Have YOU had an affair with Tiger Woods too?
A lot of things are happening in the world: the war in Afghanistan, rebuilding Darfur, health care reform, the fight against AIDS, malaria effecting millions, the highest unemployment rates in nearly a century, and that interview on the sift with Pomplamoose. But nothing is more important right now than figuring out exactly who has had an affair with Tiger Woods.
Time to come clean people, this affects us all. I mean, just look at that lack of chest hair.

Just to clear up any confusion, this is supposed to be a tongue in cheek poll. I know that subtle sarcasm can be...well...subtle! So let me end any miscommunication going on here.
I think Tiger Woods is a great golfer but when I heard about the affair business I immediately thought "So what?" and assumed that the media would quickly forget about it. Much to my dismay, they press coverage has been widespread, idiotic, and of course sensational. Suddenly women are coming from all over the place declaring that they too had an affair with Tiger Woods. They shared alleged private conversations and text messages and everyone ate it up.
It's just something I get a little tired of hearing about. I see people have posted things about him being a role model for kids. GUESS WHAT if we didn't sensationalize this crap, kids would never have to know that their favorite golfer was cheating on his wife. Give the guys some privacy ffs.
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