Should Powers Be Stripped Unilaterally By Admins Without Balls?

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A total of 18 votes have been cast on this poll.

Prior to having my powers of resurrecting dead embeds from the dead pool stripped by admins alerted by users with sticks up their asses because of their personal dislike for my manner here, I was daily sending published videos back into the mix here for the reward of one power point per embed fixed, then immediately using that power point to either promote or quality other user's offerings, that with both a view to the uplifting of spirits of teh fellow traffickers of the place and to maintain the site's functional integrity, this with the view of the entire sift community in mind foremost.

I made a few mistakes, some intentional and artistically appropriate IMLTHO, others by accident....replaced the wrong embed with one that was not EXACTLY the same, and was stripped of that power with no recourse but to like it of fucking lump it forever, fuck you.

Fucking hate it. I have served the goddamned time and respectfully request that the community decide whether the admins should change their unilateral "Let's hobble the problem people here and maybe they will go away" policy.

This power is available to everyone with gold or above and I was one of the only users to avail myself of the power for the benefit of the site's integrity for the benefit of all....Don't really notice anyone doing the work I have done so far, and the bullshit rules regarding this issue are unclear and can suck my balls.

To resurrect deadpool videos has been one of my favorite past-times here since being welcomed-back to the sift, and assholes and people's personal issues and the pressure form PM's from the rabble have rendered me impotent to enjoy the fruits of labor here.

I'm no idiot, I see the hobbling for what it fucking is. What's the herd's opinion??

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