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Slightly Creepy (& Off Target) 1950's Anti-Homosexual P.S.A.

bareboards2 says...

@Boise_Lib left off a crucial bit on the written dupe guidelines. The last line:

"If a duplicate cannot adequately be considered an exact or reasonable replacement of the original, it should be * discarded."

So when the shorter vid was noted as being a dupe according to the mathematical guidelines (very very specific), then the "duping" poster "had" to discard their own video.

Poor @lucky760. So sick of dupe conversations.

My frustration is that we had a sift poll. 33-8. Clear consensus, massively one-sided vote. And it was ignored in favor of mathematical precision, which hasn't helped.

It's just videos. It's just videos. It's just videos. My mantra.

>> ^JiggaJonson:

Yeah @bareboards2 @gwiz665 it's kind of my fault b/c I should have actually watched the other video, but then I complained to @Boise_Lib who initially marked it a dupe. He had the following to say:
"I just went by the FAQ:
If a newer submission's video is a clip of content found within an existing post, it will be considered a duplicate unless it meets both these criteria:
The original post is at least 15 minutes in length
The original post is at least 3 times longer than the clip"
So I can't blame him either, but I already communicated to him, and I think to lucky, that I'm going to make a poll about changing the dupe rules in teh FAQ once his powerpoint ticker poll is down, so we can hopefully straighten this out.
p.s. my clip was awesome'r and had a bitchin'r title.

Slightly Creepy (& Off Target) 1950's Anti-Homosexual P.S.A.

JiggaJonson says...

Yeah @bareboards2 @gwiz665 it's kind of my fault b/c I should have actually watched the other video, but then I complained to @Boise_Lib who initially marked it a dupe. He had the following to say:

"I just went by the FAQ:
If a newer submission's video is a clip of content found within an existing post, it will be considered a duplicate unless it meets both these criteria:

The original post is at least 15 minutes in length
The original post is at least 3 times longer than the clip"

So I can't blame him either, but I already communicated to him, and I think to lucky, that I'm going to make a poll about changing the dupe rules in teh FAQ once his powerpoint ticker poll is down, so we can hopefully straighten this out.

p.s. my clip was awesome'r and had a bitchin'r title.

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Oh no, no offense taken at all chief. Honestly what it is is sometimes I read too fast for my own good. I have gotten really good at skimming internets especially. Combine that with the fact that I'm TERRIBLE with names and you've got how things got messed up.

Most of the time when I am trying to get someone's name right I copy/paste it, which is not to say that I don't know your name. Trouble is, I can't pronounce it. Every time I see your name I look at it and scratch my head thinking "Boy's-lib?" "Bose-lib?" "Bo-ice-lib?" and nothing really seems to sound right. My mind's attempt to deal with the situation has been to skip over the middle letters and in my head I literally read now "B---s_Lib"

*shrug* sounds crazy but it's the truth
and looking at the name "Boss_Lib" in the context, I could see how this would create confusion.

Anyway, no I'm not offended. It's just frustrating sometimes because I wish there were hard and fast rules about such things. I'm not going to dig up any now, but I've seen many instances where the shorter clip changed the spirit of the video and was ruled *notdupe by the community; so much so that without seeing what you quoted in the FAQ I really thought that THAT was the rule (a dupe is the SAME video length and all).

I plan on making a poll about it after lucky is done with his powerpoint ticker poll. I feel though, that the video really is a different video. Most people wont sit through the 10 minute film long enough to even get to the 1 minute clip i posted. But meh, what I like about this place is we're all community driven with rules n such. We'll see what the peeps think and hopefully update the FAQ.


(EDIT) On a completely unrelated side note, I just hopped in a Battlefield 3 server and got banned about 2 minutes in for "Having a racist name"
This is the nn my friends gave me in high school, nothing more. *shrug*

Do You Ever View the Power Point Award Feed? (User Poll by lucky760)

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^Hybrid:

A page for the badges and top earners would be neat.
But the powerpoint page, well... it's of very little interest basically. Why would I want to know when a user got a power point? There is ultimately no reason for knowing that.

I agree completely. (I voted "been there once--won't again").

Do You Ever View the Power Point Award Feed? (User Poll by lucky760)

Hybrid says...

A page for the badges and top earners would be neat.

But the powerpoint page, well... it's of very little interest basically. Why would I want to know when a user got a power point? There is ultimately no reason for knowing that.

Melbourne Siftup Nov 2011 Wrap-up (Happy Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Absolutely, as soon as my application with the IMF to float "The Powerpoint" as a currency on the open exchange gets approved, we'll have lots of money for those kinds of things. Assuming $1 = 1PP. I can make millions of PP. That's how currency works, right? >> ^spoco2:

Thanks @dag for the additions and fixes to the post. It was a great night, and it would be awesome to do it again. I'm sure with Videosift's vast profits you could fly in all top sifters for a yearly sift up... I mean you're rolling in it aren't you? Isn't that what you said?


luxury_pie (Member Profile)

MSNBC Analyses Police Assault On "Occupy Wall St." Protester

Skewer Us with your Rapier Wit! Winners! (Sift Talk Post)

Skewer Us with your Rapier Wit! Winners! (Sift Talk Post)

blankfist says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

LOL at blankfist literally clawing his way to victory, using downvotes and dozens of powerpoints to make it to the top. Like a boss.

Well, I wasn't gonna downvote, but ol' Trancy pulled one out at the last minute so I returned in kind. As for the powerpoints, that I cannot deny. Shameless.

Skewer Us with your Rapier Wit! Winners! (Sift Talk Post)

Zifnab and Ant Ascend to Galaxy Level (Sift Talk Post)

Only One Has Been Consistent. Only One Has Been Right.

Only One Has Been Consistent. Only One Has Been Right.

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