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OAN: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

JiggaJonson says...

Did u read the accusations the OAN network talking heads made?

Here's a link directly to the tweet that reads

"Mr. President, the CDC, the NIH (Nat. Institute for Health) are DEEP STATE
and are covering up the truth
and they are DECEIVING you.
Fauci (NIH) funded the production of the Corona Virus
at the North Carolina BSL-3 Lab"

FUNDED THE PRODUCTION is not 'collaborated with'

Clearly, @bobknight33 is compramised by the deep state and has become a Never-Trump-RHINO

WORSE! bob's supporting the production of COVID-19 in North Carolina with his LIES about our glorious leader.

bobknight33 said:

It indicated it was collaborated with the Chinese lab in Wuhan . Studying is fine, Chinese letting it loose in Wuhan is not.

Keep spinning Truth to negate the fault of Chinese.

Are you part of the 1000 talents? Probably not you most likely a stooge

What is a Trompe?

Meet the Tesla Cybertruck

GOP Says Trump Was Joking as Damning Ukraine Texts Emerge

newtboy says...

So you didn't look? It's clear in the photo, and there are plenty of zoomed in versions that are unambiguous. Google image it.

Because being a speed addict explains all the other bat shit crazy shit he's done, and the 3am rambling rage tweeting, the manic paranoia, the inability to form a cogent thought, inappropriate anger, stubbornness, etc. It's not a bit trivial imo. It could be a great reason to insist on random drug testing for presidents.

There's also multiple recent reports that one of his doctors from the 89's-90's was convicted of overprescribing speed to his patients...a Dr feel good. The hippy doctor admitted he was a front, not his main doctor, and admitted he didn't write the medical opinion of Trump's health he produced, Trump did.

wtfcaniuse said:

Again, the drawer was chock full of Sudafed how? Why would you even comment on the possibility of him misusing Sudafed? Even if it was true it's trivial compared to other shit he's done.

Stacey Dash, Clueless Star, Arrested in Florida

Sagemind says...

Stacey Dash's domestic battery case against her husband was dropped days after the "Clueless" actress was arrested in Florida for allegedly pushing and slapping him across the face following a verbal argument.

According to court records, prosecutors in Pasco County dropped the case on Thursday, a day after she pleaded not guilty to a domestic battery charge.

Her husband, attorney Jeffrey Marty, thanked the State Attorney for not pursuing charges.

"She was arrested over my objection at the time, but due to the pending investigation, I waited to comment until now," he said in a tweet. "We both look forward to getting this behind us."

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Good find. hope they find more fraud.

Why doesn't Trump Tweet the F out of this you aks.

Probably same reason Policy and Cummings dont talk about their shit hole cities. No one likes to point the finger at themselves.

Dose CA have a good voter ID in their state?

Would be great if all states used an ID to vote, and a paper ballot.

newtboy said:

Have you heard of Gustavo Lerma (aka Hiram Enrique Velez) ?

Trump finally found the illegal alien voter he's spent millions searching for, so why isn't he tweet raging about him?
(Annoyed grunt)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Mueller Explains He Was Barred From Charging Don

newtboy says...

Trump's presidency? It certainly is a sham.

No surprise you can't understand plain English. Being in a cult of personality has destroyed your less than stellar brain.
You describe Trump lying under oath as him being smart to not implicate himself but don't realize that means you admit the truth is he's a criminal.

Mueller said exactly what he means, DOJ rules did not allow him to even consider criminal charges, but congress's 400 pages of evidence about multiple high crimes that does not in any way exonerate the president. Congress has a duty to examine and act on that evidence. You hear that as "total exoneration, case closed".

What about the other three scandals that were exposed today? How will you excuse today's undeniable criminality, unpatriotic incivility, and his admission that his presidency is illegitimate?

One, perjury by dozens of official Trumpees about the racist census changes that prove they were designed to give "Republicans and non Hispanic whites an electoral advantage" and hurt the Democrats, and would have that effect according to studies they also hid and lied under oath about. Proof of the racist conspiracy going back to 2015 was uncovered, contradicting their testimony that the order came directly from the DOJ based on questions first raised in 2017. Gonna just wait until 10am to hear the party line in court, then whatever new lie they tell will be your answer I expect.

Two, the constantly shifting denial of the official Whitehouse orders to hide the John McCain and barring of sailors from the ship from events because the Biggest Loser throws a childish temper tantrum when he hears or reads the name. Gonna blame that on a subordinate and deny responsibility for those under him acting incredibly, offensively unpatriotic and disrespecting the military on his behalf in his name purely to stroke his ego...."with good intentions" (keeping Trump's ego unbruised), and just ignore the reason they had to do it too I expect.

Three, the accidental admission that Russia actually got him elected. That you'll call an intentional misunderstanding of a poorly worded tweet by the fake news lefty media not a Freudian slip or confession I expect.

Thanks for the opportunity to shine more light on more daily proof he's illegitimate, unfit for office, and surrounded by unscrupulous and lawless sycophants.

bobknight33 said:

What a sham

What kind of person would say it like this

Muller: “If we had confidence that the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so"

What he really said ..we do not have any evidence to charge Trump.

This was just a ploy to push the ball back in Nancy Policy lap to try to get her to push forward impeachment proceedings.

Emails Expose Efforts To Put USS John McCain 'Out Of Sight'

newtboy says...

This infantile lie over a narcissistic vendetta against a dead American War Hero by a draft dodging business failure and liar and his sycophants comes the day after they were caught lying under oath about adding citizenship questions to the census. Fortunately, the estranged daughter of Thomas Hofeller, who's involvement the administration had hidden and denied under oath, found and turned over hidden hard drives in his effects outlining his significant involvement to the ACLU, actually proving he orchestrated the addition and personally drafted the letter from the DOJ to the Commerce Department that instigated the addition to create a "structural electoral advantage for Republicans and non-Hispanic whites" and a "disadvantage to Democrats". His records also outlined a study he did in 2015 that showed exactly that same outcome from the addition of the question, despite the administration claiming under oath that the idea was first suggested by administration officials in 2017 without outside involvement or studies.
The administration has been given until 10am Friday to address this evidence of perjury by multiple officials.

Edit: and this morning he tweeted he had no part in Russia helping him get elected....which he later realized was an admission that he's an illegitimate president elected because of help from our enemy. The dumb just never stops from the Biggest Loser in Cheat.

Green New Deal: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

The Truth About the Sri Lanka Attacks

newtboy says...

Of course, you never need background as long as you have an edited soundbite. It's certainly not because background information usually invalidates your position....couldn't be.

Calling out political enemies for not jumping onto the homophobic bus before the suspects were known is the problem. Now that they've been identified, maybe calling them out is appropriate....maybe not, but he's ranting about their first tweets, cherry picked to make his dumb "point".
It's almost like you all are ignorant of the fact that 1/2 the bombs weren't at Christian churches.

Taking note that right wing nationalistic terrorism is on the rise and a worse problem in America is identifying reality, which you have never seemed to have a grasp on.

Pretending Islamic terrorism is a bigger problem in the U.S. than right wing terrorism is a real problem.

Liars who produce partisan conspiracy theory propaganda and sell it to gullible ignoramuses like yourself, who then act on the misinformation, that is the problem that led you and many others out of reality.

Yes, they appear to be Islamic terrorism...but jumping to that conclusion based on nothing has led you astray before, blaming right wing terrorism on Muslims and never retracting the false accusations when facts come to light makes you the worst kind of liar.

bobknight33 said:

Background not needed

These were Islamic Terror Attacks.

Islam is the problem not Paul Joseph Watson.

Taking note that Islam radicals did this is NOT Islamophobic it is identifying reality, which you don't seem to be in.

The Future of War and How It Affects YOU - Smarter Every Day

Payback says...

I feel the cyber psy-ops every time I hear someone react to Trump tweets.

TheFreak said:

21:28 Finally nails it.

Did you feel the General maneuvering to a position of relative advantage in your brain?

Let's Talk About That Gillette Ad...

bcglorf says...

I'm reluctant to agree too much with each other, especially on something that's apparently controversial. That said, a simple string of Trump tweets and finishing with his "grab them by the p****" audio would have been more powerful. You don't have a more cut and tried example of "toxic masculinity" sitting at the top of the patriarchy than him. If you invented the example 5 years ago people would have derided it as too outrageously over the top and calling for something a little more realistic.

newtboy said:

I thought they should have included Trump publicly bragging about....well, every single bad behavior mentioned and then some.
He is in the position of exemplar in chief but has utterly failed to live up to it for even a single second. This could/should be directed right at him.

It did seem to me they directed this at all men, a few of whom they think act appropriately sometimes. I identify with the guys stepping in, and I still think this ad targeted my gender, not a few bad actors, and much worse it implied these bad behaviors aren't perpetrated by women, which is just ridiculous and false.

This Halloween commercial gave me the chills

BSR says...

When diodes meet.

Neil deGrasse Tyson tweeted today:

"Seems to me, if an Octopus
wanted to lock a human in a room,
it would just need to design the
exit with three door knobs."

Steve Schmidt on Trump 'Stoking And Inciting' Worst Among Us

newtboy says...

How could anyone possibly connect Dumb Donald's continuing public accusations against numerous prominent Jews that they are paying refugees (rapists and murderers), gang members (murderers), and Islamic terrorists (murderers) to "invade America" with the right wing terrorist, Bowers, who authored a social media post before the shooting accusing the organization HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, of bringing "invaders in that kill our people."
There's clearly no connection at all. Just because right wing terrorists are attacking the exact targets Trump continues to designate as the enemy (like calling CNN "the enemy of the people" between when the second and third bomb addressed to them was discovered), and are using his arguments and tweets in their manifestos and internet ramblings doesn't mean they've ever even heard of Trump, no connection.

bobknight33 said:

Such Bull crap. Trump has nothing to do with the shooting.

Dog whistle for the left.

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