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Police Officer Had Sex with Woman on Car Hood

Police Officer Had Sex with Woman on Car Hood

Police Officer Had Sex with Woman on Car Hood

Twin Peaks - the secret to happiness!

Bill Nye Realizes He Is Talking To A Moron

xxovercastxx says...


First off, I'm convinced the selection of your username was motivated primarily by a desire to discourage people from addressing you directly. On to the serious stuff...

Let's go right to the "Climategate" data release. Cornell has a free piece of software called Eureqa that analyzes raw data and finds trends or formulas that could generate such data. It has no bias in its analysis; it doesn't even "know" what the data it's being fed represents; it just takes numbers and finds patterns. This guy just happened to be playing with the software at the time of this data release and decided to try it out. See the results for yourself. I wouldn't want to introduce any bias by telling you what they look like.

[Charles Monnett] has been suspended, possibly over the accuracy of his observations. - From the polar bear researcher article.

The important part of that article is in that quoted sentence and it's "possibly over the accuracy of his observations". The reason that's important is because Monnett has not been charged with anything yet; that's just Fox speculating on what he might be in trouble for. If he is found to have been dishonest, I hope he gets nailed, but let's wait and see.

Citing the hockey stick controversy is interesting because you're basically just choosing the climatologist whose findings you like over those who you don't. Hubert Lamb, the guy who put out the 1965 data with the warm "hump" in the middle ages, about 13 years later, came to agree that there would be evident global warming around 2000.

Even if you insist on sticking to his graph of the medieval warm period, we exceeded those temperatures in 2006-2007 and are still on a steep incline. It's hotter now than it's been in over 1000 years, one way or another.

Bro You Stole My Bong! FIGHT

shagen454 says...

I think you guys/gals saw something completely different. I just saw two fat white guys (in their words "niggas") displaying a lot of affection. Notice how they swing at one another and miss; it's like a mating dance with love taps, hand holding, testicle slapping and dry humping. It would be cute... if they were.

Snape says it gets better!

Rowing Machine Workout Fail

Rowing Machine Workout Fail

Rowing Machine Workout Fail

Spanish TV seems to have different censorship standards...

shagen454 says...

So this is how they treat women in Spain? Also, was this staged because she does not seem pissed at all - you know especially with humping the guy that took your clothes off with a live broadcasting audience?

Most. Effective. Mask. Ever.

Budgie balancing on a tennis ball

Going to Walawalawalawalala world, going to Walmart!

legacy0100 says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Music & dance are cultural expressions.
He's expressing his interpretation of the things that are important in his social environment.
It is a distinct cultural thing to go chat up big booty hoes at the Walmart.
Just like it was a distinct cultural thing to chat up wholesome christian girls at a malt shop.
I'm saying that this video & the culture it represents are only 'awful' by your ethnocentric standard.
>> ^legacy0100:
Chasing cheap booty is considered a cultural activity? I think you're way over-thinking this Genji.
It is what it is, a terrible rap video. That's the whole irony of our upvotes, the action is a statement saying that we recognize its awfulness, and not because we support the content.

I like that you made me think about this subject, Genji. You've presented me with a challenge, and forced me to gather my ideas and articulate myself. Thank you for this rare opportunity.

I've reached to the conclusion that you were right Genji, IT IS CULTURE. But it isn't just any culture, it's POVERTY CULTURE. This DOES NOT demand the same type of respect as some other cultures. Not all cultures should be considered equal, and I do believe I have a logical explanation.

So hear me out.

Robbing convenient stores or force raping other men can be considered a culture as well if you happen to live in a very violent ghetto or in prison. That is not a desirable environment to live in, but you would end up developing a subculture that specifically meets the needs of that particular environment. And now some may argue that these subcultures should also be held in the same regards as any other cultures. Well, I can respect the logic and reasoning of how these subcultures came to develop, but I still won't agree with the practices itself.

Let's go back to the contents of the video and its characteristics. Poverty culture generally tends to lean towards public nuisance and aggressively lascivious activities, which are actions that closely reflects our true basic instincts. But celebrating lack of control over your inhibitions and celebrating shopping at Wal-Mart isn't the highest standards one could have about themselves.

I'm sure there's a good reason why the types of dance and lyrics came to popularize in this particular town the video makers came from. And I can certainly understand that it is a culture sprouting from different environment and various life circumstances. But would I be supporting such low standards of self-control and standards of living? Hell no. I have higher living standards. Although everyone enjoys a fine booty rubbing against them, I can control my inhibitions and fight off the urge to dry hump someone in public.

All in all, this video reaks of low-class everything. Do keep in mind that this is not what all African American culture has to offer. This is the poor side of African American culture, just as white American culture would have Jersey Shore and Sarah Palin. I know plenty of African Americans who have much higher standards about themselves and their culture, and often speak out against the exact same thing this rap video is representing, and that is: Low Standards.

an entire mall gets punk'd with the t-back prank

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