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Dawkins and Krauss on Mormonism

Extremely Earnest Children Sing Of Romneypocalypse

halfAcat (Member Profile)

The Real Romney. CBS This Morning

Maddow: Romney's Reversal a Disqualifying Character issue

dystopianfuturetoday says...

The Romney/Ryan team have a long list of disqualifying characteristics

1. Poor understanding of economics.
2. Poor understanding of foreign policy.
3. Near constant bald-faced lying.
4. They seem to be rooting for the country to fail.
5. Playing political games during a time when we face a lot of problems.
6. Silver spoons firmly wedged in anuses.
7. Both have a history of extreme hostility towards the working class.
8. Both are cultists (Mormon/Objectivist)
9. Plutocratic policy based more on dogma than pragmatism
10. Neither seem smart enough for the gig.

Never Before Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals

shinyblurry says...

>> ^raverman:

Humans are evolved to be social animals. I think they are also evolved to be religious animals. It doesn't make any of it true, and it doesn't matter what religion it is. It makes sense: hundreds of thousands of years of evolution and belief in magic, witch doctors, animal spirits, priests, gods and angels, - all of which binding the rules of the social group, rejecting or killing those who don't believe... is bound to reinforce some biological traits. It's even proven that these traits can be artificially triggered through strong magnetic fields or even drugs.
So... a diet of religion is good for you... has a biochemical effect creating a sense of well-being and belonging.
@shinyblurry 's personal relationship God is no different than that of a Hindu, Buddist, Tao or Mormon... i'm sure it feels good.
I think people get too obsessed with being intolerant of religion just to hurt others and feel superior. But it's like telling a child there's no santa or magic... why ruin something nice just because facts get in the way?
Reality is all subjective. If you like your's please enjoy but keep it to yourself.

It makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint, but another standpoint is that we were all created to worship. Even people who do not subscribe to any particular belief have something in their lives that they pay homage to, be it money, power, celebrity, their hobbies, or even themselves.

I also appreciate your sentiment about trying to be superior but I think your point is somewhat undermined when you contrast disputing with people who are religious to taking candy away from children who don't understand what facts are.

Never Before Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals

raverman says...

Humans are evolved to be social animals. I think they are also evolved to be religious animals. It doesn't make any of it true, and it doesn't matter what religion it is. It makes sense: hundreds of thousands of years of evolution and belief in magic, witch doctors, animal spirits, priests, gods and angels, - all of which binding the rules of the social group, rejecting or killing those who don't believe... is bound to reinforce some biological traits. It's even proven that these traits can be artificially triggered through strong magnetic fields or even drugs.

So... a diet of religion is good for you... has a biochemical effect creating a sense of well-being and belonging.

@shinyblurry 's personal relationship God is no different than that of a Hindu, Buddist, Tao or Mormon... i'm sure it feels good.

I think people get too obsessed with being intolerant of religion just to hurt others and feel superior. But it's like telling a child there's no santa or magic... why ruin something nice just because facts get in the way?

Reality is all subjective. If you like your's please enjoy but keep it to yourself.

Never Before Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals

mentality says...

>> ^shinyblurry:
To know God is to Him personally. You could pray: "Jesus, if you're everything the bible says you are, I will follow you". If you can't go that far, simply ask if what I've said is true. God will show you, if you sincerely want to know. You managed to pass through the Christian religion missing the entire point of why it even exists. That is, to have a personal relationship with the creator of the universe, and the lover of your soul. God bless.

Tried that once. For a while, I seriously wanted Jesus and the good things people said of him to be true. Too bad reality doesn't work that way. I doubt you'll read the rest of this, much less respond, but here's what that experience taught me:

It's a beautiful comforting lie, and if you cling on to it hard enough, you will distort your reality to confirm what you want to believe. It's what happens when people thank god for saving them after an earthquake, instead of cursing him for causing the earthquake in the first place. It's why for every religion, no matter how disparate they seem, you will find people fervent enough in their beliefs to claim a personal relationship with their "god".
Christianity is not special and your "relationship" with god is not special. There are many like you, although they do not share your belief, share you delusion in belief.

The truth will reveal itself to you, if you sincerely want to know. But I think you'd rather shield yourself in your faith, in your armor of lies rather than seriously consider the possibly that your god simply does not exist. Such a thing would go against everything you've believed in since you were young, something that's an integral part of your very identity. To truly consider such a possibility would shatter the very foundations of your world, and you, like most Christian religious people, are simply not strong enough to handle it.

Never Before Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals

Never Before Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals

chingalera says...

By the way, some of the best fun I had living in San Fran was fucking with Mormon missionaries on the street there...asking them to show me their garment to prove I was dealing with real reps of the church, arguing fairy tales over dogma, OH, and keep telling the older one to "shut up" that I was talking to the younger one....That really fucks em up!

Never Before Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals

chingalera says...

>> ^Norsuelefantti:

So soon USA will become a cult nation? Can't wait.

Trips me out that it took someone besides the submitter and 2 days to add this to the cult channel. Mormonism is about as glaring an example of a cult as any of them. Others you may have heard of....
Jehovah's Witnesses
Church Universal and Triumphant
Christian Scientists
Unification Church...and a shitpot full of others including some fringe militant polygamists with their heads up to their red necks up each other's asses.
It's a brave new world, William Gibson fans get ready because he pretty much nailed with every novel possible scenarios for soon-to-be Planet E, and whack religions factor way in.
Personally, I'd love to have, some of you, members of my church someday

Never Before Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals

Mormons Don't Believe in the Trinity

kir_mokum says...

your description implies that to be religious one has to believe in the trinity, which must be a mistake because of how egregiously wrong it is. also, your interpretation of the trinity doesn't make mormons non-christians. there are MANY interpretations of the trinity. there is no "right" interpretation of the trinity. but please, don't let me stop you hating on other christians/religions.

Never Before Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals

Fletch says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

Hey @Fletch, thank you for sharing this. What I can tell you is that your church failed to teach you the most important thing, which is how to have a personal relationship with God. Rituals and classes don't make you a Christian. To be a Christian you have to be born again;

How about that? I thought all that was needed to be a Christian was to be fearful, gullible, judgemental, ignorant, self-deceiving, illogical, and INSANE. You (and people like you) taught me that.

Never Before Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals

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