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Wikipedia's Bias

newtboy says...

Poor bob. A wonderful libertarian information clearinghouse hasn’t become a home for right wing nonsense, lies, and propaganda. Tragic!

Still talking about Hunter Biden, eh? You still have nothing better? Another Benghazi nothing burger with fries….something fake to keep you mad at the right person. There’s zero credible evidence on that laptop, no evidence it ever belonged to Hunter, at best there’s evidence someone who hacked his email account at the same time the Russians hacked Clinton and the DNC created it, adding tons of fake information, photoshopped photos, fake and doctored emails, etc. Because the right had possession of it, and tampered with the contents for 9 months before “turning it over” (to Giuliani?), it’s nothing. Like a piece of evidence allegedly taken from a crime scene, washed, dipped in blood, exposed to close range gun fire, wiped with dna, tested at a filthy unaccredited lab with zero anti-cross contamination protocols, then handed to police and expecting a conviction. Just so stupid.

They don’t “vouch” for the emails….they say there are indications some of them are real….not all. Liars.

So family is fair game….now….but not Trump’s criminal family that undeniably took BILLIONS in bribes from horrific murderous dictators and Trump covered for them, directed his DOJ to not investigate or to just exonerate people like Mohammed bin Salman, even bragging he saved Mohammed’s ass from consequences for the live dismemberment of an American. Far from the only KNOWN bribe, Melania…..Don Jr, Eric, Jared, likely Barron too. Better investigate since this kind of stuff outrages you….but it doesn’t really, now does it? It’s just a crutch you cling to like an emotional support blanket, propaganda.

Oh wow! Right wing media isn’t reliable!? Who knew!? (EVERYBODY KNEW, YOU DUMB SHIT…for decades)

Whine some more, snowflakes. Why not create your own? (Because it would be chock full of insanity from day one, with zero real information or usefulness and you know it).

Can the world's whitest paint save Earth?

newtboy says...

Good for slightly cooling heat islands (cities) a tiny bit, but unless they require it on every house, building, parking lot, road, anything else dark…it won’t do much even locally. The thought that they could paint 1% of the planet is absolutely insanity. Have they even been to earth? It’s huge, and mostly unpaintable. (and I have serious doubts about that number since way more than 1% of the earth WAS covered with white ice that’s now dark ocean or exposed permafrost, and that has to be replaced before we are back to the earth’s normal reflective value, they’re talking about making it more reflective than it was naturally to reduce average temperatures…good luck).

They seem to completely ignore that it’s only that reflective when brand new, are we going to pressure wash 1% of the earth twice a week to keep it reflecting? I think not, so within two weeks, it won’t be any better than 80% regular paint. What a waste of time and energy.

I’m sure there are excellent applications for such a reflective paint, combating climate change is absolutely not one. Wishful thinking at best.

Trains in Germany after flooding

SFOGuy says...

How would you even know if the rail bed had sagged, the sleepers had been washed away, or--there was heavy, de-railing debris on the rail? (waterlogged logs?)...

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh….the border “wall” in Arizona has been destroyed in many places by monsoon flooding. This during a major drought. This happened because they ignored environmental laws, construction regulations, and common sense and just built them across arroyos and washes without preparing for water. Now they’re smashed to bits.

I wouldn’t expect them to be replaced. More Trump wasteful spending for nothing but short term political gains and future costs. Maybe Mexico will pay to haul off the remaining garbage.

As US Withdraws from Afghanistan, Refugees Must Be Evacuated

newtboy says...

Just weeks ago Trump was bragging that it was ALL him, and Biden couldn't stop it even though he wanted to...Trump had sabotaged the military's readiness in the region to ensure his retreat was irreversible. Biden negotiated an extra 4 months, which SHOULD have been long enough to pull equipment and personnel if not for the fact they were both needed to facilitate Trump's retreat, and some was left behind in the unexpected rush to leave.

BTW, today Biden announced the military will remain until every American is evacuated, even if that's after Aug 30.

The RNC removed his rants taking credit from their websites, because they know his plan failed miserably and want to now blame Biden for Trump's one sided negotiations with terrorists (remember he tried to legitimize them with an invite to camp David, but realized kissing Muslim terrorists ass on live tv wasn't such a great idea after all when everyone in America loudly told him "NO!".)

Trump also left them with no process and no progress in the full year since he announced the withdrawal and released 5000 Taliban fighters with no prerequisites or punishments in the deal, and three months until his pullout date with still no plan to even get Americans out, much less allies, at least Biden is making some effort to make good on our promise to take them, although granted too little and too late. Still, his performance is head and shoulders above what he inherited, which was putting all asylum applications into the round file and pretending they weren't received, and washing their hands of any responsibility.

Epic fail...yes. ....30% on Bush, 20% Obama, 35% Trump's, 15% Biden's. Biden didn't put the opposing army back in the field without stipulations while totally sidelining the legitimate government then instantly surrender unconditionally, letting them destroy the government while we packed, closing bases that supplied support to the Afghanis....that was Trump, but Biden didn't anticipate the speed and totality of the takeover, a huge fail after seeing how fast Daesh took over.

It's astonishing anyone will work with us at all....America never keeps it's obligations unless it's convenient to do so, just ask Ukraine.

bobknight33 said:

The 1/2 ass withdraw lays at the feet of Biden.

Biden had the power to delay to the point when all weapons vehicles etc is disarmed or destroyed.

Also Biden left all the helpers who should be pulled out, left being only to be raped and killed.

Now the purging will begin.

Epic Fail.

After the recent IPCC climate report an old 'Newsroom' clip

vil says...

People have had this type of discussion about lots of things, like washing hands (yes even doctors before operations), smoking cigarettes, or letting excrement flow down busy streets.

Now sometimes it wasnt easy, but if civilizations eventually built sewers and aqueducts maybe we can somehow stop spewing poisonous gasses into the air in large volumes.

Its difficult to find immediate motivation to act, especially for us self entitled pricks, I totally understand. I live over 300 meters above sea-level.

bobknight33 said:

For people who believe this shit.

A brush with fentanyl almost killed this deputy trainee

SFOGuy says...

Yah, maybe--if you tried to argue it was skin absorbed. Sure--it could have been a panic attack? Maybe? Or staged? Dunno. It's still true that Fentanyl is terrifyingly powerful.

But if they were rousting that car for longer or had earlier contact--PubMed says nasal inhalation takes 7 minutes to effectiveness.

There's also the terrifying possibility he ran into sufentanil. Heroin/morphine is given a potency of 1X; Fentanyl is given a potency of 50X to 100X heroin/morphine; Sufentanil--why was this invented?--has a baseline potency of 7.5X greater than Fentanyl---which makes if between 375X and 750X more potency microgram for microgram than heroin/morphine?

I'm also always struck that the lethal overdose amount of just regular old Fentanyl is--about the size of one grain of rice you see it in a glass vial. The other comparison I've seen is that's about the amount of white powder that would sit in one layer on Lincoln's ear on a penny.

NIOSH says anyone messing around with suspected fentanyl should wear PPE--and then very, very carefully discard it and wash down afterwards.

rancor said:

There's a lot of internet traffic that claims this was essentially "faked" by the department. His controlled fall, some lack of urgency by the trainer, good color/not suffocating... Also a lot of "this is not how fentanyl works" from medical professionals.

Birthday Wishes For Trump's 75th Birthday

Miami Beach condo collapse

BSR says...


All alone or in twos
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall
Some hand in hand
And some gather together in bands
The bleeding hearts and the artists
Make their stand


Walked out this morning
Don't believe what I saw
Hundred billion bottles
Washed up on the shore
Seems I'm not alone at being alone
Hundred billion castaways
Looking for a home


If you could swap places with just one of those that are suffering loss, would you?

eric3579 said:


i so easily overlooked that this a terrible tragedy with potentially lots of human suffering and loss

Birthday Wishes For Trump's 75th Birthday

newtboy says...

LOL! Trump is only liked by a very few washed up and bat shit crazy or demented actors you can count on one hand....and Kanye when he's off his meds.
Please, let's have more Maga tsunamis like 2018 and 2020.

You know that felons can't be president, neither can corpses. Afraid by 2024 that's going to leave the entire Trump clan disqualified....Some doubly so. Also, an approval rating in the mid 30's isn't a winning candidate. Please oh please don't make Trump the candidate. Anything but the briar patch...I mean Trump.

Your tears are so sweet I've stopped buying sugar.

TangledThorns said:

Oh no, President Trump isn't liked by a washed up actor. MAGA2024!!

Birthday Wishes For Trump's 75th Birthday

Valedictorian Gives Unapproved Speech on Abortion Rights

Mordhaus says...

You can't kill a living human being...

Death Penalty exists...

Abortion will always be a touchy subject, but if you have money to travel, you can get that abortion in places that support them. So what these abortion laws do is punish poor people who can't make that trip. Then those same people are forced to either put the child up for adoption (because we don't have a ton of children that can't be adopted already) or they can raise that child, most likely in the same situation that led to them being poor and not having a proper family unit.

Storytime, and god help me if my wife ever finds out I talked about this.

I was raised in a poor home, with an abusive family. My wife was raised in a poor home with a good family. When we started dating after High School back in 1992, you had two choices for safe sex, condoms or birth control (doctor visit with no insurance and it was Texas in 1992, they weren't just tossing it out like free candy). We had to use condoms because we couldn't afford birth control and because she was scared of using it. If you have ever read the side effects, you might be too, seeing as death can be one of them in rare instances.

So condoms were the watchword. But accidents happen; maybe one just didn't work right, maybe it was the one that broke one time, but we ended up getting pregnant. I told her that I would do whatever she wanted. We planned to marry soon anyway, so I said we could shotgun it if need be. She said she didn't think she wanted a child. So I said that it was HER decision, but I would be there through it.

It isn't easy. Unless you have been in that exact situation, you will never know the fear and uncertainty involved. We were 18 and 20, just starting out with shit jobs, living with parents, and with a 1968 Catalina as our only vehicle. Her parents would have forced her to have it if they knew, because they thought the same way as @bobknight33. We would have been stuck living with them, they already didn't like me because I wasn't deeply religious and not into ranch life. My parents wouldn't have taken us in because my mom didn't like my wife until years later. The stress and anger would have probably split us up, and both of us would have likely remained poor to this day.

Instead, my wife chose to not have the child and got an abortion in the first trimester. We kept it to ourselves, married later, and are still together today. We both fought our way out of being poor people to being on the upper spectrum of middle class. We decided we just didn't want kids and now we spoil our niece. I will swear right now that we would never have made it to where we are today if we had been forced to raise a child because of someone else's deranged idea that every child must be born regardless of the future in store for it.

So, yes, I can speak to what an actual poor person goes through in that situation. We were lucky, because there weren't laws rammed through by religious people who have no clue of the consequences, just a strong delusion that God wants all children born. Funny how those religious people wash their hands of the aftermath of their crusade. Even funnier are the ones that quietly send Mary Lou to California to 'visit an aunt' for a couple of months when they find out their spawn got knocked up.


If you fight against easy abortions, except those where the child has reached the capability to survive if it had to be medically removed from the mother, you and the rest of your ilk can go fuck yourselves.

The surprising history of hand-washing - BBC REEL

BSR says...

Being in the death business I wash my hands a lot to the point where it's hard to separate two sheets of paper or handle cardboard boxes due to having no oils to grip with. It's not like I can just swipe some saliva off my tongue. I do wear rubber gloves when handling the deceased but not everything is sanitized such as door knobs and surfaces where you would not normally use gloves. I always use rubber gloves to pick my nose though.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

point of clarification

"lack of standing, meaning the campaign failed to show that it had suffered an 'injury in fact'"

Or in these circumstances, if there WERE a handful of people lets say 100, lets say they legit found 100 votes that were 100% fraudulent. In a space where they lost the vote by 20,000, 100 votes would not have caused injury or would not have changed anything.

Still if you look at even the numbers that they are claiming are frauds
(see below)
Here’s the breakdown of the ones they could verify and have been provided to the public.

42,000 people voted more than once
1,500 dead voters cast ballots
19,000 non-Nevada residents voted (number doesn’t include students and military)
8,000 people voted using non-existent addresses
15,000 votes were cast from commercial addresses or vacant houses
4,000 ineligible foreign nationals voted

that brings you to 89,500 votes

STILL you'd have to chop that 42,000 in half, because 1 of their votes would still count, so 89-21= 68,500 that they are even CLAIMING are fraudulent

Here's the problem

even if u shift the 68,500 away - you can't assume that all of those votes that they're claiming are fraudulent are FOR biden - it's likely a mixed bag. HENCE the no injury-in-fact.


But that's also assuming that the evidence they present is actually substantial and holds up to scrutiny

"[The judge] summarily dismissed its claims of voter fraud and request for an overturn of election results in a ruling on Friday, writing that the campaign’s evidence provided “little to no value” based on questionable or “unsound” methodology, adding that the evidence failed to show any “credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

If the evidence is so compelling, why can't i find it anywhere? "washed away?" Can't be that washed away, there's a court transcript that's easily readable. There's bits and pieces published on news sites, but the judges in 50 different states in the USA (many appointed by trump) and the supreme court too for that matter, didnt find anything presented to be compelling.

Did u watch Lombardi's ghost or whatever speaking at the super bowl? What do you think he meant by "...the courage and teamwork to triumph" The phrase jumped out at me, because it's not very encouraging. I mean I personally find it encouraging. But i guess a lot of people don't find talk like that encouraging, it's just a weird quote that doesnt make sense. It's like how do you get to the word "triumph" with the word "courage" --- that's just not very encouraging,,,some might say. It's like, what does he even do all day, TALK to the players to get them to do things? everyone knows that's not possible. Not encouraging. pffffft sorry i can't keep it up, yeah he incited the riot through encouragement.

newtboy said:

Some were tossed for lack of standing, but most for lack of merit, which means their claims were baseless, had no evidence, no proof. The administration was given dozens upon dozens of opportunities to present evidence and proof in court to save their cases, they NEVER presented a single verified fact about election fraud, nor have they presented ANY to the public.

What Still Works - SNL

newtboy says...

No problem...she allegedly privately disavowed something unspecified she said in the past (while publicly stating she apologises for nothing and retracts nothing). Problem solved.

Republicans have decided her insanity is washed clean, like her decades of insanity never happened, and won't even vote to see if a school shooting denier and student survivor harasser that believes Jewish space lasers caused California's wildfires to clear land for trains and called for the murder of other representatives publicly should be on the education committee.

But voting for impeachment over inciting a deadly insurrection, that they thought called for a vote for expulsion.

It sounds like today they get to make that position public when the full house votes to remove Green. Let's hope democrats have grown a spine and vote her off committees without Republican support....and let's hope independents remember who the right stands with come election time....racist, antisemitic, vitriolic, total nutjobs that spout incendiary and inflammatory nonsense constantly while calling for the death of high ranking government officials.

surfingyt said:

jewish space lasers... the republicans are off their rockers

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