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1935 was so NASTY!

This video is a plea to my ex to please take me back

Transformer Dress - From a Dress to Buck Naked

viewer_999 says...

This stuff cracks me up.

Scientific advancement in computing tech, nanotech, quantum mechanics, air and space flight, genetic engineering, new medicines, ag science...

But, put a remote control in someone's underwear, and they're cheering.

(The loudest, coming from the guy gettin' his cowboy on, are clearly the result of realizing he's getting to see some at a fashion show his wife dragged him to. "Yeehaw, couldn't talk the wife into the titty bar but this'll do!")

kasinator (Member Profile)

How to rid teacups like a boss!

How to rid teacups like a boss!

Cute Girl With Great Voice Does "You're Gonna Miss Me"

NinjaInHeat says...


Seriously though, I also find that it's pointless to try and force political correctness, especially on the interwebs. Fact is most hetero men would probably agree that it's impossible for them not to be dominated by sexual thoughts even while watching an otherwise 'innocent' video such as this one. There are those who express it and those who choose not to, the most you could accuse the ones who don't resist the urge is a general lack of sophistication....

Zero Punctuation: Duke Nukem Forever (for real this time)

budzos says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

I just don't get why they had to hire 13 year-olds to do the writing. Searching a titty bar for popcorn, a condom and a fucking vibrator? Seriously? There's raunchy adult humor, then there's just utter juvenile shit.

That's mainly what my comment was about. The original Duke was lewd and suggestive. The new Duke is lewd and explicit. It's the difference between being a funny person and being a person who is convinced everything you say is hilarious.

Zero Punctuation: Duke Nukem Forever (for real this time)

MarineGunrock says...

I just don't get why they had to hire 13 year-olds to do the writing. Searching a titty bar for popcorn, a condom and a fucking vibrator? Seriously? There's raunchy adult humor, then there's just utter juvenile shit.

Lawsuit After Guy Tasered 6 Times For Crooked License Plate

smooman says...

>> ^handmethekeysyou:

Asking "what did I do?" is not "begging for it."
I understand why the cop got upset immediately. Guy got out of his car and started walking toward the officer with a hand in his pocket. Totally reasonable to react strongly to that. But by the 50th time when the cop told him to turn around and the guy was just asking what it was about, you'd think the cop would realize the guy isn't a threat.
Just answer the question, "what's this about?" And if you're not going to answer the question, say, "we'll discuss that in a minute, but for now just turn around and put your hands on your head." I'd say, "I pulled you over because of your license plate, but you started out acting like a threat. If you turn around and put your hands on your head, I assure you we'll walk away from this without a ticket or a problem." If the cop can't be expected to be the voice of reason, he shouldn't be allowed to carry a gun.
This was literally (rewatch it, precisely) three minutes of the cop saying "turn around and put your hands on your head" with smatterings of "do it now" and nothing else. That's not communication. That's ordering and tasering when your orders are not met. That's not law enforcement.>> ^smooman:
tasered 6 times for having a crooked license? thats not a misleading title at all!
what i saw was a dude get tasered 6 times for being a jackass
excuse me if i cant sympathize with a man who is practically begging for it

asking, no, demanding "what did i do?" is most assuredly "begging for it" given it's context.

You certainly have a strange reasoning in assuming a man who is utterly uncooperative, suspicious, erratic, and at times irate, is somehow not a perceivable threat.

"just answer the question"? jesus titty fucking christ do some people just have an abject lack of respect for judicial process? i'll let you be the one to leap out of your car on your next traffic stop and act surprised at the rate of escalation. Ya, the "voice of reason" certainly was working with the offender wasnt it? Guy gets pulled over, guy immediately gets out of car and approaches officer, guy is sternly and directly instructed to back the fuck up and at gunpoint even, guy refuses......ya thats a reasonable man right there

the only reason it was three minutes of "turn around and put your hands on your head" is because for three fucking minutes that asshat was overtly defiant and wholly uncooperative.

you know i hated authority too....then i graduated fucking high school

Pageant mom gives Botox to 8-year-old & defends her actions

smooman says...

a couple of things:

1) you inject botox for wrinkles.....youre fucking 8, what fucking wrinkles do you even have?

2) the mother's botox supplier? Ya i bet youd rather not say, stupid bitch.

3) waxing your legs, cuz hair is "unlady like" that as it may, you are fucking 8, FUCKING 8!!! YOU ARE NOT GODDAMN ROBIN WILLIAMS!!!

4) pageant world is tough so lets put toxins in your daughters face (nevermind the fact youre not even a fucking doctor, worthless piece of shit) for nothing more than (stupid) cosmetic reasons? you know what else is tough? fucking life. jesus titty fucking christ.

im very sensitive when it comes to taking children away from their parents.....but please, for the love of god, take this child away from this dumbass cow, now!

God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

shinyblurry says...

Say what? I was just commenting on your avatar..trying to defuse the tension. I didn't mean it that way and I'm sorry if I offended you. I didn't even know if you were female.

>> ^peggedbea:
you say something stupid and whiny and get told it was fucking stupid and whiny .... but its because i have lady bits, not because you're actually just a fucking douche?????
maybe there is a downvote bias and maybe you fucking deserve the persecution you receive.
>> ^shinyblurry:
yeah sure, i still see the bias. lets just see how it goes..on another note, your reproductive system is showing
>> ^peggedbea:
there are a lot of people of faith on the sift, several of them. more than you think apparently. and they're generally well-liked. it probably has a lot to do with them not carrying a cross on their backs and whining that their shitty testimonial sift didnt fair too well in a community that values empirical evidence and logic. there are a lot views because there is a lot of discussion happening and thats attracting people, but what this man said wasn't any good, isn't anything new and astounding, and isn't worthy of an upvote. so the votes are low. you've prompted a great discussion, be grateful and quit taking the fact that a community thats mostly non-religious and values evidence and logic over testimony didn't like what this man had to say.
"if i were more popular people wouldn't be jerks and downvote me"
this is the most irritating thing to me. i have yet to see the downvote bias in action here. but there always seems to be someone carrying around a persecution complex, sifting crappy videos and blaming their low vote totals on some imaginary popularity contest. there isn't a popularity contest. one of the dudes with one of the highest vote ratios i know of has barely left any comments whatsoever and speaks to noone. noone knows who is. "popularity" does not translate into upvotes. nor does it even mean youre necessarily "well-liked" whatever that means since this is, after all, the fucking internet. i'd say the screenname "peggedbea" is fairly well known because ive been pretty vocal and active for years. i have made "internet friends" here, but it certainly doesn't help my videos get sifted. and it doesnt get my comments upvoted. sometimes i say something relevant and people like it, mostly i say something bitchy and people dont read it. its not personal.
and you just called anyone who didn't like what this guy had to say "jerks". thats the point of the sift, if you dont like it.. you downvote it. its not personal. at all. its how the site works.
people not liking this video has more to do with the fact that its lame than it does to do with you personally. this titty baby persecution complex is fucking lame. get over yourself.
>> ^shinyblurry:
I don't mean it's rigged..I mean that even though we had a good discussion going and it's popular enough, people withheld their vote or even downvoted because of their opinion on the subject's not that the subject matter is of no interest, which it obviously's because they disagree with it.
It's also because I am not well liked in the community, for whatever reason..if I was more popular, people wouldn't be jerks and downvote me (6 so far)..I mean this is my first published video..quite a welcome right.
I think this video proves the bias here at the'd probably be hard pressed to find another video with such high views and comments and few votes. Of course I don't think there is any disagreement there is a bias against theists here..but its worth noting in any case.
I mean here is a video that gets people talking and makes people think, even if they don't agree with it..yet I would probably get into the top 10 instantly if I posted yet another angry atheist railing against God. Maybe I am wrong but it doesn't seem like it.
>> ^dag:
Ha. "artificially suppressed"? Now I think I'm being trolled. You know how voting works here. It's 100% human - ain't nothing artificial about it. >> ^shinyblurry:
>> ^dag:
Wow. 96 comments and only 12 net upvotes. That's sort of unusual for around here.

Yeah, I think it's kind of telling..I mean according to the 110 comments and 1100 views, it should have easily made it to the top 10, just based on its popularity. It's pretty clear it is being artificially suppressed.

God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

peggedbea says...

you say something stupid and whiny and get told it was fucking stupid and whiny .... but its because i have lady bits, not because you're actually just a fucking douche?????

maybe there is a downvote bias and maybe you fucking deserve the persecution you receive.


>> ^shinyblurry:

yeah sure, i still see the bias. lets just see how it goes..on another note, your reproductive system is showing
>> ^peggedbea:
there are a lot of people of faith on the sift, several of them. more than you think apparently. and they're generally well-liked. it probably has a lot to do with them not carrying a cross on their backs and whining that their shitty testimonial sift didnt fair too well in a community that values empirical evidence and logic. there are a lot views because there is a lot of discussion happening and thats attracting people, but what this man said wasn't any good, isn't anything new and astounding, and isn't worthy of an upvote. so the votes are low. you've prompted a great discussion, be grateful and quit taking the fact that a community thats mostly non-religious and values evidence and logic over testimony didn't like what this man had to say.
"if i were more popular people wouldn't be jerks and downvote me"
this is the most irritating thing to me. i have yet to see the downvote bias in action here. but there always seems to be someone carrying around a persecution complex, sifting crappy videos and blaming their low vote totals on some imaginary popularity contest. there isn't a popularity contest. one of the dudes with one of the highest vote ratios i know of has barely left any comments whatsoever and speaks to noone. noone knows who is. "popularity" does not translate into upvotes. nor does it even mean youre necessarily "well-liked" whatever that means since this is, after all, the fucking internet. i'd say the screenname "peggedbea" is fairly well known because ive been pretty vocal and active for years. i have made "internet friends" here, but it certainly doesn't help my videos get sifted. and it doesnt get my comments upvoted. sometimes i say something relevant and people like it, mostly i say something bitchy and people dont read it. its not personal.
and you just called anyone who didn't like what this guy had to say "jerks". thats the point of the sift, if you dont like it.. you downvote it. its not personal. at all. its how the site works.
people not liking this video has more to do with the fact that its lame than it does to do with you personally. this titty baby persecution complex is fucking lame. get over yourself.
>> ^shinyblurry:
I don't mean it's rigged..I mean that even though we had a good discussion going and it's popular enough, people withheld their vote or even downvoted because of their opinion on the subject's not that the subject matter is of no interest, which it obviously's because they disagree with it.
It's also because I am not well liked in the community, for whatever reason..if I was more popular, people wouldn't be jerks and downvote me (6 so far)..I mean this is my first published video..quite a welcome right.
I think this video proves the bias here at the'd probably be hard pressed to find another video with such high views and comments and few votes. Of course I don't think there is any disagreement there is a bias against theists here..but its worth noting in any case.
I mean here is a video that gets people talking and makes people think, even if they don't agree with it..yet I would probably get into the top 10 instantly if I posted yet another angry atheist railing against God. Maybe I am wrong but it doesn't seem like it.
>> ^dag:
Ha. "artificially suppressed"? Now I think I'm being trolled. You know how voting works here. It's 100% human - ain't nothing artificial about it. >> ^shinyblurry:
>> ^dag:
Wow. 96 comments and only 12 net upvotes. That's sort of unusual for around here.

Yeah, I think it's kind of telling..I mean according to the 110 comments and 1100 views, it should have easily made it to the top 10, just based on its popularity. It's pretty clear it is being artificially suppressed.

peggedbea (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
there are a lot of people of faith on the sift, several of them. more than you think apparently. and they're generally well-liked. it probably has a lot to do with them not carrying a cross on their backs and whining that their shitty testimonial sift didnt fair too well in a community that values empirical evidence and logic. there are a lot views because there is a lot of discussion happening and thats attracting people, but what this man said wasn't any good, isn't anything new and astounding, and isn't worthy of an upvote. so the votes are low. you've prompted a great discussion, be grateful and quit taking the fact that a community thats mostly non-religious and values evidence and logic over testimony didn't like what this man had to say.

"if i were more popular people wouldn't be jerks and downvote me"

this is the most irritating thing to me. i have yet to see the downvote bias in action here. but there always seems to be someone carrying around a persecution complex, sifting crappy videos and blaming their low vote totals on some imaginary popularity contest. there isn't a popularity contest. one of the dudes with one of the highest vote ratios i know of has barely left any comments whatsoever and speaks to noone. noone knows who is. "popularity" does not translate into upvotes. nor does it even mean youre necessarily "well-liked" whatever that means since this is, after all, the fucking internet. i'd say the screenname "peggedbea" is fairly well known because ive been pretty vocal and active for years. i have made "internet friends" here, but it certainly doesn't help my videos get sifted. and it doesnt get my comments upvoted. sometimes i say something relevant and people like it, mostly i say something bitchy and people dont read it. its not personal.

and you just called anyone who didn't like what this guy had to say "jerks". thats the point of the sift, if you dont like it.. you downvote it. its not personal. at all. its how the site works.

people not liking this video has more to do with the fact that its lame than it does to do with you personally. this titty baby persecution complex is fucking lame. get over yourself.

>> ^shinyblurry:

I don't mean it's rigged..I mean that even though we had a good discussion going and it's popular enough, people withheld their vote or even downvoted because of their opinion on the subject's not that the subject matter is of no interest, which it obviously's because they disagree with it.
It's also because I am not well liked in the community, for whatever reason..if I was more popular, people wouldn't be jerks and downvote me (6 so far)..I mean this is my first published video..quite a welcome right.
I think this video proves the bias here at the'd probably be hard pressed to find another video with such high views and comments and few votes. Of course I don't think there is any disagreement there is a bias against theists here..but its worth noting in any case.
I mean here is a video that gets people talking and makes people think, even if they don't agree with it..yet I would probably get into the top 10 instantly if I posted yet another angry atheist railing against God. Maybe I am wrong but it doesn't seem like it.
>> ^dag:
Ha. "artificially suppressed"? Now I think I'm being trolled. You know how voting works here. It's 100% human - ain't nothing artificial about it. >> ^shinyblurry:
>> ^dag:
Wow. 96 comments and only 12 net upvotes. That's sort of unusual for around here.

Yeah, I think it's kind of telling..I mean according to the 110 comments and 1100 views, it should have easily made it to the top 10, just based on its popularity. It's pretty clear it is being artificially suppressed.

this...THIS is why i love you so.

God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

shinyblurry says...

yeah sure, i still see the bias. lets just see how it goes..on another note, your reproductive system is showing

>> ^peggedbea:
there are a lot of people of faith on the sift, several of them. more than you think apparently. and they're generally well-liked. it probably has a lot to do with them not carrying a cross on their backs and whining that their shitty testimonial sift didnt fair too well in a community that values empirical evidence and logic. there are a lot views because there is a lot of discussion happening and thats attracting people, but what this man said wasn't any good, isn't anything new and astounding, and isn't worthy of an upvote. so the votes are low. you've prompted a great discussion, be grateful and quit taking the fact that a community thats mostly non-religious and values evidence and logic over testimony didn't like what this man had to say.
"if i were more popular people wouldn't be jerks and downvote me"
this is the most irritating thing to me. i have yet to see the downvote bias in action here. but there always seems to be someone carrying around a persecution complex, sifting crappy videos and blaming their low vote totals on some imaginary popularity contest. there isn't a popularity contest. one of the dudes with one of the highest vote ratios i know of has barely left any comments whatsoever and speaks to noone. noone knows who is. "popularity" does not translate into upvotes. nor does it even mean youre necessarily "well-liked" whatever that means since this is, after all, the fucking internet. i'd say the screenname "peggedbea" is fairly well known because ive been pretty vocal and active for years. i have made "internet friends" here, but it certainly doesn't help my videos get sifted. and it doesnt get my comments upvoted. sometimes i say something relevant and people like it, mostly i say something bitchy and people dont read it. its not personal.
and you just called anyone who didn't like what this guy had to say "jerks". thats the point of the sift, if you dont like it.. you downvote it. its not personal. at all. its how the site works.
people not liking this video has more to do with the fact that its lame than it does to do with you personally. this titty baby persecution complex is fucking lame. get over yourself.
>> ^shinyblurry:
I don't mean it's rigged..I mean that even though we had a good discussion going and it's popular enough, people withheld their vote or even downvoted because of their opinion on the subject's not that the subject matter is of no interest, which it obviously's because they disagree with it.
It's also because I am not well liked in the community, for whatever reason..if I was more popular, people wouldn't be jerks and downvote me (6 so far)..I mean this is my first published video..quite a welcome right.
I think this video proves the bias here at the'd probably be hard pressed to find another video with such high views and comments and few votes. Of course I don't think there is any disagreement there is a bias against theists here..but its worth noting in any case.
I mean here is a video that gets people talking and makes people think, even if they don't agree with it..yet I would probably get into the top 10 instantly if I posted yet another angry atheist railing against God. Maybe I am wrong but it doesn't seem like it.
>> ^dag:
Ha. "artificially suppressed"? Now I think I'm being trolled. You know how voting works here. It's 100% human - ain't nothing artificial about it. >> ^shinyblurry:
>> ^dag:
Wow. 96 comments and only 12 net upvotes. That's sort of unusual for around here.

Yeah, I think it's kind of telling..I mean according to the 110 comments and 1100 views, it should have easily made it to the top 10, just based on its popularity. It's pretty clear it is being artificially suppressed.

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