Who'd I Piss Off This Time?

Okay, maybe I didn't piss anyone off--or, more realistically--my pissing people off has nothing to do with this. Maybe I just need a little remedial education on the-ways-of-the-sift.

I recently had this video sifted after self-promoting it.

Okay, no problem so far. After being sifted it showed up in the recently promoted box for a while. Then I came back after about 1/2 hour and it wasn't in the promoted box. Okay, I'll just page through the Recent Sifts to see how far back it is.

After 16 pages--in which I found videos that are over a year old--I still never found mine.
Now I understand that these other videos were probably promoted again into the queue. And don't get me wrong, my post is in no way ground shattering, or really important in any way. I'll freely admit that the 16 pages of sifts (some of which had as few as 3 votes) may have some criteria which makes them more prominent. I'm just curious as to the algorithm used to determine how far back in the queue a Recently Sifted video goes.

And if the reason for this is that I pissed siftbot off--well, Fuck It. </sarcasm>

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