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deathcow (Member Profile)

Why Meat is the Best Worst Thing in the World

newtboy says...

:45..."what can we do about it?
A: Have fewer children.

2:20 "we could nourish an additional 3.5 billion more people if we just ate the stuff we feed to animals"
.....except humans can't eat grasses, the main food source for cattle. Most of what we feed animals is not considered edible by humans. Organic free range chickens eat insects and slugs, is the narrator prepared to live on that to prove his point? I doubt it.

6:13 "burgers are the best food".
This proves this was made by non meat eaters with no knowledge of meat at all. Anyone who would contend a 1/4 pounder s the pinnacle of meat dishes should have their tongue removed so they don't spread more nonsense, they obviously aren't using it to taste food. ;-)

Bioluminescent algae in Jervis Bay, Australia

Scared Sausages

Temperature Anomalies By Country 1880-2017 - NASA

ant says...

You're being mean to French people. J/K. That fable is a taste of our own medicine, but it's not too late to fix it!

BSR said:

Kinda like a slowly boiled live frog.

From Wikipedia:

The boiling frog is a fable describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly.

Pfft... Stupid frogs.

Helena Gremlin covers Dethklok guitar solo

newtboy says...

Sweet, like candy.
Candy.....tastes like chicken, if chicken was a candy.

ChaosEngine said:

If you wants to plays this solo, here ams the Skwisgaar Skwigelf Advanced Fast Hand Finger Wizard Master Class Instructional Video!

You gots to practice that stuff.

In Japan, Shaved Ice Goes Gourmet

Change Your Leftover Pizza Game Forever

Nut Milking EXPOSED!

JiggaJonson says...

Well, there was a fight over the definition of butter too, but not what you described.

I think the biggest difference is the possibility that the public could confuse one product for another.

The public uses nut milk as a substitute for animal milk, you put it on cereal, in shakes, dunk cookies in it, etc. It's a white liquid that differs in taste, but is made to be close to animal milk.

The fight over "butter" as a definition happened between butter and margerine. The butter people, at one point even lobbied for a law making it so magerine could not be sold in the color yellow. It makes sense to some degree. They are similar products. They are used in almost identical application.

It's probably the case that nothing like that happened with peanut butter because it's not close enough to regular butter to be confused as churned milk fat.

One could argue that people may put peanut butter on toast with jelly with their breakfast, possibly; but they'd know what product they are using. No one would try to put a dollop of apple or peanut butter in a pan to fry up some eggs. They are night and day different products and it's not as though one would be confused about what you were getting into with the purchase of apple butter instead of butter.

Whereas milk vs almond milk seem similar enough, and butter and margerine are similar enough and both used the same; the FDA then decided that a distinction should be made.

30 tons of trash clog shoreline in Dominican Republic

nanrod says...

This is Playa Montesinos in downtown Santo Domingo. On Google Earth there is a cruise ship docked less than a kilometer from this beach. Apparently this happens after heavy rains which ties in with studies that show that 90-95% of all the plastic in the oceans comes from 10 rivers, 2 in Africa and 8 in Asia with China being the worst offender. It seems that as third world economies improve, their taste for western throwaway culture increases without a corresponding increase in disposal and recycling infrastructure. I've read somewhere that even where they have landfills they're often located near rivers where rains and floods flush the landfill and allow it to accept more trash.

newtboy said:

Any information on this? Is this the result of illegal ocean dumping, a trash barge sinking, or just normal garbage filled runoff at this spot?
It's hardly the only island paradise overrun with plastic. This is what people do, nearly everywhere we go. We need a plague, yesterday.

How Junk Food Hacks Your Brain

transmorpher says...

Brought to you by Hank "I acknowledge that animal agriculture is destroying the planet, but I won't change because it tastes good, even though there's 20,000 good tasting plants" Green.

His brain has been hacked for sure. I wonder if this video is his cry for help.

Loaded Baked Potato

transmorpher says...

If your potatoes don't have flavour you're shopping at the wrong stores. Same if your potatoes have no colour like this.

A good potato should be a nice shade of yellow, and taste creamy.

Chinese tourists pig out at buffet...

cloudballoon says...

Deplorable in manners. Laughable at their mentality of prioritizing highest-value food items for consumption regardless of taste & variety. Still smarter than those buffet eaters that pig out on carbs.

Hope they don't sick from all the cholesterol from the shrimps.

Is Eating Humans Actually Unhealthy?

newtboy says...

So, they start by telling you how different human meat is from pork, then end by saying just eat pork instead of long pig, they taste the same. Which is it?!
At least they didn't ignore Kuru, (CJD) but outside Papua New Guinea and Britain prions aren't common as far as we know.
I was disappointed they left out how contaminated most long pig is, humans eat crap, who wants to eat meat full of pharmaceuticals and red dyes?

Man Brutally Attacked By Baby Seal

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