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Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

The recharge timer starts once you cut into your "full" limit.

Your PPs are full when you have at least your recharge maximum, in your case: 1.

In other words, once you use your last 1, the 48 hour recharge timer starts.

You can earn PPs for fixing Dead Pool videos only when your points are not already full.

In reply to this comment by Boise_Lib:
I bet you get a lot of dumb questions--so here's one more.

On Monday the 29th at 8:25 MDT I had three powerpoints. I used two to promote this vid.
My PP's went down to one.

I then fixed a deadpool vid.
I got the response below from sifty.
>> ^siftbot:

Boise_Lib has fixed this video's dead embed code - no Power Points awarded because Boise_Lib's points are already fully charged.

At 8:36 MDT on the 29th my profile showed :
Last Power Points used: 2011-08-25 • Available: now

I'm probably missing something on the FAQ, but from what I understand my PP's should have to wait two days to recharge--unless I fix a deader.
Did I not wait long enough? Am I just confused between recharged PP's and being awarded PP's?

If you get the time please help me out here.


lucky760 (Member Profile)

Boise_Lib says...

I bet you get a lot of dumb questions--so here's one more.

On Monday the 29th at 8:25 MDT I had three powerpoints. I used two to promote this vid.
My PP's went down to one.

I then fixed a deadpool vid.
I got the response below from sifty.
>> ^siftbot:

Boise_Lib has fixed this video's dead embed code - no Power Points awarded because Boise_Lib's points are already fully charged.

At 8:36 MDT on the 29th my profile showed :
Last Power Points used: 2011-08-25 • Available: now

I'm probably missing something on the FAQ, but from what I understand my PP's should have to wait two days to recharge--unless I fix a deader.
Did I not wait long enough? Am I just confused between recharged PP's and being awarded PP's?

If you get the time please help me out here.


Need advice on "power point" execution. (Howto Talk Post)

Need advice on "power point" execution. (Howto Talk Post)

Hybrid (Member Profile)

Hybrid (Member Profile)

Need advice on "power point" execution. (Howto Talk Post)

Who'd I Piss Off This Time? (Sift Talk Post)

The Ballad of Mike Haggar

Barseps says...

Although this video is kind of "raw", it was still very viewable & entertaining. I'm prepared to lose a powerpoint to back my words up, so please siftbot..


Grandma Threatens to Call Internet Police

longde says...

Wow, I wish I had another powerpoint to promote this.

That old biddy is something else. Ultimately her angry pleas are just as ineffective as if she was on a playground demanding that the kids to stop picking on her wimp grandson. The more things change......

What online accounts are so precious that their compromise lead to this level of aggrevation? If someone hacked my online bank account, I guess I would be pissed, but other than that, losing any of my online accounts would be a minor annoyance.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Lawdeedaw says...

You are only able to get to max (For you 1) power points by fixing dead...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

You know, I'm so used to fixing dead videos "proactively" (add a backup then mark dead) that I forgot you get points for fixing them in the deadpool.
Thanks for the tip.
In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
Fix two dead videos and your are good to go for a self promote. Music videos are the easiest to fix because the go dead often and have many easy to find replacements.
In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
>> ^SlipperyPete:
This was posted 2.5 days ago, features 4 modern-day masters of comedy, and it only has 29 votes?
Fuck you all.

Thanks for Slipping that quality in, Pete. (groan)
I was going to give it a boost myself but the powerpoints are few and far between lately.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

xxovercastxx says...

You know, I'm so used to fixing dead videos "proactively" (add a backup then mark dead) that I forgot you get points for fixing them in the deadpool.

Thanks for the tip.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
Fix two dead videos and your are good to go for a self promote. Music videos are the easiest to fix because the go dead often and have many easy to find replacements.

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
>> ^SlipperyPete:

This was posted 2.5 days ago, features 4 modern-day masters of comedy, and it only has 29 votes?
Fuck you all.

Thanks for Slipping that quality in, Pete. (groan)

I was going to give it a boost myself but the powerpoints are few and far between lately.

xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Fix two dead videos and your are good to go for a self promote. Music videos are the easiest to fix because the go dead often and have many easy to find replacements.

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
>> ^SlipperyPete:

This was posted 2.5 days ago, features 4 modern-day masters of comedy, and it only has 29 votes?
Fuck you all.

Thanks for Slipping that quality in, Pete. (groan)

I was going to give it a boost myself but the powerpoints are few and far between lately.

Talking Funny (Full)

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^SlipperyPete:

This was posted 2.5 days ago, features 4 modern-day masters of comedy, and it only has 29 votes?
Fuck you all.

Thanks for Slipping that quality in, Pete. (groan)

I was going to give it a boost myself but the powerpoints are few and far between lately.

I know we have Newest Appreciated Comments but... (Sift Talk Post)

Deano says...

>> ^lucky760:

I too like the idea. We could have a semi-small panel at or near the top of the page that just always displays the most recent highest voted comment.

Not the ability to promote though? Might encourage the purchase of powerpoints?

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