I'm also seeing this same behavior on the main page and sift talk page as well in both IE and Firefox.

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