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God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

peggedbea says...

there are a lot of people of faith on the sift, several of them. more than you think apparently. and they're generally well-liked. it probably has a lot to do with them not carrying a cross on their backs and whining that their shitty testimonial sift didnt fair too well in a community that values empirical evidence and logic. there are a lot views because there is a lot of discussion happening and thats attracting people, but what this man said wasn't any good, isn't anything new and astounding, and isn't worthy of an upvote. so the votes are low. you've prompted a great discussion, be grateful and quit taking the fact that a community thats mostly non-religious and values evidence and logic over testimony didn't like what this man had to say.

"if i were more popular people wouldn't be jerks and downvote me"

this is the most irritating thing to me. i have yet to see the downvote bias in action here. but there always seems to be someone carrying around a persecution complex, sifting crappy videos and blaming their low vote totals on some imaginary popularity contest. there isn't a popularity contest. one of the dudes with one of the highest vote ratios i know of has barely left any comments whatsoever and speaks to noone. noone knows who is. "popularity" does not translate into upvotes. nor does it even mean youre necessarily "well-liked" whatever that means since this is, after all, the fucking internet. i'd say the screenname "peggedbea" is fairly well known because ive been pretty vocal and active for years. i have made "internet friends" here, but it certainly doesn't help my videos get sifted. and it doesnt get my comments upvoted. sometimes i say something relevant and people like it, mostly i say something bitchy and people dont read it. its not personal.

and you just called anyone who didn't like what this guy had to say "jerks". thats the point of the sift, if you dont like it.. you downvote it. its not personal. at all. its how the site works.

people not liking this video has more to do with the fact that its lame than it does to do with you personally. this titty baby persecution complex is fucking lame. get over yourself.

>> ^shinyblurry:

I don't mean it's rigged..I mean that even though we had a good discussion going and it's popular enough, people withheld their vote or even downvoted because of their opinion on the subject's not that the subject matter is of no interest, which it obviously's because they disagree with it.
It's also because I am not well liked in the community, for whatever reason..if I was more popular, people wouldn't be jerks and downvote me (6 so far)..I mean this is my first published video..quite a welcome right.
I think this video proves the bias here at the'd probably be hard pressed to find another video with such high views and comments and few votes. Of course I don't think there is any disagreement there is a bias against theists here..but its worth noting in any case.
I mean here is a video that gets people talking and makes people think, even if they don't agree with it..yet I would probably get into the top 10 instantly if I posted yet another angry atheist railing against God. Maybe I am wrong but it doesn't seem like it.
>> ^dag:
Ha. "artificially suppressed"? Now I think I'm being trolled. You know how voting works here. It's 100% human - ain't nothing artificial about it. >> ^shinyblurry:
>> ^dag:
Wow. 96 comments and only 12 net upvotes. That's sort of unusual for around here.

Yeah, I think it's kind of telling..I mean according to the 110 comments and 1100 views, it should have easily made it to the top 10, just based on its popularity. It's pretty clear it is being artificially suppressed.

An important message about Duke Nukem Forever

rottenseed says...

If the sequel to a game that I played before and during puberty takes until I'm 28 to come out (which isn't that long since I went through puberty at 25) I'd be devastated if it wasn't all that the prepubescent-pixelated-titty-watching boy in me wanted it to be.

Wonder Woman's Super Powers On-Disply For You

kronosposeidon says...

The TV show was mostly based on her earliest days in comic books. Indeed, she originally didn't have the power of flight, but the writers gave it to her in 1960 - over 50 years ago now. They boosted her other powers slowly over time, just like they did with Superman (who now can approach the speed of light, but back in the beginning he was happy just to outrace bullets). Even when the TV show debuted her power of flight had been in existence for 15 years, but I think they chose to ignore it mainly because realistic human flight FX were too costly for most TV budgets back then.

I really believe they never tried to make a serious show. It was the '70s, and jiggling curves had finally become acceptable for American television. This is what they exploited. And to make a crappy, campy show like that last 4 years is a testament to how much one woman's bouncing boobs were cherished by male Americans of the time. Now it takes multiple sets of titties to make it these days. We've made great strides, haven't we? >> ^NetRunner:

@kronosposeidon I only really know her from the 70's show, and I admittedly mostly watched it for the, uhh, woodrows.
Sounds like in the comics she had a lot more power than her softcore TV version did. I don't recall her lifting anything much heavier than a car there, and she wasn't inhumanly fast, nor capable of flying without machinery.
I suppose she was a genius there too, but that only really manifested itself in her being able to occasionally answer trivia questions, not in the sense that Wonder Woman got presented as being uncannily intelligent in her actions or speech...

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Snake bites Orit Fox

Should Information About VideoSift Members be Recorded on (User Poll by dag)

jonny says...

>> ^Shepppard:

And on KP's side, although Choggie has technically forfeit his right to have any input (lets overlook that fact for the sake of the example) what would happen if he didn't want a page written about him at all?

Tough titties. He and everyone else here voluntarily joined and participated in a community. Communities have collective memories and often document them. That's not to say that anything goes. Vandalism and slander are obviously not allowed, just as they aren't allowed on VideoSift itself.

A topic page about choggie is a good example of a page that should exist. Considering that he comes back from time to time, it would be informative for users unaware of the history why certain probie members are suddenly instabanned with otherwise cryptic messages left on the profile page. That page would contain wildly conflicting views of him and be heavily edited. It may even contain content from choggie himself, added by sympathetic members. And that would honestly reflect choggie's time at VideoSift.

Bob Log III - Clap Your Tits

Big breasted girl on The Dating Game likes showing them off!

csnel3 says...

A perfect reminder of how fake The Dating Game was. All the participants are actors and actresses. Just scripted bullshit. And "way to go" Debbie Downer (you all know who you are), I do like her big (diseased) soft (fake) lovley (sad) titties (dead , sad porn actress).

Also, In the seventies, if you won a game show they would send you to the land of cocaine with a pornstar? sweet.

New TSA screening procedures (User Poll by MarineGunrock)

Croccydile says...

I still remember when discussing (well before the new body scanners, years ago) with someone about the TSA and the checks they do. He seemed to be OK with whatever they did and was of the standard "well if you are doing nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about" crowd. I had asked him "Well what if they started doing (insert unlikely scenario here) would you be ok with that then?" and he did not seem to really think that would happen. He just eventually would call me paranoid, although I think he probably imagined as secretly being a terroist. Or something. With the past week of news about the TSA now I do not feel so bad looking back.

The biggest trouble is that the TSA is always knee-jerk reaction to whatever threat that occurs rather than looking forward. They will always forever be playing catchup rather than implementing procedures that work. Shoe bomber? Have everyone x-ray their shoes... afterward. Underwear guy? Full body scans... afterward. What's next?

Granted there is no perfect solution. Regressing on the security back to the 60s would yield an incident (hijacking, bombing, etc) where everyone will just panic and demand more intrusive scans than before. Israeli level interrigations and questioning (they do high security through profiling/body language/etc rather than relying on machinery) while being skilled is impractical in the US. Throwing out the fact you would need to show up to the airport hours early it would simply cost too much for a country our size.

What gets under my skin from sheer stupidity though, is why are the pilots being subject to this? They just have to push the stick forward to be a terrorist. Going through those scanners day in and day out (when even TSA agents themselves have worried about its radiation from the outside) cannot be a good thing for them. Damn right they should be protesting this crap.

Personally? I'm really torn. If someone does The Dark Knight or uses a buttplug bomb I can only forsee flying in the US becoming The Fifth Element where everyone is simply knocked out for the duration of the flight. As much as this country puts up with I would have a really hard time believing that the average citizen would put up with downright cavity searches before getting on a plane.

Then again... I am probably sounding naive. This security theatre bullshit has got to stop either way. I'm genuinely more afraid of the TSA goons than the remote chance of someone blowing the plane to smitherines. Fuck, mechanical failure or some other fault is likely much more of a threat than terrorism.

</rant> The reason I sound pissed off is that if I want to fly I have to go through the redneck rivera TSA that is part of MCO here in Florida. I knew they were lying about the stored images from the start but what is batshit stupid is they installed the scanners there just the past week and already the images are being leaked out. Pardon the expression but Jesus Holy Titty Fucking Christ.

(Reference: This is what I read earlier today, and what just makes my blood boil. Then again when the local news website posted the story about the guy who is in hot water over refusing the scan and patdown facing fines... most of the commenters were of the "Flying is a privilege not a right" or "YOU HAVE TO DO THIS TO FLY BECUASE OF 9/11 GOD BLESS THEIR SOULS" bullshit. I guess in Florida its ok to shred the 4th amendment as long as it you are a believer.)

Fuck this. I'm cancelling my damn trip next year. I'll fucking drive.

Fox News "Back of the Bus" Beat Up

Stop with the Minecraft (Videogames Talk Post)

Cat massaging a boob

gwiz665 says...

It's an important issue, dammit!
>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

You're tryin' to argue against titties and it not gonna work.
You're sayin' you don't like breasts? Even gay dudes still admire 'em.
Moreover, what's wrong with women having power, as crummy a power as it is. [Yay you'll make more as a prostitute or pornstar if you're a girl! Win for you!]
Not to mention it's dumb to suggest something so trivial would lead to any real change in overall power.
[Considering males are the dominate class in every society except about.. two.]
That one moment of pretty cute beautiful sexy cheerfulness should bring you joy.
It's a tiny slice of bliss in a dreary world and there's no need for you to go all Buzz Killington about it for the sake of being contrary. = P I never knew i felt that strongly.

Cat massaging a boob

GenjiKilpatrick says...

You're tryin' to argue against titties and it not gonna work.

You're sayin' you don't like breasts? Even gay dudes still admire 'em.

Moreover, what's wrong with women having power, as crummy a power as it is. [Yay you'll make more as a prostitute or pornstar if you're a girl! Win for you!]

Not to mention it's dumb to suggest something so trivial would lead to any real change in overall power.
[Considering males are the dominate class in every society except about.. two.]

That one moment of pretty cute beautiful sexy cheerfulness should bring you joy.

It's a tiny slice of bliss in a dreary world and there's no need for you to go all Buzz Killington about it for the sake of being contrary. = P I never knew i felt that strongly.

Whoops! Soccer Player is a 'Boob Swiper'

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