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SlipperyPete (Member Profile)

bill kristol and liz cheney have secured their place in hell

NordlichReiter says...

Is the property owned by the government? If so then the government has an obligation not to have a mosque built on it pursuant to the 1st ammendment; which states that the government shall make no favors for any religion.

If it's freely rented, or bought property, then tough titty.

laura (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

>> ^chtierna:

We need more videos with boobs. Titties. Bazongas. Cajungas. Flesh Pillows. Stacks. Squeezables. Either that or politics. Let me know what you find!
In reply to this comment by laura:
...because I love videos that expose me to something I didn't know about, especially creatures of our world...what kind of videos do you honestly think we need more of here on the sift? I'll try to find some for you.
In reply to this comment by chtierna:
Oh, and nice video. We sorely lack useless animal videos here on the sift. Good job.

Did someone call my name..?

laura (Member Profile)

chtierna says...

We need more videos with boobs. Titties. Bazongas. Cajungas. Flesh Pillows. Stacks. Squeezables. Either that or politics. Let me know what you find!

In reply to this comment by laura:
...because I love videos that expose me to something I didn't know about, especially creatures of our world...what kind of videos do you honestly think we need more of here on the sift? I'll try to find some for you.

In reply to this comment by chtierna:
Oh, and nice video. We sorely lack useless animal videos here on the sift. Good job.

The Importance of Titles (Pets Talk Post)

China is racist.

kceaton1 says...

>> ^siftbot:

>> ^mxxcon:
>> ^ant:
>> ^mxxcon:
>> ^ant:
>> ^mxxcon:
>> ^ant:
She's just different and doesn't look bad. I am Chinese too.
ants have race?

I am not in China, fool! However, I am more a nazi since I like to point at spelling and grammar errors!
my life hero, JeffK, said it best, and i quote:

I DONT spell bad I types vary fast becuase I haev peopal too see and things to do and I cant SPELLCHECK becuase my fingars are liek lassaers!!1 mayeb yuo have tiem too sits around and play "OH HO HOW DO YUO SPELL TITTIES" all day but not me!

You forgot to capitalize!

in reference to your quote below, see my quote belower.

"Go to the ant, you sluggards..."

+1 Sifty. Let's keep this quote train roll'in.

/Did you notice that you can arrange every word in the title and get basically the same title, except for the engrish one.

China is racist.

siftbot says...

>> ^mxxcon:

>> ^ant:

>> ^mxxcon:

>> ^ant:

>> ^mxxcon:

>> ^ant:

She's just different and doesn't look bad. I am Chinese too.
ants have race?

I am not in China, fool! However, I am more a nazi since I like to point at spelling and grammar errors!
my life hero, JeffK, said it best, and i quote:

I DONT spell bad I types vary fast becuase I haev peopal too see and things to do and I cant SPELLCHECK becuase my fingars are liek lassaers!!1 mayeb yuo have tiem too sits around and play "OH HO HOW DO YUO SPELL TITTIES" all day but not me!


You forgot to capitalize!

in reference to your quote below, see my quote belower.

"Go to the ant, you sluggards..."

China is racist.

mxxcon says...

>> ^ant:

>> ^mxxcon:
>> ^ant:
>> ^mxxcon:
>> ^ant:
She's just different and doesn't look bad. I am Chinese too.
ants have race?

I am not in China, fool! However, I am more a nazi since I like to point at spelling and grammar errors!
my life hero, JeffK, said it best, and i quote:

I DONT spell bad I types vary fast becuase I haev peopal too see and things to do and I cant SPELLCHECK becuase my fingars are liek lassaers!!1 mayeb yuo have tiem too sits around and play "OH HO HOW DO YUO SPELL TITTIES" all day but not me!

You forgot to capitalize!

in reference to your quote below, see my quote belower.

China is racist.

ant says...

>> ^mxxcon:

>> ^ant:
>> ^mxxcon:
>> ^ant:
She's just different and doesn't look bad. I am Chinese too.
ants have race?

I am not in China, fool! However, I am more a nazi since I like to point at spelling and grammar errors!
my life hero, JeffK, said it best, and i quote:

I DONT spell bad I types vary fast becuase I haev peopal too see and things to do and I cant SPELLCHECK becuase my fingars are liek lassaers!!1 mayeb yuo have tiem too sits around and play "OH HO HOW DO YUO SPELL TITTIES" all day but not me!

You forgot to capitalize!

China is racist.

mxxcon says...

>> ^ant:

>> ^mxxcon:
>> ^ant:
She's just different and doesn't look bad. I am Chinese too.
ants have race?

I am not in China, fool! However, I am more a nazi since I like to point at spelling and grammar errors!
my life hero, JeffK, said it best, and i quote:

I DONT spell bad I types vary fast becuase I haev peopal too see and things to do and I cant SPELLCHECK becuase my fingars are liek lassaers!!1 mayeb yuo have tiem too sits around and play "OH HO HOW DO YUO SPELL TITTIES" all day but not me!


Golf ball deformation at 70,000 fps (!)

peggedbea (Member Profile)

rougy says...

Bugging you again.

Told C that I wanted to date other people.
Considering all alternatives, it went well.
It wasn't something that I wanted to tell her.
It was something that I had to tell her.

In retrospect, I think it went about as well as thing like that could go. We held hands. Kissed. Pressed our old middle-aged heads together. Smelled her hair. It soothed me.

We went out to the parking lot to neck, and some guy—some asshole came out and started filming us. We had to laugh. As if that sorry son of a bitch didn't have something better to do.

At, what? Two in the morning?

I flashed him my titties as we drove off. That'll show him!

Two can play at that game, but I probably won't, because anybody lame enough to film to old farts necking in an empty down-town parking lot isn't going to expose himself to anything more radical than...what...over-caffination?

A pair of cargo shorts that mis-match his death-metal tee-shirt?

Thinking of you, my long away Austin (but not Austin) firecracker.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
i take in strays. i sing songs. i go to baseball games. i have a sore rotator cuff.

enoch (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

Hey brother. Very cool. You can find the schedule here:

Times may not be accurate. I'm at the whim of the theater chain when it comes to scheduling. And some of them are not doing the Sunday showing.

In reply to this comment by enoch:
In reply to this comment by blankfist:

In reply to this comment by enoch:
lotta scary music and red herrings BUT it also is chock full of correct information and points to very real possibilities.
money junkies and power junkies all snorting coke off of a strippers fake titties.
jim rogers and peter schiff called this all in 04.
a lot of clips of them in this film..worth a watch and then decide for yourself.

anytime man.
hey..if you get a chance think you could get me your distribution schedule for your movie?
i was not kidding when i said i would support ya.

blankfist (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by blankfist:

In reply to this comment by enoch:
lotta scary music and red herrings BUT it also is chock full of correct information and points to very real possibilities.
money junkies and power junkies all snorting coke off of a strippers fake titties.
jim rogers and peter schiff called this all in 04.
a lot of clips of them in this film..worth a watch and then decide for yourself.

anytime man.
hey..if you get a chance think you could get me your distribution schedule for your movie?
i was not kidding when i said i would support ya.

enoch (Member Profile)

blankfist says...


In reply to this comment by enoch:
lotta scary music and red herrings BUT it also is chock full of correct information and points to very real possibilities.
money junkies and power junkies all snorting coke off of a strippers fake titties.
jim rogers and peter schiff called this all in 04.
a lot of clips of them in this film..worth a watch and then decide for yourself.

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