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You are a Public Figure? Remember, cameras are EVERYWHERE.

bareboards2 says...

What if I were a young and nubile maid? Then could I?

>> ^grinter:

>> ^bareboards2:
Okay. This is a dupe. Someone with a great memory found a link. The original is four years old. If you dupe this right now, a little bit of fun will be removed from the world.
I promise you -- chic, this is for you -- that I will dupe this myself once it has run its course. The old vid will get a bunch more votes, new people to the sift get a treat, I gain nothing from it except the joy of providing a giggle to folks, which is a win for me.
Please don't Early Dupe this. It is not a service to the sift to Early Dupe it, yes?

Wow! what a politician!
...just don't hump me when I'm not looking.

You are a Public Figure? Remember, cameras are EVERYWHERE.

grinter says...

>> ^bareboards2:

Okay. This is a dupe. Someone with a great memory found a link. The original is four years old. If you dupe this right now, a little bit of fun will be removed from the world.
I promise you -- chic, this is for you -- that I will dupe this myself once it has run its course. The old vid will get a bunch more votes, new people to the sift get a treat, I gain nothing from it except the joy of providing a giggle to folks, which is a win for me.
Please don't Early Dupe this. It is not a service to the sift to Early Dupe it, yes?

Wow! what a politician!
...just don't hump me when I'm not looking.

(Wut tha fuk?) Balkan Erotic Epic

GenjiKilpatrick says...

hah. love how all the ladies are rubbing their chests.. while the older lady is rubbing her stomach.

Also, could someone capture that scene of those dudes humping the earth and make it a .gif file please!

I think it's about time for me to get a new avatar.

How to: Dirty Talk (With Dan Savage)

How to: Dirty Talk (With Dan Savage)

Jimmy K's Humpilates - Hottie Body Hump Club

Payback says...

The first rule of Hottie Body Hump Club is:

No one talks about Hottie Body Hump Club for too long, making the joke drawn out and while enjoyable from a purely voyeuristic point of view, ultimately lacking in any real humor.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Soil & "Pimp" Sessions A.I.E

jonny (Member Profile)

New York Jets' Mark Sanchez Wipes Booger On Mark Brunell

Ewan McGregor sees Kazahkstan and the Aral Sea by motorcycle

Game Trailers World of Warcraft "Cataclysm" Review

shagen454 says...

I agree this new WoW is pretty much spectacular. Even if they took out the instances (my favorite part of the game), the battlegrounds, the raids and even the multiplayer I think this game would be fun to play.

The amount of content is just immense. Vashj'ir is just massive - it works on horizontal & vertical levels, it's really neat. I was initially sort of annoyed with the zone so went to Hyjal - after I completed Hyjal (and it was so good) - I just had to back to Vash and see what it contained. Just like Hyjal - Vash starts out a little... slow - you just have to realize that you have to get over some of the humps and the game really opens up - soon I was on the seahorse mount zipping around the massive zone. Just exploring the vastness of Vashj'ir was fun - the entrance to the Throne of Tides instance was really neat. The amount of detail is just staggering and some of the set pieces in the zone and story set pieces are very unique. I've definitely put in around 10-15 hours and I'm still not even level 83, haven't even moved on from the two starting zones - though I have explored some of the other zones to find instance entrances, though I haven't even begun to play in any of the instances either. Exploring is neat unto itself but the stories Blizzard have crafted will take you in & outside of the immediate zone - the phasing will constantly be changing the landscapes.

I really enjoyed fighting the raid bosses connected to the quests, even, though I wish they played out more like regular raid bosses (ie. they're a bit too forgiving). Anyway, I still have three zones to go and I'm taking my time loving almost every second.

Wil Wheaton Discovers Best Christmas Tree Ornament EVER

So this camel walked into a church...

Can you spot Steve Agee in these shots?

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Tricky, but I think I got them all.

1) Look at the left side of the screen for a white car. If you look really closely, you see a man with his pants pulled down, humping the car. I think that man is Agee.

2) Keep your eyes on the right side of the screen, where you'll notice a brick wall. Past the dumpster and support beams, look closely for a man, ass exposed, gyrating against the brick wall. This is definitely Agee.

3) Near the cash register, there is what looks like a male human (probably Agee) with pants pulled down as to reveal the buttocks region. He appears to be trying to impregnate the counter top.

4) The last one is really tough, but it seems like there is a man (Agee maybe?) on the middle of a stage, his pants lowered to display hind quarters. He seems to be writhing against a bar stool. It becomes more clear as the camera moves closer.

Did I get them all?

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