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Girl glued to mechanical bull

Nuit Blanche.

ghark says...

why do ideal women usually get portrayed in makeup

People should take a leaf from Anatole France's "I cling to my imperfection as the very essence of my being".

Good short film though, I loved the bit at the end where they started humping (sorry if I spoiled it for anyone).

UFC Fighter Awkwardly Dry Humps Reporter During Interview

Mindfuck says...

>> ^thepinky:
Ew. I find this very unpleasant. No one in the clip seems to have a problem with this behavior. The woman encourages it (perhaps "ring girls" are used to it) and then she thanks him for both the interview and the dry humping. "Yes, I am an attractive female dressed in sexy clothing. You therefore have permission to violate me in any way you wish. I have no problem with sexual harrassment, because I am an object of pleasure." I think they are both kind of perverse and have little to no respect for themselves. As long as they stick together and stay away from me and mine, they are welcome to behave like ehem idiots.

You are just mad because you are ugly and would never get humped like that.

CN worker captures double track washout on video

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^messenger:

^I think so too. I know I would have gone across, once I saw the rails were holding. I wouldn't have recorded it either because CN would have busted my hump about putting myself in danger.

Not a smart move,I think, the railroad ties (the crossbeams/sleepers) are not built for hanging from the rail, but rather as resting blocks, and to keep the rails from pulling apart. They propably have some vertical hold, but I wouldn't bet on it, infact, you can see one of those closest to his side has already fallen off by the end of the video.

What the hell are you doing in the bathroom day and night?!

CN worker captures double track washout on video

chipunderwood says...

"I think so too. I know I would have gone across, once I saw the rails were holding. I wouldn't have recorded it either because CN would have busted my hump about putting myself in danger."

Yeah dude, his lunch box was in that truck!

CN worker captures double track washout on video

messenger says...

^I think so too. I know I would have gone across, once I saw the rails were holding. I wouldn't have recorded it either because CN would have busted my hump about putting myself in danger.

Dan Savage - Is Lust For the Young and Love for the Old?

Hive13 says...

I am 38, married with 4 kids. I still dry hump the center console while making out with my wife in the driveway after a date night. Am I ashamed? Hell no! 16 or 38 it is all the same. I don't see it changing any time soon. Hell, I still get work boners just sitting in front of a computer looking at SQL databases and remembering naughty wife time. The difference now is that the teacher won't make me stand up and do a math problem on the board.

Penguin tickling!

Dog Fails at Humping

I Guess That is One Way to Play a Guitar

Scantily Clad Girl Humps A Guitar

How to: Dirty Talk (With Dan Savage)

gwiz665 says...

I aim to please.. Dan Savage.
>> ^AdrianBlack:

I just found this comment today....The mental images made my Friday. Thank you for the soundtrack! lol>> ^gwiz665:
Hey Dan! I'm humping your face.. I'm doing it right now. lololol hump hump
>> ^AdrianBlack:
Dan is so dang buff. Too bad he's gay, I'd hump his face...and tell him so while I was doing it.

How to: Dirty Talk (With Dan Savage)

AdrianBlack says...

I just found this comment today....The mental images made my Friday. Thank you for the soundtrack! lol>> ^gwiz665:
Hey Dan! I'm humping your face.. I'm doing it right now. lololol hump hump
>> ^AdrianBlack:
Dan is so dang buff. Too bad he's gay, I'd hump his face...and tell him so while I was doing it.

You are a Public Figure? Remember, cameras are EVERYWHERE.

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^bareboards2:

What if I were a young and nubile maid? Then could I?

>> ^grinter:
>> ^bareboards2:
Okay. This is a dupe. Someone with a great memory found a link. The original is four years old. If you dupe this right now, a little bit of fun will be removed from the world.
I promise you -- chic, this is for you -- that I will dupe this myself once it has run its course. The old vid will get a bunch more votes, new people to the sift get a treat, I gain nothing from it except the joy of providing a giggle to folks, which is a win for me.
Please don't Early Dupe this. It is not a service to the sift to Early Dupe it, yes?

Wow! what a politician!
...just don't hump me when I'm not looking.

Lucky for you, I stopped caring about the preconditions of humping long ago, thus, LET IT BEGIN!

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