(More Than) A Couple of Bugs (Feature Requests)
The new "hide videos you have viewed" option does not stick as a preference. It works if you select it and click the "go" button, but it reverts to "hide none" option when you click on the Unsifted tab.
The submitter's initial vote is not being counted as a unique view, resulting in videos with a votes/views ratio > 1.0.
[edit] Searching for duplicates has become a serious chore. As I noted in this comment, it is absurd that a search for "orca" does not find a video with the word "Orcas" in the title.
[edit2]does not work in talk posts.
[edit3] Siftbot has learned how to lie.
The submitter's initial vote is not being counted as a unique view, resulting in videos with a votes/views ratio > 1.0.
[edit] Searching for duplicates has become a serious chore. As I noted in this comment, it is absurd that a search for "orca" does not find a video with the word "Orcas" in the title.
[edit3] Siftbot has learned how to lie.
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