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Ladies and gentlemen, meet the PlayStation 3 Kid

Giant Atari Joystick / 8-bit Therapy

Command & Conquer (Tiberian Dawn)'s Talking Setup/Installer

Halo: The Future of Gaming

Lethin says...

Lol. ROTT was the bomb back then... I still think the 1st best FPS of Console history was Golden Eye on the N64. no one that played that game would argue there was any Better FPS (w/ Multiplayer) on any consoles. Played halo 1 and 2 and have to say the BEST part of both was clearing it on Legendary with a friend. Oh all the missed highschool classes i spent fighting...

Robot Chicken - Zelda

firefly says...

This makes me wonder, how many times HAS Zelda been rescued?:
Legend of Zelda
Zelda II
Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time
Minish Cap
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess

There are other ones: Majora's Mask (N64), Link's Awakening, Oracle of Seasons (Game Boy) but she wasn't in those. She was in Four Swords, but I don't think Link had to rescue her (I never played it, so I don't know) so I guess that's 7? 8 if you include Phantom Hourglass, depending on the plot details. I probably forgetting some.

Independence Day-1st Aerial Battle

insane street fighter 3 comback

Bioshock: Awesome Developer preview

Unsung_Hero says...

Peroxide, What you failed to understand was "Changing FPS" means they are changing they way the game feels and interacts. Up until recently all first person shooters were predictable and easy, for a single player that is. When they introduced the multiplayer FPS it took off like a rocket (N64's GoldenEye and Xbox's Halo) Now that they have the technology they are making FPS as realistic as possible by adding awesome graphics such as the water, fire, wind, ect. Another is the AI. No longer will they be boring and predictable but unique, smart and adaptive. They are slowly turning FPS into amazingly Action Packed RPG's.

1984 TV Ad of Apple //c

raven says...

PS I played THHGttG too... only later, when I was in high school and I had just experienced the amazing graphics of the N64... so therefore, I did not appreciate the text based format... and it was HARD!

kid gets way excited about his new game system

lucky760 says...

Uh . . . this is part of a BMW ad running right now in NY. Did they steal it?
Unbelievable. I wonder if the owner of this video got paid, but yeah I just saw the BMW ad during Scrubs. I couldn't believe my eyes when it started. They covered the image of the N64 on the box with a generic, old-fashioned robot.

kid gets way excited about his new game system

Cute animals - oh my!

Ultimate Geeks Band - playing Cannon Fodder theme on game controllers

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