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Is the Trump presidency a religious cult?

newtboy says...

How does that koolaid taste?

Cult leaders always represent themselves as the opposite of everything wrong, and the only one that can fix things. Sound familiar?

"Clinton bad" is a pretty lame support for Trump, but I get it's your best argument in his defense.....but not with me, I'm not a supporter of hers.

bobknight33 said:

Trump represents himself as the opposite of everything wrong with Washington DC and Hillary Clinton and the last 8 years.

This is a giant ball of fire ants

Do You Like Your New Toy?

Full Metal Jacket - Jelly Doughnut Scene

Swedish Chef - Rappers Delight Karaoke

newtboy says...

Did you ever go over to a friend's house to eat
And the food just ain't no good?
I mean the macaroni's soggy, the peas are mush, and the chicken tastes like wood.

Arnaldo Costa, Stone Mason Extraordinaire

This video is a crime against humanity

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

You know what? I don't hate this.

I mean, it's awful, and everyone involved either has terrible taste or is a total sadist out to inflict suffering on their fellow man (@Mordhaus, looking at you here ).

But... this is so awful that I'm guessing this was actually created by these kids and they think its cool, so good on them. I don't have to listen to it, so knock yourselves out making it. Literally.

♪ Cult of Personality ♫

newtboy says...

What utter bullshit. You heap praise on him here constantly.
The only praise he gets is from his cult of personality...but they're everywhere, loudly exclaiming how he's kicking ass and winning everywhere so much they're getting sick of winning.

Again, the best you've got is whataboutism, the bastion of the debater with no point to make.

At least you've got good taste in music. ;-)

bobknight33 said:

Yet again you are wrong. Trump is hounded day in day out. The only praise Trump is getting is his own Twitter.

Think this is meant for Obama.. you all fell for him, under his spell. Like deer in the headlights you foolishly praised him.

That being said I always liked this song.

How Star Wars The Last Jedi Should Have Ended

notarobot says...

I think you misunderstand my opinion of TLJ here.

Had this video been used to build a script for TLJ, it would have been better than TLJ because ANYTHING would have been better.

As evidence, we can compare TLJ to a two-hour video of a garbage fire, and indeed, the garbage fire would have had better writing.

The movie was terrible.

If they were going to have vaudevillian humour in the opening scenes with Poe prank-calling Hux---while dozens of star destroyers with hundreds (thousands?) of fighters sit there idle----they may as well have gone full 'Snakes on a Plane' B-movie fan service and let Ackbar do the same thing with an "it's a trap" gag. But that wouldn't do, because that would involve some kind of consistency. And one thing I can't stand is scripts and characters in stories that contradict their own being.

e.g. Luke "I see good in the most evil villain of movie history" Skywalker considering killing his own nephew, because maybe he's too far gone. Darth Vader wasn't too far gone, but somehow the son of Leia and Han was? See how that kinda goes against Luke's character? There are a million ways they could have written the fall of Ben Solo into the dark side that didn't involve violating the essence of existing characters.

A garbage fire wouldn't have done that. A garbage fire would have known better.

TLJ was terrible movie that just happened to have the massive budget for some cool special-effects scenes and some A-list actors wasted on an awful script with a thin, scattered plot.

Now maybe TLJ is your favourite movie, and if so, whatevs. We just have different taste I guess. I'm not going to get into a flame war over a garbage-fire.

ChaosEngine said:

No, it wouldn’t. That’s the joke here. It’s pointing out how cliched and boring that would have been.

Don’t get me wrong, TLJ had its problems, but the obvious fan boy criticisms (Holdo, Luke, etc) are not the right ones.

Granted, this is all subjective.

Lion asking dog for forgiveness

Rat taking a shower

oritteropo says...

The water was added in post production, the rat is covered with bad tasting soap and is trying to brush it off without grooming normally (because licking it would taste horrible).

eric3579 said:

I have no idea what to make of this.

New Rule: Distinction Deniers

newtboy says...

It's the mentality, not the degree.
Ruin them all, let God sort it out is really what's happening, and it leaves those of us looking for equality and justice with a bitter taste and serious reservations.
Relatively minor? Career and reputation eradication isn't minor, especially based on accusations....once they're proven or admitted, ok.
I don't know what's happening with Asis, but the intent was clearly to ruin his career over his dates belated regrets, and refuse to acknowledge there's any difference between his inexperienced bumbling and forceful sexual abuse. That is unacceptable, and if that's what #me too is about now, fuck them...I'm out.

That is why you don't overreach, and don't lump minor offences with major ones. It turns reasonable people against your cause.

Again, if making distinctions are not proper, why is the minor distinction between the sexes on this issue front and center? Why are there no #me too accusers going after women?
This really is turning into a battle of the sexes rather than an honest attempt to solve a real, serious issue, sex abuse.
I think that's horrendous, and damns the needed movement to likely failure, certainly it begs for opposition.

ChaosEngine said:

I must have missed the news cycle where Weinstein, Spacey, etc were murdered, 'cos last I checked not only were they still alive, they were still free people, who so far, have suffered relatively minor inconveniences for the crimes they committed.

I think you have confused "telling people how someone assaulted you" with "calling for a lynch mob".

New Rule: Distinction Deniers

MilkmanDan says...

Being held accountable for what we do is a good thing, but ignoring degrees and distinctions can turn it bad.

Weinstein out of a position of power, out of a job, and quite possibly into jail: good. Deserved, and sends an important message to those that might want to abuse their power in similar ways in the future. Precedent set -- however things worked before, we won't stand for that shit anymore.

Louis CK out of favor, and on record for doing creepy things which reduces opportunity to continue doing said creepy things. Also removed from positions where he could exert pressure to "consent" to said creepery where consent likely wouldn't be granted if the threat of job repercussions wasn't implied or patently stated. Again, good outcome -- in my opinion including the fact that he likely won't face criminal charges while Weinstein may.

Franken, on the other hand, was held accountable for actions in a way that I found troublesome for two reasons:

1) He was under scrutiny for past actions, yet placed under the judgement of current (bleeding edge current, even) behavioral standards. That is trending towards ex-post-facto law. I can't pass a law in December making it illegal to wear white shirts, then throw you in jail for having worn a white shirt in November before the law was in effect.

It isn't the same thing because sexual harassment has been illegal all along, and because he wasn't really facing legal trouble, just professional / political trouble -- where "ex-post-facto" judgments aren't prohibited. Still, it seems like when standards change we should try to limit judgement under current standards to current behavior. There's a reason why it works that way in law.

2) Furthermore, a lot of the scrutiny Franken was under completely stripped the behavior from context. Context is extremely important. That's why Weinstein "asking" women to "consent" to his rapey behavior wasn't OK, even though asking for consent is sort of the baseline "good"/expected behavior -- they weren't actually completely free to tell him to shove it.

Ignoring the context of Franken's behavior means that it is immaterial that he was working for the USO at the time, where on-stage suggestive stuff and raunchiness was/is pretty much the whole idea. Immaterial that on-stage "groping and kissing" stuff may well have been scripted as such, and basically consented to by the actors -- part of the show.

Combine that with ignoring degrees of offense, and we're listing Franken's name in the same sentence with Louis CK and Harvey Weinstein, which is ridiculous. Franken "had to" be a sacrificial lamb to demonstrate that Democrats are willing to walk the walk as well as talk the talk on this issue -- but did he really?

If more Democrats were willing to "tell it like it is", as I'd argue Maher is doing here, Franken could have said that the photo where he mimed groping a sleeping Karri Turner was a mistake, a joke in poor taste done in the context of an entire tour that seems in poor taste by modern standards, and that could have been the end of it. He could still be in office, and the Democrat party at large would have been better off, as would the net balance in Congress with regards to women's issues.

But nope. Context, distinction, and degrees are all meaningless, so Franken's name is in that same list of dirty sleazeball asshole men, no asterisks or footnotes necessary. I don't think the outcome of that game goes in a favorable direction.

00Scud00 said:

Nobody here is trying to argue that the Harvey Weinsteins' or the Al Frankens' of the world should not be held to account. Only that the punishment should reflect the severity of their actions, and not just how their actions make you feel.

Canada Vignettes: Log Driver's Waltz

notarobot says...

I prefer your video description to the original post.

Generally the convention is to move the higher quality embed original post, and mark the dupe as a dupe.

Also, you have excellent taste.

Buck said:

Mine is HD, the other is not. Mine also has the intro.

Should I dupe it anyway?

Hand made Fried Eggs by Indian street food vendor

Mordhaus says...

Many years ago, I worked at a 24 hour Arby's that was located in a truck stop. We served breakfast with grilled eggs sandwiches. Our grill was about 1/2 the size, but we had one guy who had his two hand/two egg cracking routine down.

He was like a machine, just grab two eggs and crack, toss the shells, and then repeat. He said he learned it while working at a diner, only way he could keep up with the orders. His eggs were on point too; I always begged him to make me a ham, egg, and cheese on a bun as I was leaving my graveyard shift. Twenty four years later and I still haven't tasted eggs that good.

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