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The Coolest Physics Professor And His Pingpong Cannon

deedub81 (Member Profile)

shinyblurry says...

I was just listing the major reason why I am not a republican. I generally agree with conservative values, and I take conservative positions on most social issues, but I also disagree with a few things so that's why I'm not a member of that party. In regards to Mitt Romney, he seems like he does care for the poor. I think he is a pretty likeable guy, for the most part. That's isn't the reason I am not voting for him, however. The reason I am not voting for him is because he is an elder in the Mormon church. His family has been connected with it since the church started, and one of his relatives helped construct the first temple. A Romney presidency means that the elders of the Mormon church will be running this country, and that isn't something that I as a Christian can support.

In reply to this comment by deedub81:
If Romney doesn't care about the Poor, why has he spent his money AND HIS PERSONAL TIME serving and helping them?

In reply to this comment by shinyblurry:
>> ^cosmovitelli:

Shiny and QM face facts: you're both too smart to stick with these evasive, ideologically motivated destroyers for much longer.
Sadly, the actual, mediocre, boring effort to do things as well as possible is all there is for us.. No amazing plan, no secret trick to simultaneously give & keep trillions, no 'wealth creators'..
Just a big pile of flawed people, some of whom are trying to make the world more relaxed, open and productive.
And some are solipsists who want OUT in any way they can imagine it might be possible - extreme wealth, private land, preferential treatment by the supernatural, sexual conquest, fame, power over others..
..or all of the above and then still desperately hurting defenseless hungry uncared-for children to acquire ANOTHER billion.. (and then trying to flee further from the anger and the pain they have unthinkingly perpetuated..)
Ryan and Romney are taking fuck you to the next level.

I'm not on board for the Romney/Ryan ticket. I'm not a republican because they don't care about the poor and a few other reasons. I'm not a democrat because it is the party of secular humanism. I cannot in good conscience vote for either candidate this election.

TDS: Vague Against the Machine

See Why This Boob, I Mean, Girl is Voting for Romney...

Hive13 says...

This has to be a joke/parody. There is no way she could be that stupid.

"Mitt Romney is not even a christian, he's a mormon....see...I am, like, totally open minded"

"Mitt is hot, my cat is named Mitt and it rhymes with tit. I'm totally voting for him!"

Sadly, she represents a pretty solid chunk of republican voters.

TDS: Vague Against the Machine

What State Legislators Think About Mitt As Governor

kceaton1 says...

>> ^VoodooV:

I think Bill Maher is exactly right. He wants to be the first Mormon president...that's the long and the short of it.
Governing? whatever
bipartisanship? whatever
It explains perfectly why he is able to shift positions so drastically. HE DOESNT CARE! He's not a republican, he's not a centrist, he's not a democrat. He just wants to be able to say he was the first mormon president.

I live in Utah of course and I can tell you from FIRST-HAND knowledge that there are many Mormons that shoot up through the Mormon hierarchy (theocracy) and they DO NOT care about anyones problems unless you know them on a personal level; they just want to get to the next level...

Mitt has exuded a terrible personality from day one, even back here, in Salt Lake City when he *saved* the Winter Olympics. Which is what launched him into his governor position; boy did people fall for that shtick, "Hey, but wait, I FIXED the Olympics! I'm a national hero!". That is how he basically thinks, ego first everything else second. How he treats his dog on trips just implies that it's true...

I swear Mitt is either a sociopath OR has narcissistic personality disorder traits. No matter what he talks about on a personal level, he CANNOT relate, at all to anyone. It's quite disquieting, atleast to me.

What State Legislators Think About Mitt As Governor

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Republicans like to put charismatic blank slates at the top of the ticket: Reagan, Bush 2 and Romney.

They seem to run into more problems when they put thinkers at the top of the ticket: Nixon, Bush 1, Dole and John McCain.

>> ^VoodooV:

I think Bill Maher is exactly right. He wants to be the first Mormon president...that's the long and the short of it.
Governing? whatever
bipartisanship? whatever
It explains perfectly why he is able to shift positions so drastically. HE DOESNT CARE! He's not a republican, he's not a centrist, he's not a democrat. He just wants to be able to say he was the first mormon president.

What State Legislators Think About Mitt As Governor

VoodooV says...

I think Bill Maher is exactly right. He wants to be the first Mormon president...that's the long and the short of it.

Governing? whatever
bipartisanship? whatever

It explains perfectly why he is able to shift positions so drastically. HE DOESNT CARE! He's not a republican, he's not a centrist, he's not a democrat. He just wants to be able to say he was the first mormon president.

Mitt Can't Wait For The Debates

direpickle says...

>> ^chingalera:

This guy's head shape scares me.

You know how the Mormons have their genealogy and dead-people-baptism projects? It's really a breeding program to create the perfect candidate.

He's got the hair. He's got the chin. He's got the money.

He IS the kwisatz haderach presidential candidate!

See How McDonald's Canada Hamburger Patties Are Made

chingalera says...

In September 2013, India will have a 100% vegetarian McDemon's. They can only claim .5 million served daily there....They'd be in chapter 13 if the rest of the shit-eating world followed suit.

Mcdonald's represents to me one of the fundamental causes of why America can't get up off the mat and why otherwise beautiful people are inflated and miserable. Their food is sewage.

They also represent a NON-LIVING WAGE! They fuck their employees and the world.

Corporate Death Burger

Wannna impress the world??? Increase the number of Buffalo and Bison to pre-1840's populations and start using THAT meat in your shit-nasty burgers!...Oh and use the state of Utah to corral all those herbivores AFTER enslaving all Mormons to work the herds.

Mitt's Magical Mormon Undies: Penn Jillette's Rant Redux

quantumushroom says...

I agree that religion has a business side (what doesn't?) but it has also preserved civilizations for thousands of years.

If there is such a thing as Enlightened Atheism, it can make light of superstition but also recognize religion's historical importance to the survival of the State, and by proxy, the indivdual.

And the last 2 minutes of this is Comedy RHODIUM.

>> ^criticalthud:

Religion, at it core, is the most successful business model in the history of humankind.

Mitt's Magical Mormon Undies: Penn Jillette's Rant Redux

bareboards2 says...

@def -- interesting that Orson Scott Card is the author of your understanding, since he is a deeply faithful Mormon who built many of his novels on Mormon myths. (Ender's Game, my brother tells me, is taken almost directly from Mormon stories.)

My brother converted to Mormonism in his early 20s. Wasn't raised in a church. Aerospace engineer, military pilot. You would think he would be immune.

I'll never forget him telling me -- once, never to be repeated -- that the church was telling him to believe things that were tough to accept, but he "chose to have faith."

That's it in a nutshell. You trade rationality for the other benefits, as others have noted here.

Mitt's Magical Mormon Undies: Penn Jillette's Rant Redux

silky says...

Penn already knows the answer to his own question about why. But he can't answer it to others because the saying 'the truth will set you free' is a lie.

Mormonism is an interesting religion. The founding fathers of America were hoping that an utopian state could be born out of having a new beginning: they were able to break the shackles of imperailism, and with winning the war with the south, was able to attempt to become a democratic society where all people were treated equal. For its time, the ideas were very progressive. The only thing that was missing was a belief system that was born from this unique product: the religion was inherent still from the English.

About 60 years later, mormonism would fill that gap: it believed that America was the centre of the world religion; and it explained the values of its society. At that time, the Rosetta Stone was found and was early translated, and there was an egyptian revival period going on at that time.

Being able to combine freemasonry ideals (Especially ties between the Knights/Order of Malta), it would have been the ideal time to attempt to unite a nation under one religious banner.

Mitt's Magical Mormon Undies: Penn Jillette's Rant Redux

Locque says...

Mormonism seems cosmetically more ridiculous because it's new: we know miracles and magic didn't happen within the last couple of centuries; it only happens an inteterminate period of time so long ago that any real verification is impossible. Obviously. God prefers obfuscation, so he never shows up anymore for fear of some miracle or magic being captured on someone's cellphone and giving people a better reason to believe than "some guy said so."

Mitt's Magical Mormon Undies: Penn Jillette's Rant Redux

kceaton1 says...

I know Penn is making a fine argument, but magic underpants aside: ALL religion is just like this. Mormons are NOT special here, but maybe they make it easier to see sometimes.

It is not made for those that are intellectually honest nor intellectually curious to a fault.

It is the truth of this world and moreover the truth withing our psychology, a truly terrifying notion to any religion believer that EVER happens to fully understand the mind. Your mind can act very much like a paradox, in this, it allows for the most immense blockades to be made so that no one, not even themselves can truly ever tell themselves the truth--EVEN IF in front of them. Because, as one thing is absolutely certain: humans are driven by fear.

ONLY those that have conquered fear truly acknowledge the world as it is, though they do STILL fear, but they fear things that are logical, like losing loved ones or becoming a victim of intellectual deception yourself...

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