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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Trick with those, just never investigate. If you reach a conclusion, there's no more room to lie.

Wait, forget i said that.


"been fed wild falsehoods. Because he was angry he lost an election

"There is no question, none, that president Trump is responsible for provoking and the events of the day. No question about it

"The people that stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president

"Having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president continued shouting into the largest megaphone on Earth.

"[He] manufactured an entire atmosphere of looming catastrophe. Increasingly wild myths about a reverse landslide election

"And I am voting to acquit
-Mitch McConnell

newtboy said:

How are those “investigations” into Hunter and the attempts to paint Joe as his partner going. Yet another failed attempt in a long list of failures by Republicans to run Biden under the nutty conspiracy bus.

Conversely, recent reports claim Jared and Ivanka milked daddy’s position for well over $650 million, mostly from foreign powers, over 4 years. Of course, you would insist on a deep investigation and include daddy Trump and all his business dealings, right? Starting with the >$30 million gift she received from China at the start of trade negotiations with China of course.

World Record Run

noims says...

I remember tricking my son, who was probably about four, while we were getting our running speeds checked by one of these.

I think I was getting speeds of about 10-12 km/h but I waited till a car was coming and told him to start running. It came up about 30-40 and he was so happy.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Let's talk about Trump's accomplishments...

noseeem says...

walk in his shoes for a bit.

maybe he's realized he has backed a cheap knock-off of Mussolini (if he watched the video). hopefully, now he (& BK33) are seeing their folly. perhaps even felt shame that Beau tricked him into seeing the light (as a Fox mushroom, that has to burn). in anger/pain the defensive, limp 'get the dem' troll zinger (include bob's failing flailing examples of 'factual data').

lashing out, while trying to excuse the inexcusable.

he [they] got duped. not a pleasant feeling. cognizance dissonance, on a ten-scale, of an 8+.

no expert, but perhaps Beau's example of a trojan horse approach, is a better way of communicating with w/the obstinate. get the defense down, and the message can get through. have hope for 33, but the rigidity of thorns seems too set.

rather change them than charge at them [withhold the capitol fanaticals]. ours is not a caravan of despair.

+ + + + +

but the video was a great presentation! nice execution.

just the fact the present German Chancellor said the Capitol insurgency was comparable to the burning of the Reichstag should make the case also!

no wonder donnie fears the ANTI-FACISTS. they are the Allies to his Axis power.

newtboy said:

Notoriously unqualified. Barely a lawyer.
Notoriously a pure political appointment, not a real judge, never heard a case before her appointment.
Notoriously dishonest.
Notorious political stooge.
Notorious religious zealot.
Notorious for insisting Catholics recuse themselves from death penalty cases because their religion wouldn't allow them to make any decision that was pro death but shouldn't recuse themselves from abortion cases for exactly the same if you disagree with her you should always recuse, but if you agree with her, don't recuse no matter what.

Notoriously awful.
Notoriously incapable of holding a candle to RBG.
Notoriously unqualified.

Time to make the supreme court have 13 justices to negate Trump's court packing.
Deal with it.

19-Year-Old TikToker Realizes She Lost Her Sense of Taste

BSR says...

Finally. A cheap and delicious way to check if you are covid.

A nice Dunkin Donuts iced coffee with a shot of espresso will do the trick for me!

Buttigieg Shuts Down Loaded Fox Question

newtboy says...

Lol. Nope.

Another case of massive voter fraud caught today, this time the actual Republican Party itself is installing FAKE drop boxes for mail in votes in unauthorized locations to trick people into handing their ballots to Republicans instead of the election board. No surprise, but a serious crime with 4 years in prison for each one, and there are many.

Voters, check with your elections board before using a drop box. Republicans are trying another ploy to rig the election and steal your votes through felony and fraud.

Isn't it funny how every false claim you make against Democrats is actually what Republicans have been caught doing, not Democrats? You should stop making these claims, they only go to show how criminal and infantile Republicans are now.

More Republican voter fraud, like all the rest. Look it up, Dmitry.
All vote fraud is Republican these days. Trump told you all to vote twice, and if you do he still wouldn't win. (Please do, every time a moron votes for Trump twice, Trump loses both of their votes and they get to enjoy prison.)


bobknight33 said:

Dems are cheating via mail in votes.

This Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube-Man dances quite well

Police admit they arrested wrong man, yet he's still in jail

newtboy says...

Fit the description....except for his height, weight, age, and clothing.
Just like I fit the description of a vandal when I was 12-13 riding the bus to school in my prep school uniform, 130lbs and maybe 5'4", and white...and the description was mid twenties black man, approximately 6' 180 lbs. I was still in custody when they brought him in.

Never trust a word a policeman says, they are professionally trained to be liars, and have fought to the supreme court to secure their right to lie. They know that doesn't include lying about what happened, making up charges, or perjury, but once you're ok with lying, even feel it's an important tool to use to trick innocent suspects into prison, crossing the next line is nothing, just lie about it.
Stating that in court under oath makes me ineligible for jury duty. I got a huge smile from the judge too, seems he doesn't like liars either.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Russia is making campaign adds and slogans for Trump. This time you just don't care since he got away with it last time.

Remember, the recent republican created report says clearly Trump's campaign colluded, coordinated, and worked in tandem with Russia, who committed hundreds of crimes in America to help Trump get elected because he's their man, a total pussy and pushover who can't stand up to Putin even when he puts bounties on our military, knowingly and with intent invited foreign powers to interfere in our elections, even publicly on camera, then outright lied in the impeachment hearings.

No they aren't, because it's not slipping. You admitted as much under two weeks ago, said he was articulate and "with it", then forgot what bobski #4 said and went back to " he's lost it, is unstable, can't speak without major gaffes...." while ignoring Trump's disjointed, rambling, inarticulate, unstable speeches illegally using public property for campaign functions.

They are PRETENDING it is, so for suckers who believe constant liars, they are making it slip in your mind, the only place it's true.

Slowing down videos to make people look out of it is a well known Republican ploy, so is editing videos to make speakers appear confused or rambling. Trump looks deranged and unstable live, constantly, no cuts and editing needed. You can find more flubs, lies, misunderstandings, and rambling in any Trump speech than any Russian compilation of all 40 years of Biden's public service, and he stutters, Trump doesn't.

I won't underestimate the stupidity of the American voter again, but without functional absentee voting (the same as mail in) and with Trumpanzees following his instructions to vote twice and just hope you don't go to prison for him, he's already invalidated the election. He might win, but only by multiple forms of cheating and massive suppression. It's possible, he's degraded the country enough to make it possible.

Btw, how did you like Trump's crisis actor at his event in Kenosha. When the owner of a burned camera shop refused to be photographed with Trump or used as part of his divisive political ploy, Trump just got another person to pretend to be him and went ahead with his photo op. You knew he would the instant the words "crisis actor" left his lips, he always does the thing he rails against.
The man holding the Rhodes camera book is not the owner of the shop. He sold it nearly a decade ago and has no connection, knowing this, Trump repeats "your store" and "we're going to help you" to the guy he hired to be a crisis actor. I bet you suddenly love crisis actors and see nothing at all wrong there, despite ranting against them in the past as disgustingly dishonest tricks only liberals play.

Please, another red tsunami. I'm begging you, give us another red tsunami. Landslides are miniscule by comparison, go big.

bobknight33 said:

Russia may be be promoting Biden's failures but it is BIDEN failures.

Trump nor Putin is making Biden mind slip.

Keep thinking of a Biden win and then cry another 4 years. Landslide 2020

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

If the remarks being contradicted are not only smug they're also ridiculous, devoid of fact, racist, and or dangerously stupid (like insisting in May that Coronavirus is a hoax that's not dangerous and is a "nothing burger", and everyone should be back at work), and contradicting them with facts and references and +- 1/4 the disrespect the original remarks contained makes people vote for Trump, that does indicate they were already trumpsters imo.

Edit: It's like Democrats have a high bar to clear, but Republicans have no depth too deep to stoop to.

Trump changes Bob's beliefs daily, every time he changes a position Bob changes his belief to make the new position seem reasonable to him. He is not consistent. No other opinion matters to him.

I don't hold beliefs, I have theories. It's easy to change your theory when given new information, I do all the time. Beliefs don't work that way, so I avoid them as much as possible.

Yes, and I eat animals because they're delicious. I would eat people if they were raised and fed better, but we are polluted beyond recovery imo.

You may be correct, but eating meat is hardly the worst thing humans are up to. Killing for sport seems worse, so do kill "shelters", puppy mills, habitat destruction, ocean acidification, etc....I could go on for pages with that list. I try to eat free range locally farmed on family farms meat, not factory farm meat. I know the difference in quality.

I gladly discuss vegetarianism with honest people, but I'm prepared when they start spouting bullshit like " eating any red meat is more harmful than smoking two packs a day of filterless cigarettes" (yes, someone insisted that was true because they didn't care it wasn't, it helped scare people, I contradicted him every time he lied.) The difference is, I could agree with some of their points that weren't gross exaggeration, I agreed that excessive meat eating is horrible for people, I agree that most meat is produced under horrific conditions, I would not agree that ALL meat is unhealthy in any amount and ALL meat is tortured it's entire lifetime because I know from personal experience that's just not true. We raised cattle, free range cattle, in the 70's. They were happy cows that had an enjoyable life roaming our ranch until the day they went to market, a life they wouldn't have if people didn't eat meat.

I've never met a vegan that wasn't a bold faced liar in support of veganism, so I'm less likely to give them a full chance at convincing me. The fact checking part of my brain goes on high alert when talking with them about health or other issues involved in meat production, with excellent reason.

Again, that would be long held theories in my case, and it's not hard to change them. Mad cow disease got me to change until I was certain it wasn't in America. No, I'm not recoiling. I'll listen to anyone who's respectful and honest.

Here's the thing, Bob consistently trolls in a condescending, self congratulatory, and bat shit crazy way. Turnabout is fair play.
As the only person willing to reply to him for long stretches, I know him. I've had many private conversations with him where he's far more reasonable, honest, willing to admit mistakes, etc. (Something I gave up when he applauded Trump lying under oath because "only a dummy tells the truth under oath if the truth might harm them, Trump winning!") When someone is so anti truth and snide, they deserve some snidely delivered truth in return. Bob has proven he's undeserving of the civility you want him to receive, it's never returned.

Bob does not take anything in from any source not pre approved by Trump. I've tried for a decade, and now know he only comes here to troll the libtards. It doesn't matter if you show him video proof and expert opinions, he'll ignore them and regurgitate more nonsense claiming the opposite of reality. He's not trying to change minds, in case you're confused. He's hoping to trick people who for whatever reason refuse to investigate his factless hyper biased claims and amplify the madness. That he comes here to do that, a site he regularly calls a pure liberal site (it's not) is proof enough to convict him of just trolling.

Trolls deserve derision.

I spent years ignoring his little jabs, insults, derisions, and whinging and trying hard to dispassionately contradict his false claims with pure facts and references, it was no different then.
While privately he would admit he's wrong, he would then publicly repeat the claims he had just admitted were bullshit. When he started supporting perjury from the highest position on earth down as long as they're Republican but still calls for life in prison for democrats that he thinks lied even not under oath, he lost any right to civil replies imo. He bought it when Republican representatives said publicly in interviews that they have no obligation to be truthful with the American people, and he applauds it and repeats their lies with glee.

Edit: in general I agree that dispassionate fact based replies with references are better at convincing people than derision, there are exceptions, and there are those who are unconvinceable and disinterested in facts that don't support their lies. How long are you capable of rebutting them with just fact and references when they are smug, snide, insulting, dangerous, and seriously delusional if not just purely dishonest?


eoe said:

Fair enough.


Democrats know Biden will lose

newtboy says...

Newsmax, the wannabe OAN? Lol Bob. They're science denying, far right fake news that rates a 45/180 for honesty who sells snake oil by tricking their readers/viewers into reading fake "scientific discovery" articles that direct you to a sale page for the new snake oil that cures cancer or makes your cells (so you) immortal. Holy Fuck.
I won't watch a second of their dishonesty, recently claiming the RNC turned the tables for Trump and he's winning in all the polls now? Get real, such nonsense. You just love blatant fraudsters, don't you. They love you, they love all their uneducated followers, they're so easy to separate from their money.

bobknight33 said:

Even Democrats know that Biden will loose.

Ku Klux Klan Member interview-Chris

BSR says...

Funny thing about the bible. It doesn't matter if you believe in the bible or not.

We all end up writing our own personal bible anyway. What's right? What's wrong? You get to decide. You make the choices and the rules.

The bible was not created as something you must believe in. Rather it is the seed that tricks you into creating your own personal bible. The bible you will really live by. You pick and choose what to keep and what to throw away and interpret. There is only one God that will punish you or reward you.

You are that God. You are the God of the world in your head that you created with the bible you wrote for yourself.

You will judge yourself by your own bible in the end because that is all there will be when you lose the person you truly love, whether it be a significant other, a good friend or a child. That is the hell you fall into. The grief you suffer is not anything your brain will be able to help you with. The grief is brought to you by love. Brought to you with good reason.

Your death has nothing to do with you and everything to do with those that love you.

Your childhood heart will be broken. Destroyed.

Luckily you have a spare. A new heart locked in the trunk. It is yours if you can find the key. Get back in the car and turn on the radio. You will hear the voices of the angels sing to you like you've never heard them before. They have been with you the whole time. You just never heard them like you do now with the pain. Their voices are coming to you from the other side of hell. Outside the wall.

Turns out you must make a decision about love and the pain and the emptiness (the Nothing) it can bring you or others. If you are lucky you will throw your bible into the flames and emerge on the other side with your new heart. A well earned heart if you can forgive yourself. Forgiving others is just practice so you know how forgive yourself.

If you can't throw your bible into the flames, then perhaps someone that loves you will be going to hell.

Really, love is all you need.

noims said:

I completely agree. We need to know these people are out there and understand their beliefs and rationales in order to counter them.

Racists already know where to look for support. The only big group of people I can see getting converted by this are religious people who could adopt the KKK's interpretation of the bible which, as I stated above, terrifies me.

Louis DeJoy Says He Will Not Put Mail Sorting Machines Back

spawnflagger says...

I use snail mail infrequently, but a first class letter that used to take 2 business days now takes 5 to get delivered. Something is going on lately... about the same amount of time since DeJoy took over as Postmaster General.

could totally be coincidence, but given many precedents Trump set for political 'tricks' I'd say it's plausible.

Louis DeJoy Says He Will Not Put Mail Sorting Machines Back

bobknight33 says...

This plan was in place well before this guy showed up. Old machines were removed also under last administration.

There is enough cash for the mail system .

Nothing bur another dump on Trump trick.
Democrats will cheat via this un necessary mail shit.

IF you can get your Starbucks or protest or groceries you can vote in person.

Covid is is a nothing burger unless you over 65. This is a non issue.

Do You Regret All Your Lying?

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