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Pelosi gets under Trump's skin in the most brutal way

luxintenebris jokingly says...

would use the adage; "lead a horse to water" but y'all aren't even near mud.

an arid af desert of awarness.

here's a taste Mr. Ed...

he is as bad as advertised. w/research he's worse.

bobknight33 said:

Who would show up to an improper 1 sided kangaroo hearing?

No one cares about this BS. Trump did nothing wrong . didn't incite any riot.

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

JiggaJonson says...

Just, the audacity. fuck.

let me be as clear and direct as I can be: I have no interest in the personal sexual lives or private decisions of people i'm not married to.

@bobknight33 Do you want the United States of America to make decisions about what gender an individual can be or has to be?

Let us say that a human being has XX Male Syndrome where the person would present as male although have XX chromosomes, have a penis and testicals that are non functional sexually, and will NOT grow facial hair but WILL grow breasts.

Which bathroom should the person use? You want to answer don't you? See? that's the difference between you and me. I don't fucking care where this person takes a shit just as long as it's not on my front porch.

YOU, meanwhile, for someone tossing around accusations of "groomer" (grooming is defined how again? ohhh right you do things so that the child does what YOU want kind of like training a dog i imagine)
YOU seem to have a lot to say about what they do and dont do sexually. What they do or don't do with their genitals. What in the fuck kind of person spends their time dictating what children can do with their genitals or not and wants to tell them where to shit and what drinking fountain to use "HEYYY that's a water fountain for non-queers only!"


is your problem?

HOW in your mind can YOU be the one strongly opinionated on what these kids do or dont do and you go out of your way to advocate for that and support politicians who think alike

How can THAT be,, AND you are accusing the people who are disinterested in the insanely personal and private decisions of gender and sexuality, the people who don't care about that stuff and want to leave it to the individuals, but you

YOUUUU want to tell them what bathroom to use and which sports teams they cna play on and which hospitals they can get care at and if they can receive care as a person who is transgendered YOU (the one wanting to make decisions about kids genitals via your elected officials, YOU) YOU are calling someone else a groomer.


You groom animals because you want X behavior to happen, and you don't want Y behavior to happen.

YOU, are doing the thing, where you're doing stuff... that leads to the modification of behavior. Do you understand that?

kir_mokum said:

bobknight has repeatedly shown he has no problem groomers, sexual predators, or pedophiles so long as their nihilistic politics seem useful to him.

One Untouched Home In A Sea Of Debris

Hurricane Ian Storm Surge Timelapse - Ft Meyers

newtboy says...

My wife’s family has multiple homes in Ft Meyers. The last we heard there was about 5 ft of water in their ground floors….some are single story homes.

The Real Hero of Eliud Kipchoge's World Record Run ;)

noims says...

What amazes me is that assuming he delivers a bottle dead on the half way mark, he did so with a precision of a few seconds between this year and his astounding feat of delivering water at the finish line less than two hours after the start.

Wikipedia has Kipchoge's split times at 59:51 (Berlin 2022), 59:57 and 59:54 for his sub-two-hour attempts.

Jellyfish, explained.

Jellyfish, explained.

David Blaine Freaks Jimmy Out

spawnflagger says...

ok, I get the frog thing (other magicians have done that). and the whole box of nails were trick nails (Jimmy didn't have a magnet or pour water in the bowl), but I don't understand how they got the entire audience to end up with the same card?
at least 1 would have not followed the instructions correctly...
could be the whole deck was activated by body heat (to change to 5 of hearts), hence the pocket or sitting on it?
Notice Jimmy put in his outer jacket pocket and didn't have it on the whole time - maybe that's why David didn't ask him to look at it at the end?

David Blaine Freaks Jimmy Out

newtboy says...

Ahhh, but it’s basic chemistry…..
If you take just 7 1gram nails and attach a salt and 3 water molecules to each iron atom (Fe(OH)3 + NaCl = FeCl3 + NaOH) you could easily increase the mass enough to make an average 22 gram frog…no biggie.

noims said:

Hang on, now, this is physics law.

Let's say it's a 1g nail and a 100g frog. In order to effect a 100-fold increase in relativistic mass (i.e. starting mass / sqrt( 1 - v^2/c^2) ) the velocity must be over 99% of the speed of light (it would be 99% if we didn't have to square them).

That's a hell of a lot more than 20 over, buddy. Is there a limit on that fine, or does it depend on the width of the ticket?

Bridge opening, ribbon cutting ceremony

Midterm uphill battle for Democcrats

newtboy says...

Thanks to far right extremist billionaire, Trumpist, and allegedly 1/3 owner of Fox News corp John Malone exerting control from his board seat, CNN has gone far right…no longer allowed to discuss “the big lie”, no longer to have any biased opinion shows (like all of Fox). He claims he wants CNN to be centrist (his actions belie that claim) and become the network preferred by Democrats and Republicans….as if that were possible, reasonable, or profitable. CNN will never be the preferred source for Republicans, ever, and it’s blatantly obvious all his actions are doing is driving away Democrats and independents.

It is now becoming a “water boy” news outlet, carrying water for far right extremists with water on the brain.

That “uphill battle” sure has turned, hasn’t it? Guaranteed Republican wins are falling like flies. ROEVEMBER is coming for the treasonous right. Hide and watch.

Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

luxintenebris says...

holds water. at the time, thought with derisive cyniscism 'why is he doing this? maybe he wants to be sure the GOP has enough voters!'

held that thought privately until it became obvious.

yeah. most enlightened (the truly bright) find education a gift that all people should be given. ben franklin, Andrew Carnegie, et al knew the deep effect of education on a people/nation/society.

'sides, doesn't do the US well to have hungry air force personnel mistakenly launch missiles when they thought the button said 'lunch'.

draak13 said:

I think this argument is invalid from the standpoint of what groups of people he is talking about. The people who tend to value free education by supplementing with tax dollars tend to vote democrat. People who want to keep education expensive and withhold tax aid tend to be republican. Particularly in these modern times: the exit polls show that the more educated you are, the more likely you were to vote democrat. The most educated people seem to be electing those who would like to make education low cost.

Given this, the argument that 'education is kept expensive to keep competition down' is unlikely (though not impossible) to come from an educated person...because the statistics show that this tends to not be the values of an educated person. The educated 'club' tends to value exactly the opposite, and wants everyone to be educated.

Grave Diggers “Can Hardly Keep Up With Demand"

newtboy says...

Your point?
States with highest gun violence rates
Mississippi -- 28.6 per 100000
Louisiana -- 26.3.
Wyoming -- 25.9.
Missouri -- 23.9.
Alabama -- 23.6.
Alaska -- 23.5.
The list, and trend continues.
Republican states consistently have higher gun death rates, the top ten states for gun deaths are all Republican led….so much for blaming Democrats.
Republicans don’t care. The #’s point this out horrifically and consistently.
Republican states also don’t care about keeping the lights on or having running water in their cities anymore…I’m looking at you, Texas and Mississippi. Florida has abandoned education in favor of far right wing indoctrination for children (maybe with field trips to Epstein island with the ex president if they’re good and pretty and will sign a binding NDA).

(Pretty chicken shit to claim Dems don’t care, while Cons block every attempt they make to solve the issue, but you do you.)

Um….did I EVER advocate gun free zones, or even indicate I think they’re possible in America? I don’t think so. Why must you always fight windmills and paper tigers? It doesn’t make you sound sane.
It would be excellent…if it were possible. No one is hunting inside city limits, if no one had guns, no one would need guns. It’s not possible unless we take drastic, unconstitutional actions (or change the constitution like the founders intended).

There aren’t enough gun regulations when a schizophrenic person can legally buy as many guns and as much ammo as they wish, and so can murderous gang members who served their sentence/probation.

They DO need MUCH better enforcement of existing gun laws, we agree there. If laws were applied consistently regardless of the perp, there would already be less gun crime. The problem with that being prisons are so overcrowded they simply cannot house more, and most police seem to not be interested in or capable of legal crime-preventative policing, so making illegal gun possession/use come with harsher sentences simply isn’t going to happen….and has never worked to stop crime.

They also need to remove “loopholes” (intentional back doors) that allow mentally ill and violent criminals to legally purchase firearms with absolutely no background checks and no paperwork. Seems to be a no brainer, but your ilk calls that “terkin’ er guns” (I have to believe because you know you’re all insane and can’t pass mental health screenings), not sane regulation.

No surprise you think more draconian punishment is the answer….how’s that been working out? Not great. Countries that focus on rehabilitation of convicts instead of simple housing for profit have recidivism rates near zero, unlike the US.

Using a gun in the commission of a crime already comes with pretty harsh penalties, btw….often turning misdemeanors into felonies just by having it, not using it.

Prison reform is one part of any functional answer, not more, bigger, worse prisons for longer sentences. Funny, you thought the same when Jan 6 defendants started being rounded up and denied bail…odd you cared about all those ANTIFA and BLM activist though. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Philly PA is a Democrat city/ state..
Democrats don't care. You #'s point this out.

2016 277 murders in Philly
2020 500 murders in Philly.
1990 500 murders in Philly.
2022 300 murders 2/3 of the way.

You want Philly to be a gun free zone?

Sorry can do that.
There are enough gun laws.

Need to make the punishment for improper gun use that causes these occurrences extremely harsh.


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