Add Veoh to Video Hosts

Check out and please suggest that the admins add this to the list of video hosts if you fell it is an appropriate site. If not please leave comments why you feel it shouldn't be added to the list.
James Roe says...

yeah that's basically still it. Veoh would need to show us a degree of contrition after that. They had a huge hand in driving a stake through the heart of the sift off. It never really recovered from being delayed for 2 months.

dag says...

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Still on my shit list, for sure. It's funny to read back on that old post, and how I was swaggering around with the "1.3 million pageviews".

I would cry if we had 1.3 million pageviews per month now.

krumzy says...


Too bad about that. Aside from the 5 minute preview thing on anything longer than an hour, its not all that bad of a site. They do have some good users that post vids that I cant find anywhere else. But since I'm new to the sift, in the interest of not shit disturbing, I will have to take your word on this one.

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