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Sarah Palin Crashes & Burns

Babymech says...

I don't know if there's something wrong with me or what, but to me her post makes sense. It's not eloquent, it's not funny, and it's certainly not smart, but it does make sense. She's said worse. It's only when Colbert reads it this way that it seems insane, which is why I guess the humor doesn't really work for me.

Vox: Sexist coverage steals the show at 2016 Olympics

vil says...


I just wanted to know. What I would next propose is that groups of "women in general" amongst themselves consider themselves to be girls. Like "native americans" consider themselves indians and "african americans" consider themselves black or niggers.

So its not about the word count, but who and how uses the words. So if an old white man uses the word "girl" condescendingly, it is different to athletes calling themselves girls within their group. So counting words is generally a bad idea and misuse of statistics.

Similarly reporting on this and trying to do the same in reverse by using a poisonous tone and attitude doesnt really work, it is counterproductive to the effective presentation of the content.

Now the sports commentators in the video are extreme, but generally sports commentating is difficult because the level of familiarity within a sporting community tends to be much greater than in the general public or given by TV standards. Resulting in awkwardness and miscommunication and hilarity.

And Eugenie is a joke.

bareboards2 said:

Sigh. Way to cherry pick data.

Why Salt & Pepper?

ChaosEngine says...

Interesting, but pepper does really work on some things.

It's hard to beat the simplicity of a perfectly cooked steak with just salt and pepper.

Bernie Sanders Explains His Reluctance To Endorse Hillary

robbersdog49 says...

What's going to be really shit if Trump wins is that it will be blamed on Sanders.

He's campaigning for all the right reasons and he's trying to move politics along, away from the stale and shitty status quo. Good things will only happen if people really work for them.

But so much of the media and the democratic party seem to want to keep their cushy status quo that they'll spin this out as his fault for trying to be disruptive. The public will lap it all up and progressives wil become a thing to hate, to be scared of.

It'll be shit.

Democrats Divided on Hillary and Bernie: A Closer Look

RFlagg says...

In the end she needs Sanders' supporters. Her job as a leader, is to reach out to Sanders and his supporters and get them behind her. I still think she and the DNC need to give him the primary Prime Time spot during the convention, and they need to give other members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus a large percentage of the time during the convention. That move, along with a good progressive VP candidate (I think Dennis Kucinich for reasons I've detailed before) would go a long way to helping secure the nomination. And as pointed out by @newtboy, her supporters in '08 were Democrats, so it isn't nearly the same story as what Sanders is doing now. The Democrats will continue to vote for her, it is the independents that you need to turn out and vote against Trump. Trump is doing better than expected at getting the Republicans behind him, and their hatred of Clinton can't be understated. Not to mention of course fears of indictment and other issues ahead of Clinton, such as the likely hood the Republicans would try to impeach her first thing... even if they don't impeach her, they'll stonewall congress like they have against Obama anyhow. They need to get the independents out to vote against the Republicans and have a Senate change as well, and I don't see them really working to that end yet, which mystifies me to no end.

Star Wars Music Indian Tribute | The Indian Jam Project

The Most Costly Joke in History

transmorpher says...

You asked if I was a pig some food related thread. And I said yes and posted a picture of me in the Bahamas

I totally agree that the development and costs are ridiculous. I honestly don't care if the plane sucks or not(although I would rather my taxes be wasted on a functional plane at least!), but the reason I'm taking the time to reply is because I think the performance and capability concerns of the plane are unfounded for these reason:

1. Nobody can say for certain what the F-35 is capable of or not capable of. It's all classified. There are simply no facts or data that the public has access to. Anything the public sees is watered down a lot, and I think this is where the majority of confusion is coming from. Not one article I've seen can tell you 1 specific bit of information about why it's a bad plane. Because there is no data. They'll say it's bad, and then start going on about congressional corruption (which is legitimate, but nothing to do with the planes capabilities).

2. The general media does not have an understanding of how air combat really works.

3. Nobody can predict the future, so the media making claims about certain things becoming obsolete is just a guess, and quite often irrelevant. They also seem to ignore the fact the F-35 if it becomes obsolete in 10 years, then so have all of the 40 year old planes. All anyone can do is be prepared for the things they know about, because it's not possible to be prepared for something that you don't know about.

That is the logic I am thinking with anyway. It's sensationalism vs corporate propaganda, and there is no way to tell who is right since there is no data.

newtboy said:

Um...who called you a pig? The voices in your head? Certainly not me. I don't know why you would say you can't be both though. That's just silly. ;-)

That's a pretty big 'If it can' that's already been proven to be an 'it can't'. Even IF it did everything it was supposed to, yes, it's 10 years too late and at least double an acceptable price tag, and still not ready for prime time, or even the 2am slot.
Yes, modification happens, but the idea is not to produce something that needs to be modified out of the box in order to do anything well.
No, many bombers are in use that were designed as bombers. Sorry, but that's just wrong.
Once again, the idea of the F-35 doesn't grant air superiority, neither does a few of these planes, especially if we are too afraid to lose a $200+ million plane so we just don't use them, which is the most likely outcome. It is in NO way a deterrent to full scale war with any foe we might ever use it against, like Russia. If it was some magic anti-war bullet, that might be money well spent, but is simply isn't in any way and NEVER will be, so that argument is just silly.
In 10 years, the stealth properties of this plane will be 5 years past obsolete....and it may STILL not be in the air.
There are no countries with air forces that can come close to ours, not one. I don't think there's even a group of 10 nations combined that come close to ours. We will NEVER be in a fair fight excepting a nuclear one where every one dies, and we'll still out nuke everyone else 10-1, it just won't matter.
Yes, Trump likely would take us to war, that's no reason to waste more money on unneeded weapons for a possible, unknown, unlikely future conflict with an unknown, unestimated enemy.
Still testing....and still testing....and still testing....$1.3 TRILLION later.....Still testing (and failing those tests)....still testing...still testing. Eventually it should be admitted that it's a failure, more testing won't help (it hasn't yet), and quit throwing mountains of good money after bad.
No, it doesn't. It's TASKED with all the same stuff the aging, multi types of planes do, but it can't do it. Stealth is not something new, BTW, we have many stealth planes already, better ones that work.
Again, out of the box needing to be upgraded is a fail. A massive, indisputable fail. That an engine powerful enough to move this pig like other planes already can doesn't exist should tell you something. It's aerodynamic....great....that's one part of a dozen that have to fit together.
The price tag is multiplied 10 fold because it has a pilot.
You want them to eventually pass ALL required tests...not fail them all, then change the parameters so it isn't canceled.
Not so far. So far, other stealth planes do what it's supposed to...better. Upgrading them is clearly a better plan.
Not true. All I hear is 'it sucks' because I don't read Lockheed Martin's press releases. When you look at test results, it sucks. When you look at price, it sucks. When you look at upkeep, it sucks ass. When you look at a fleet of them doing everything a dozen different planes today do, we're bankrupt and far less capable militarily, and that sucks.

But it seems no amount of logic and results will dissuade you from your love of this unmitigated debacle. That's your choice, but you aren't convincing anyone else to go along with you.

Stephanie Kelton: Understanding Deficits in a Modern Economy

notarobot says...

Who is this woman and why did I give her an hour of my time?

I listened to the whole thing.

I don't disagree with everything she said. She's right that supply side tricklenomics doesn't really work that well, and she does a good job outlining problems. But the narrative she weaves is all over the place when she starts talking about solutions. "Let's address inequality by taking on debt to increase spending to help transfer money to large private corporations." (I'm paraphrasing.) Increasing debt transfers power to the lender. Will they borrow from big banks? The Rothschilds? China? What's that quote? "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws."

And "lets pay our debts by just printing more money." What kind of solution is that? The Weimar Republic called. They'd like to have a word with you about hyper-inflation.

And her "angry birds" analogy was insufferable.

US surveillance powers expire as Senate deal fails -BBC News

newtboy says...

Did not the supreme court recently declare this program was unconstitutional anyway? I can't understand how they could possibly extend a program that's unconstitutional. That doesn't make sense.

Of course, they try to not admit that this program has been useless. They have ignored that it's not stopped any of the terrorist acts on our soil or elsewhere, not even contributing in a meaningful way towards stopping any. NOT ONCE. It's astonishing that all but one senator is claiming the opposite, when their own independent investigations proved it repeatedly. It's also astonishing that they have completely ignored the findings of the supreme court that declared it unconstitutional. I guess the whole 'swear to uphold the constitution' part of their oath comes with an unspoken caveat 'unless I don't want to, it's inconvenient, or I get paid not to'.

I'm not normally a fan of Paul, but I think he got this one right. I hope the spin machine (now on overdrive from both parties. Impressive, he actually brought the two parties together!) doesn't convince people that he's the one that's got it wrong (him, along with the supreme court) and all the other senators are really working to try to keep us safe and free, all evidence to the contrary not withstanding.

EDIT: Also, the USA Freedom act, the proposed replacement, still has all the data kept, just kept by the private companies involved. Personally, I don't trust private companies to keep my information private. Not only is there the likelihood they'll be hacked, there's also the likelihood they'll SELL that information eventually, no matter what their 'privacy policy' or 'terms of service' say. Often, when companies are dissolved, that customer information is sold as an asset, even when the company is contractually bound to keep it private and NOT sell it. Once the company is dissolved, there's no one to sue over them not keeping their obligation. This happens all the time now. I certainly don't want my calls, to who and when I made them, all purchases, and my location to be sold to the highest bidder(s), I don't know about you.

World's First $9 Computer

AeroMechanical says...

Yeah, but that isn't the purpose of these. They tried that with OLPC and it was a good design but there were much more helpful ways to spend money to help third world children and it didn't really work out for a variety of reasons. These are, at best like the Raspberry Pi, intended for poor and middle-class western kids, to give them a 'hackable' platform that encouraged learning about how computers work (like the Commodore 64s and BBC Micros of old). Ideally, they would be distributed to public school students. Cheap is important, but not if it means you forgo the 'hackable'-ness.

But also my advice was really more intended for those here, who would be buying something like this to mess around with for DIY stuff.

Sniper007 said:

Education for someone in a third world country isn't necessarily re-writing the assembly code. It is just enjoying using the computer. Learning to type. Learning how a mouse works. Making something beautiful. Writing a paper for school. From there, curiosity and fun will do the rest.

People are awesome -- Fighter pilots [2015 edition]

ChaosEngine says...

That's what annoys me. There is so much great music out there, it's just lazy to use those tunes.

They're good songs and the first time they were set to an action video, it really worked. But it's been done to death now.

Hell, use this

or this

or this

SFOGuy said:

I know, I know.
Too much and too many times.

We can wish that more musicians would find that spark and give us more special music, eh?

All Percussion Kids Music Class Plays Zeppelin

The One Ring Explained. Lord of the Rings Mythology Part 2

00Scud00 says...

I like the idea of what you're saying but as far as the ring goes I would look at it this way. Say you build a super weapon, the problem with a super weapon is if anyone else gets their hands on it they could use it on you, so you build it in such a way that it only really works for you. But you make it nice and shiny and encourage would be thieves to use it (sweet! I'm invisible!) so when they do it will quietly call the cops (or Ringrwraiths in this case) when it's logged on to a network like some stolen iphone from hell. Of course you never want them to have any real power, just the promise or illusion of it to keep them on the hook while security tracks down the stolen item, then you can eat them, "raw and wriggling" if that's your preference.

MilkmanDan said:

I agree with you, but to me it would still be more interesting if the power of the one ring was manifested in some more concrete way.

I guess that in general Tolkien wasn't big on allegory, which is why he looked down on interpretations of his work where people assume that the ring is a symbol for "atomic energy", or "technology" or "industry" or whatever. So, from his point of view it is probably better to make the ring more abstract. But, I still think that personally, I get more out of viewing the one ring as sort of an allegory for "power" in general, and the corrupting influence of that power. So, even though I know that your interpretation is correct to what Tolkien had in mind, I like to read his books with my own spin on things in that way.

UNREAL PARIS - Virtual Tour - Unreal Engine 4

fuzzyundies says...

tldr: Actually, games do this all the time, but usually only for water surfaces!

The reason for this is that the way you render a proper reflection is to "flip" the camera to the other side of the reflective surface plane: looking down on a lake, you'd render the water reflection from the point of view of the camera looking up from under the water surface, flipped over. This is called "planar reflection". In order to do this, you render your entire scene again, so it's not cheap. Also, the reflection only works for that one plane: if you had two altitudes of water (or two differently angled mirrors) they'd be on different planes and so you'd have to render a reflection for each one.

You can't render curved surface reflections this way, though. For example it doesn't work on a car (what plane would you flip the camera over?). For that, the trick is called "cubic environment maps". I won't go into the details, but it only really works well for faking reflections on objects since it shows the correct view from a single point. You can create them dynamically for things like racing games, but they require 6 scene renders (one for each face of the cube) for each environment map.

Half Life offered both techniques for water reflections, so one could fire that up and compare them that way.

This demo seemed to use environment maps for the mirrors and I suspect all of the other shiny surfaces.

Note that these techniques are to get detailed reflections: specular lighting (where you don't reflect an image, but instead mathematically simulate simple light bouncing) is easier and cheaper, since it's just math to get a color and strength.

You could do planar reflections for every mirror, but it's a full scene re-render for each one so your frame rate would tank or you'd have to take out other features. Compromises!

Game graphics is all trade-offs and smoke and mirrors: it's our job to fake things and make you think the game is doing sophisticated simulation when actually it's doing as little as it can to get as much as possible.

NaMeCaF said:

It's a shame that even with all this they still cant get proper 1:1 mirrors working in game engines

The Kalam Cosmological Argument

Stormsinger says...

"Arguments for" an idea are worthless. "Evidence" is what is needed, and there simply isn't any provided here.

That's not even addressing the straw man at the very beginning. That's not a binary question being asked.

These people really work hard at their stupidity though.

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