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Biden and the June job reports

newtboy says...

Creating 1/3 of every dollar out of thin air will do that, so will -3.5 gdp growth and losing millions of jobs….all Trump legacy. 😂

Then let’s not forget the majority of the 1 million deaths, not a laughing matter.

bobknight33 said:

100% correct.
You ended up with less because of why?
What happened?
Did Trump take your job or did Democrats shut down you employer? Or other?

Trump isn't tanking the economy. What is Biden doing to curb inflation?

Under Trump I was getting min 20% /year growth in 401K/IRA.
Now I get dick. Make America Great Again, Yea, he was.

How much more $ do you have to spend compared to under Trump?

Inflation at 9% How is that helping. Make Americans poor again?

newtboy (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

"The car-maker’s share price has cratered since Musk announced his buyout plan, shedding more than 30 percent of its value over the course of a month."

You're right about it being a relatively good time to buy the stock (always buy on bad news) but last I checked, you seemed keen around here

At the very least, unless you bought stock in Tesla before Dec 2020 - OR - very specifically the month of June 2021, you're in the Red. At worst, you're down 30%.

But you're right, it IS a great time to buy that stock...because it's doing so amazingly fucking incredibly poorly. However, what's the stock gonna do when the S.E.C. comes ah-huntin for them shady deals that Musk seems to be runnin by acting like a lunatic in thinly veiled price manipulation schemes???

One maxim i've found true, rich people get mad when you mess with their money. They even get mad when other rich people do it.

About your brain damage, how exactly is it joe biden's fault? EXACTLY?

bobknight33 said:

It’s a fantastic time to buy Tesla stock. Truly this is a “thank Joe Biden”

WRT to twitter musk trying to get a true sense of fake accounts and bots

Crazy Rocketman: Rocketman riding the Rocket Board!

BSR says...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Asbestos (pronounced: /æsˈbɛstɒs/ or /æsˈbɛstəs/) is a naturally occurring fibrous silicate mineral. There are six types, all of which are composed of long and thin fibrous crystals, each fibre being composed of many microscopic "fibrils" that can be released into the atmosphere by abrasion and other processes. Inhalation of asbestos fibres can lead to various dangerous lung conditions, including mesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer, so it is now notorious as a serious health and safety hazard.

You cruel bastard! That would be like rubbing your junk on a cactus!

C-note said:

I hope he's wearing asbestos undies.

Let's talk about Republican reaction to the SCOTUS leak....

newtboy says...

The leak itself is newsworthy, but not 10% as newsworthy as what they leaked, which is proof that every single Republican Supreme Court judge lied outright under oath in their confirmation hearings when they all said “roe v wade is settled law and established precedent and will not be overturned by me”. The first chance they got, they took off that paper thin mask and revealed their agenda to legislate from the bench based on personal opinion not science, fact, or established law. They should ALL be impeached tomorrow for perjury during their sworn hearings.

Time to add 5 more liberal judges to the bench by June 1 and rehear the cases. It’s legal, and the only way to negate the liars, rapists, and religious zealots that Trump improperly installed by stealing two seats with McConnells help and filling a third with a drunk rapist. Turnabout is fair play.

MAY!? This IS the decision, they may rewrite the explanation slightly, but without a few assassinations, “accidents”, or criminal charges, this is how the vote will be reported next month, they already voted in Feb as I understand it, it’s just not official until it’s published but rarely are votes changed, and soon abortion will likely be 100% illegal in any state led by Republicans. Anybody know Barrett’s address? What about Kevanaugh? They, and any state representative voting against personal autonomy, should be doxed at every abortion clinic entrance so the now choice less women, many rape or incest victims, can make themselves martyrs and not just suicide statistics. There will be no exceptions now that they can write the laws that way.

We know this is a real draft because they instantly started looking for the “leaker”. You can’t “leak” a fake decision.

I hope women will start a sex strike in every red state. No nookie until they can control their own womb and it’s contents. It’s the ONLY logical move unless they want to be incubators with no autonomy.

Pretty certain that, if you disagreed with their decision, “wait and see” would not only be a terrible idea to you, it would also be an insult to your intelligence.

I’m petitioning Newsom to boycott any state enacting new laws restricting abortion, “new” meaning in the last decade. California does a shitload of business, we shouldn’t be doing it with states that are removing rights from women.

I just can’t fathom, with overpopulation being the root of all major problems humanity and the planet face, why so many idiots still think they should “be fruitful and multiply”, and should force that on their neighbors too. It’s the height of stupidity, and their children will pay the price for the lack of thought their parents put into the decision. We need to abort 9/10 embryos (or get 10 times better at stopping fertilization in the first place), not increase birth rates by double.

(Before you try the “but it’s murder” nonsense, legally and scientifically those things inside wombs aren’t people, and even if they WERE, one person cannot enslave another even in life or death situations. If they could, we would force live organ donations, transfusions, etc with the donor having no right to refuse.)

dogboy49 said:

Yes, they are talking about the leak. If you don't see how such a rare event (an entire draft SCOTUS opinion leaked to the press prior to actual release has NEVER happened before) is newsworthy, I don't know what to say.

I do imagine that it MAY also end up being a "potential massive victory", but it isn't right now. I see little point in speculating about what may happen, when there will be plenty of time to discuss the actual decision, once it has actually been released and becomes part of Federal jurisprudence.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Actually no you haven’t, and yes you clearly do care what party they’re in. You may have said you think that, but your actions and arguments speak louder than your lies. Remember claiming you weren’t sexist at all minutes before (keyboard) screaming MGTOW!!!
Remember saying it was not just ok, but smart that Trump lied in depositions under oath? That only a stupid person would tell the truth if it might get them in trouble? Then you clearly stated wrong is right….and those are not the only instances.

You ignored the vote stealing, actually claimed the Republican vote harvester that admitted (his campaign workers) voting for himself thousands of times was punished when you KNOW he wasn’t because it was your district, and he remained in office until he withdrew on his own for personal reasons. Zero punishment whatsoever but you lie about it because he’s Republican.

You still call democrats the party of debauchery with zero evidence to cite, but can’t fathom that the reason I never find “my team” (I’m a Democrat only by default btw) doing that kind of wrong is because I only pay attention to reputable sources like court records and not often anonymous lying blowhards trying to score political points against their enemies, and reputable sources and police never find democrat representatives molesting children, trafficking them for sex, having cocaine fueled lemon parties, exposing themselves to pre teen girls in bowling alleys, picking up 12 year old girls in malls, having parties with Epstein and young girls and no one else, covering for child molesting coaches for decades, being long term pen palls with convicted kiddie porn producers while in office, admitting to driving for hours intending to have sex with an 11 year old girl, rewriting marriage laws so it’s legal to marry and have sex with 9 year old children, etc. …do I need to put names to all those charges? Because I can. You ignore every one of those credible accusations against Republicans and make up random accusations out of thin air about Democrats constantly.

Stealing, your hero Trump was convicted of stealing from charities for veterans, and students, and every contractor that ever worked for him, you don’t care one whit. He tried to steal an election (or two) and you cheer it on.

Cheating, why are you a Republican then, they get caught cheating for real daily, not MTG style baseless accusations based on someone’s Twitter claim. Your own district was the most egregious cheating scandal in decades, by republicans, and you would have gladly voted for him again, maybe twice. Have you forgotten how many of Trump’s administration ended up being unreported foreign assets? Hiding their foreign payments and cheating the system to allow foreign influence in our whitehouse?

It is odd, you would think statistically there must be some Democrat representative child molesters, I assume there are, but if there are they are smart enough that they aren’t getting caught. Republicans constantly are getting caught, and you are constantly ignoring it.

I do call out Pelosi for insider trading, and say she isn’t the only Democrat guilty of that crime against America, but I also say Republicans do it as a matter of course daily. Republicans went to court to make it legal for corporations to bribe them with pacs and super pacs and block any attempt to make bribery illegal again.

So you are just incorrect, again. Doesn’t that get tiring?

bobknight33 said:


have always said wrong is wrong, Vote stealing, Pedophile, Stealing, cheating.
I don't care what party they are on Wrong is wrong.

Somehow you you never find "your team" doing wrong. Odd or you just being a hypocrite?

Wikipedia's Bias

newtboy says...


Read what you wrote here, Bob….and then try to say you aren’t a dumb shit without grinning.

Testy? Shirley, you jest! You’ve seen me testy, that ain’t it.
Tired of your ridiculous double standards and deflection from actual crimes against America (that you completely ignore) with unprovable nonsense about a family member who isn’t part of the administration. If everything Hunter is accused of were proven 100% true, it would still be 100% irrelevant and minor crimes compared to the Trump syndicate.
Also tired of illiterate asshats who shower us with stupid right wing propaganda they clearly don’t even watch themselves….as if anyone here wants that, believes a word of it, or can’t see through the tissue thin lies they contain. Only you buddy, only you. (And your sock puppet brigade)

LMFAHS!! Real communists wouldn’t PAY for propaganda…real communists wouldn’t want to be paid! I don’t think you know what communism is.
I wish someone would pay me for my $.02, but I don’t really think I could make a profit on that transaction.

Try again Bobski….this time get your handler to at least check for lucidity since they clearly won’t check your spelling or grammar.

bobknight33 said:

Newt you, as Wikipedia most prolific spin masters, one can understand why your denial is so strong.

I'm not a dumb shit. I just buy the shit your selling.

This must cut close to home -- you are so testy on this ...

You a Commie TOOL arn't you ? You still getting those checks from the communist party for all the false information you spin?

Missouri tries to legislate reality away

newtboy says...

Using people as a wedge is upsetting. I wish the right would stop, but their platform is based on mutual hatred of the “other”, so ostracism is a main tool for them.
Trying to secure the rights of Americans to compete in publicly funded sports is not creating a wedge, it’s being a civic American where tolerance and inclusion of those different from you is a cornerstone of our national identity.

No, that’s not common sense. It’s a red herring you would use to deny non binary people the right to participate. As I showed, divisions based on biological “sex” lead to men (biological women) like the boxer above fighting against girls. Is that more “fair”? Hardly.

Yes, trans people follow those rules, and must be hormone supplement free for years before being allowed to compete in most arenas. Non trans people have access to the same supplements, and also need to stop them before they can compete professionally. People naturally have different levels of hormones, we don’t force them to suppress or enhance them to compete, nor do we exclude those with medical needs for supplemented hormones…unless they’re trans. Red herring.

What genitalia you have has no bearing on your performance in sports, unless there are competitive orgies I’m unaware of.

One or two trans athletes being outstanding proves the point that there isn’t a noticeable advantage….otherwise every sport would be dominated by trans athletes….and that’s simply not the case. I bet statistical analysis would show trans athletes are not better, but worse on average than their non altered counterparts for many reasons.

Funny how denying a group their rights to participate (or exist?) in your eyes is “equality” and equitable.

Edit: How do you feel about hormone testing to decide which group you compete in? Too much testosterone, or not enough estrogen, compete with the “Ts”,…below the line on testosterone, or above the line on estrogen, compete with the “Es”. Or how about just separate by body mass index? Now is the problem solved? Do you concede that now the debate is settled? LMFAHS!!

In your biased, ignorant little mind it’s settled, not the real world where facts override your ignorant feelings and misconceptions and people’s rights to participate in publicly sponsored competition aren’t over ridden by ignorance and thinly veiled hatred.


bcglorf said:


1. Given how few people are affected, I'd love to see way less coverage of trans-sports as a wedge issue to rally political bases

2. Failing that, isn't it clearly 100% common sense that the Men's and Women's sports divisions are NOT divisions applied based upon gender but instead upon biological sex, and as such should always have been a non-issue.

3. I really can't see the issue, if it must be raised, as anything other than a request for special exemptions to be made. Existing competitive sports are divided based on biological sex and most have requirements around usage of drugs, hormones and other performance enhancing substances. We have existing and established testing for both the biological sex and PED requirements. Applying those equally to everyone IS equality.

/s There, now the debates all settled /s

We WILL Fix Climate Change!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So, you want to remove all actual Republicans, especially any with scruples, morals, or love of democracy, and replace them with more know nothing, bat shit crazy, hypocritical, abusive, insanely thin skinned, anti democracy asshole morons like MTG and Bobert that always put party before country, and Great Leader before party….right?

Because you say they are real Republicans, not the people who shaped the party your entire adult life….right?

Only the people who follow Trump, the lifetime Democrat who changed parties because, as he himself said, you can convince the right of any crazy thing and get them to vote based on nonsense (paraphrased, not quoted), who are vehemently against tax and spend, but love borrow and spend, who care deeply about the debt and deficit only when they aren’t in control, who care so much about inflation that they block any nomination to the fed, making it impossible to take real meaningful action to fight inflation.…..only they are actual Republicans. Right?

You are such a silly man.

bobknight33 said:

Cheney is 1 of the "others"

Both sides have its share of undesirables.

Term limits should be a must, but we have "the fox watching the hen house" so this will never happen.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol….I almost missed that one….Mitch, the face and true leader of the party for 30 years is a RINO, not Trump who was a Clinton democrat beyond the 2000’s. LMFAHS!!

You loved him like a son when he did Trump’s bidding, now you hate him because he said Trump did something bad (even though he helped Trump get away with it).
You are so paper thin and transparent. You really aren’t even trying to look like you mean anything you say anymore.

I know you’ll love him again if he gets the power to block any hearings on any appointments in the future….because that’s so good for America and democracy.

bobknight33 said:

Mitch is a RINO with a Chinese wife.
He needed to leave decades ago.

Disagreement About Masks at Christmas 2021 in Math Class

newtboy says...

“Peace….among those with which he is pleased.”
Clearly implying no peace for any of those you mentioned then?
Even the Christmas celebrations are really huge middle fingers and thinly veiled threats to any non Christians.

fuzzyundies said:

Yeah, he completely lost me at the sermon. "We can all agree", because there were no Muslims, Jews, Pagans, Wiccans, atheists, etc. in the room.

Larry David calls out bald man study

moonsammy says...

Absolutely. It looks indecisive. I cut my very long hair down to a reasonable length very recently, in part because I could see the top of my head is starting to thin a bit, and I don't want to be one of those guys, with the ponytail but little up top. Bald with shaggy sides isn't any better.

newtboy said:

Now 1/2 bald like Larry, he’s right. They are seen as less attractive, confident, and dominant….and not just by ladies. Pick a lane!

PFAS: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Actually it’s both. The final forms aren’t stable in the real world, they shed particles that are ingested, vapors inhaled, who knows, they are likely absorbed through the skin from many products.

Assume they aren’t actually toxic, functioning as designed they coat digestive systems and, if the report is to be believed, individual cells in extreme cases, leading to things like digestive issues and vaccinations not working. In developing children, it sounds disastrous…and it’s everywhere and in everyone….often in high levels.

This is akin to a crop that’s mildly toxic, not one adjacent to a pre existing separate toxic weed. You can’t plant this crop without permanently contaminating the field, and adjacent fields, and the local water sources, and to lesser extent anyone who uses the crop. There’s no separate toxic weed here, just a toxic crop we keep planting in new places, making the contamination much much more widespread at constantly increasing levels with no way to clean it up and little knowledge of the long term effects of such contamination. Pretty big gamble to take with the entire planet just so your thin rain coat doesn’t leak, don’t you think? Especially with a non biodegradable easily spread but impossible to remove toxic chemical with relatively unknown cumulative effects and no method whatsoever for removing it from people or the environment….like this one.

bremnet said:

So my contention and the view of many in the end user community is that it's not the final form of some of these compounds that are bad, it's the horrendous messes we leave producing them. We can't unwind our Clock of Dumb, but killing the entire crop just to get rid of the long ago seeded weeds doesn't solve the actual problem, it makes it much, much larger.

Thanks for your comments.

The Watermelon Joke That Saved Me After I Got Pulled Over

noims says...

@StukaFox, funnily enough today I was thinking of a joke I used to tell back in the day. I couldn't find just now in a 2 minute search making it less likely you've heard it before, so I'll write out a quick version. It's not the funniest or the dirtiest, but it's fun to tell.

So a guy's looking to kill himself and fortuitously comes across a sign saying 'for an interesting death enquire within.' This being a joke he decides he has to give it a go.

Inside is an absolutely huuuuge naked woman. She first instructs him to put his belt on her. He struggles, but eventually manages. "Now," she says "pull it tighter until I'm thin." With every ounce of strength and leverage he can muster he gets the belt to the last notch. Struggling for breath she says "Now eat my pussy". He's starting to suspect a scam, but he goes for it anyway. "Harder!" she gasps, grinding against him. He pushes back against her as hard as he can. "harder! HARDER!" He's pushing so hard he's struggling to breathe. He suspects she's just trying to smother him with her pussy when he feels her starting to orgasm. He pushes harder still. Her muscles tense and pulse until suddenly the belt can't take it any more - POP! Ssccchhhhlllup! And he was never seen again.


Bonus clean joke I saw when I searched for the one above: Don't challenge Death to a pillow fight unless you're prepared to face the reaper cushions.

McConnell Threatens Scorched Earth GOP Attacks Voting Rights

newtboy says...

Right now we are in that position, but it's the minority that benefits unequally. Under Republican rule, how many bills were killed by democrats threatening a filibuster? Certainly less than under Democratic rule, republicans love to kill bills so much McConnell is known as the grim reaper for killing legislation as both the majority and minority leader.
When one party, a party that has millions fewer votes for their representatives btw, has the power to stop all legislation as the majority or minority and abuses that power in a partisan way to the detriment of the nation, it makes sense to rewrite the rule changes that put us in that position.
McConnell has threatened exactly that, scorched earth, destroying the legislative process if he can't call all the shots as the minority leader.
As you mentioned, there are ways around it if the leaders are underhanded and purely partisan....democrats have not shown the spine to do that in recent memory, I hope they do now if they don't regulate filibustering.
Time for the nuclear option, whatever that is so long as it stops obstructionist republicans from controlling as the minority. Republicans use it whenever it's convenient, Democrats don't seem to do that, but it's fine to stop them from starting...but requires a rule change to make it unnecessary. Obstructionism has harmed the nation badly, and is the mantra of Republicans....has been all century.

I also have a thin hope that at least two of Trump's appointees to the supreme court can be removed for perjuring themselves at their confirmation hearings, fbi reports declassified since Trump left prove Kavanaugh and Comey did.

Mordhaus said:

I don't mind the speaking filibuster. I just think doing away with it completely puts in a position where one side can benefit unequally. As an example, doing away with it in regards to appointees led to a supermajority on the Supreme Court. I think having a filibuster available would have stopped at least one of the judges from being approved.

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