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What's better than a drone? A drone with a FLAMETHROWER!

Payback says...

Saw something like this out of China. They used it to burn off garbage that flew up and wrapped around high voltage lines. Apparently there's a lot of airborne garbage in China.

WWDC 2019 Pro Stand Crowd Reaction

Sagemind says...

The reaction is no reaction, no clapping. because everyone is trying to wrap their head around whether a mistake has been made.
People should have started laughing and leaving...

Student - D'Souza to convince him life starts at conception

Sagemind says...

Personally, I am Pro Choice for women to make their own decision on the gestation of biological cells growing in their own bodies up to a certain age of the fetus.

What I don't understand is, are you calling this man pathetic because he "gave two arguments FOR pro choice"? - based on principals laid out by Lincoln in his example?
Or because
Pro Choice doesn't align with your beliefs?

Sorry, you wrap your words up in several ways but you don't come out and say what side you're arguing for so I can't tell the tone or nature of your comments.

I personally don't feel the entity, the biological growth of cells is a person just because it has a heart beat. Does it have consciousness? Is it a thinking being with self awareness? Because I don't remember anything from when I was a fetus. In fact, I don't think the brain is developed at all ...

"not until the end of week 5 and into week 6 (usually around forty to forty-three days) does the first electrical brain activity begin to occur." ~'The Ethical Brain' - The New York Times.

And even then, it's still in development and not a an organ that can contain consciousness.

newtboy said:

Until then, this dumbass just made two arguments for pro choice.

StukaFox (Member Profile)

C-note says...

Truthfully speaking I've been going thru a tough situation these past few months. All the problems of the world lost any significance to me due to what I have to resolve within my own backyard. I use to keep up with global news, politics and current affairs. Now I'm completely wrapped up in settling the affairs of my own house. So the latest videos I've been posting are just me aimlessly filling time getting my mind off heavier issues I'm dealing with.

StukaFox said:

C-Note, thanks for posting this. It's the perfect antidote to all the "world is horrible, people are awful, and we're all gonna die!" videos.

Boston Dynamics mechanical ostrich seems ready to go

spawnflagger says...

These pallets are often covered with layers of moving-wrap (thick saran wrap) - are these ostriches fitted with a knife blade?

I wonder how much weight is inside these demo boxes? If they are empty, it's not that realistic of a demo, but if they have some weight inside, then it's very impressive!

Tesla Towing Silverado Truck Out Of A Charger Station

Payback says...

You're supposed to tow it sideways, with the rope wrapped over the roof at least once. ICE = Inbred Cocksucker Entertainment. Automotive version of InCells.

Orcas playing with swimmer at Hahei Beach, New Zealand

transmorpher says...

If you love marine animals be vegan. Animal agriculture is the #1 most destructive force on the planet.....

You aren't just killing a chicken when you eat them, the chain of consequences has far more reach which is why the UN is advising people to stop eating animals. We are effectively replacing the environment's massive biodiversity with 3 types of farm animals. We'll be lucky to make it to the 22nd century:

Wrap your lips around a vegan "beef" patty. They are winning awards these days, so no excuses :-)

Doctor Who: Series 11 Trailer #2

FlowersInHisHair says...

That's what it takes these days. People want a bit of darkness and seriousness mixed in. Very often Old Who erred on the wrong side of cheesy. The camp old days of Doctor Who And The Aliens Made Of Bubble Wrap are over and I think, on balance, that's for the best.

StukaFox said:

I loved Dr. Who back in the 80s when it was gloriously cheesy fun. Now it seems like the show takes itself a little too seriously.

Real flamethrower vs. “Not a Flamethrower” by Elon Musk

jmd says... clearly says it is not a flame thrower. Why was there even a need for a wrap up? It clearly was what it claimed to me. Not that I didn't like seeing real flame throwers in action. Would have been interested if they revealed the fuel mixtures, seems like the old one was mixed with oil.

Real flamethrower vs. “Not a Flamethrower” by Elon Musk

radx says...

Well, the "not a flamethrower" is a roofing torch wrapped into the plastic furniture of an airsoft gun. Its purpose is to fortify the cultishness of The Musk, and maybe extract some more cash out of the followers of the Cult of Musk on the side.

McCain defending Obama 2008

RFlagg says...

The Love of Christ everyone. A continuing shinning example of why I hate the faith. Treat others as you'd have others treat you. Anyhow, I agree, no need for a ban, at least yet, though that is a new low, but in line with the rest of the Trump supporters. It again, just shows how evil and vile the faith is, because that's what they actually think Christ would act like, do and say, and have zero conviction in their heart otherwise. The modern right is the biggest reason cited why people leave the faith or are turned off by the faith, so the more Trump supporters dig in, the more and more people will leave the faith. Hopefully they'll turn to reason, or Paganism, anything but stick to a faith where they are happy at the death of a man who served his nation far better than the man they praise. As to Bob himself, I don't know if he's just a troll or what, my issue has never been with him, but the faith he represents. I am surrounded by people like him at home and work, and it isn't the people, it's their faith... sort of like how they say of the gays, "love the sinner hate the sin", I just hate everything about them, but I'm sure they are just fine people otherwise.

While I didn't like McCain, I at least respected his service. I respect the fact that he REFUSED to leave the POW camp when it was offered to him because there were others there before him, and he'd go on for another four plus years more of torture because of his refusal. He could have left the service long before he was even shot down, as he was injured on the deck of his ship when he was accidentally shot by another plane on the deck, an indecent that killed 134 other sailors and injured 161 others, himself included... of course many on the far right blame him for somehow being shot in that case and say he caused the deaths... As bad as he was on his political philosophy and the whole Palin thing (which I agree with what was pointed out already, was an attempt to lure the far right and women voters, and it worked on the far right, he probably wouldn't have got nearly as many votes as he did without her, because the narrative had already shifted far right on Fox and talk radio), he at least served and didn't dodge service because of a bone spur.

And this video just goes to show how gullible people are, "he's a Muslim" and he has to refute it. He has to keep saying how good Obama is as a man, and how true to himself he is, but they boo him. They are so wrapped up in the Fox and talk radio narrative, and their little social media bubbles, they don't know how to vet things they see and hear... they may do a quick Google search, not realizing that Google changes its search results to match what you'll find most agreeable... and then even if they do see a link they disagree with, they'll ignore it, find ones they like and coddle their bias.... I should know, I was among them for far too long. Up until basically this 2008 election, where I moved from Republican to supporting Paul, to supporting Obama, then loosing my faith shortly after the election because of the far right's actions...

bobknight33 said:

Traitor McCain
Should have been KIA not DOA.
Defending Obama is the least of Conservative gripes.

Before you all get pissy and go ape shit and try banning me , piss off. All entitled to opinion.

At least I'm fair and balanced I said about the same about Ted Kennedy passing.

In Japan, Shaved Ice Goes Gourmet

eric3579 says...

I would like to try this as my brain can't seem to wrap my head around this being some kind of delicious treat. Are they playing it up or is shaved ice actually amazing? All i have to go on is snow cones as a child which were not particularly yummy.

How do you embed Instagram's videos? (Geek Talk Post)

ant says...

@lucky760 & @dag -- So, there's no way to post embed code into VS like from

<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink="" data-instgrm-version="9" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:540px; min-width:326px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:50.0% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(
TY0L8fxCxfCBbhWrsYYAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div> <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"> <a rel="nofollow" href="" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">Dumme mops

Joint popping

Butchers Attempt to Make a Giant Beef Porchetta

Ashenkase says...

So, some silly math. The cost of a side of beef in Canada is approximately $1125:

A side of beef (½ beef) is sold by the hanging weight. Hanging weight is the weight of the animal before it is trimmed and cut. The approximate hanging weight of a side is 300 lbs. The cost is $4.75/lb cut and wrapped. Therefore the approximate cost of a side of beef is $1125. On a 300 lb side, you will take home approximately 200 pounds of actual meat. A side of beef is cut to your specifications.

The roast was 60 pounds which is 30% of 200 pounds.

So $1125 * 30% = $337.50 CDN


$256.74 US

That is one roast you do not want to fuck up in the oven.

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