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WWII Russian prisoner of war HAD TO tell the world his story

radx says...

One number to illustrate how harsh the Soviet prisoners were treated: official records say more than 4000 Soviet prisoners died at the Stalag 3B in what is now Eisenhüttenstadt, compared to "only" 128 non-Soviet prisoners.


Largest Turboprop in the world Antonov AN 22 Manchester

moonsammy says...

A few years ago I had lunch at a restaurant with my extended family for some event (can't recall specifically), and as we were standing around talking in the parking lot afterwards, the AN-225 flew over us. We were pretty close to the airport and it was either landing or taking off, so it was quite low to the ground and surprised the hell out of us. We didn't have the slightest idea what it was, but the configurations of the landing gears and six jets made it clear it was damned unusual. Found out later that the beast was one-of-a-kind and a bunch of people were at the airport watching for it, which made it clear how lucky we were to randomly catch that.

I had no idea there was a propeller-based counterpart. I don't know enough about aerodynamics to understand how stacking the propellers like that makes any sense, so I'm just going to assume it's some sort of Soviet technomagic.

RFlagg (Member Profile)

RFlagg (Member Profile)

Just your everyday traffic in Russia

In Russia No F*cks Given When Robbing A Store With A Gun

In Russia No F*cks Given When Robbing A Store With A Gun

Bernie Sanders shows support for aims of Jeremy Corbyn

newtboy says...

Nope, those traits are antithetical to business too, probably why no one does business with him twice.

Paris accord, purely voluntary based on goals we set ourselves. Clearly he didn't understand it at all. It only costs us money if we want it to, and it only asks us to do what we ask of ourselves, with no enforcement at all. Interesting to note that the word "coal" is not in it, contrary to what someone seems to have told Trump...that it forces us to abandon coal while other countries can continue to adopt it.

You know Trump wants to leave NATO, probably because Putin wants him to so it will not be able to stand against more aggressive Russian expansion. Is a Soviet Europe cheaper than paying a bit more to NATO, or should we dismantle it just because Greece can't pay and ignore the consequences?

Europe no longer sees us as the leaders of the free world. For all your b.s. about Obama, Trump has ruined our international reputation in under 6 months more than even Fox claimed Obama had in 8 years.

bobknight33 said:

Rude, pig headed and lacking personal skills only in a political sense. Business man sense - shrewd- All those hard line positions are only starting negotiating positions. Time will tell If he can pull it off.

Paris accord- A joke and a money pit for America-let alone a false narrative. Trump did the right thing pulling out of it.

Asking European countries to step up and pay their NATO fees was a right think to do. American are sick of cheep ass lazy NATO partners who wont pay their bills.

Trump Russian connection proven.

newtboy says...

Derp.....more cherry picking history to support an agenda.

Probably the same people telling Bob that the Republicans are champions of civil rights and democrats support if the 50's and 60's didn't happen.

Did Trump produce this?

Tsarist Russia was a very different place. They have not been our allies for around 70 years now.
Perhaps Russia isn't exactly the USSR any more, but they will be soon if Putin has his way...and Trump seems ok with that. Remember, Putin is a hard core Soviet KGB agent, he wants his satellite countries back.

JiggaJonson said:

@newtboy thoughts?

How Russia Stopped The Blitzkrieg

SFOGuy says...

key terms:

Defense in depth: multiple layers of anti-tank guns interwoven with mines, trenches, infantry, and artillery already registered and aimed at killing zones in front of the obstacles. No single hard crust; rather, more like the layers of an armored onion; as you peel one layer, the next one pops up.

"Pak belt": the reference term for anti-tank guns.

Commissar: the political officer who will shoot any man who retreats from their defense of the motherland.

"Shoulders": the sides of the place in the line pierced by the first plunge of the blitzkrieg that have to held by the defense in order to slow it and give the counterattack a wide open flank to punch into.

Reliability: new German tank models were rushed into battle at Kursk at Hitler's direct insistence before they had been debugged. The battle started 6 days after the last just-barely-not-a-prototype Panther had been delivered to the front. The battle began with 184 Panthers on the rolls; by day two, there were 40 operational; by day 5, there were 10 total...

Ironically, the decision to delay the battle by two months, giving the Soviets time to build up all of their defenses (digging trenches and anti-tank obstacles takes time)--was made to make it possible for the Panther to get to the front..

Trump In The Wild: A Nature Documentary

RFlagg says...

He, and all the conservatives, will NEVER care. Fox News, and the conservative media machine are still sucking the chrome off Donald's cock. They'll point out how Markovic smiled when pushed out of the way, and so it was just being playful. Even if it came out that Donald himself worked with the Soviets Russians, to hamper the elections, they still wouldn't care, because he did what was necessary and smart, to prevent Hillary and the Deamoncrats from winning. Like he said, he could shoot somebody in the street, and his supporters wouldn't care.

The only people who regret their vote for him is likely to be the liberal, Never Hillary people who voted for him, those who somehow thought he'd actually disrupt Washington and drain the swamp, and a few others who may have been on the edge of voting for Hillary and at the last moment voted for him.

Until conservative media actually turns against Trump in a real and meaningful way, and not the occasional thing to pretend they are "fair and balanced", but really turn on him the way they were against Obama for 8 years (where one couldn't watch Fox for more than 30 minutes without them bashing him), then most of the conservatives out there will never turn against him, never admit there are huge issues.... of course they'll say, "yeah, we had those fears too" once conservative media turns against him.

Drachen_Jager said:


Are you going to let us know when you're tired of winning, or do we need to keep asking the question?

Protests Against Trump Are Protests Against God

newtboy says...

There are far more 'common threads' between Daesh and the Bakers than there are with Daesh and the left.

Did that guy just say the Soviet Union funded nuclear protests world wide in the 80's? When they were dead broke, starving, and the union was dissolving? I'm pretty certain that would be news to my aunt and uncle who have run an anti-nuclear protest group since the early 70's.

John Guanadolo?!? Really? "Foremost terrorism expert"?!? Don't they mean "disgraced and fired ex FBI agent caught having numerous affairs, including with witnesses he was protecting, among numerous other complaints, most notably his rabid anti Muslim stances and actions but including coercion and extortion"?

Not really a surprise from people who believe in talking snakes, tout incestuous communities (Adam, Eve, and their progeny), and who worship a zombie, but still disappointing.

Do you know the way to the Airfield?

A Closer Look - Trump Abuses His Presidential Power

vil says...

Its easy to surprise people if you just make s#!t up.

Reminds me of that one time Ronald Reagan joked about nuking the Soviet Union with the mike switched on...

... except Donald does it all the time and keeps a straighter face. Or maybe he is not joking? Is that why he elicits such uncomfortable laughter?

Liberal Redneck - Muslim Ban

transmorpher says...

Terrorists are usually not from countries that America or even previously the Soviets have been bombing the shit out of.

ISIS themselves, in their own magazine (Dabiq) go out of their way to explain that they are not motivated by the xenophobia or the US fighting wars in their countries. They make specifically state that their motivation is simply because you aren't muslim. You can go an read it for yourself. They are self confessed fanatics that need to kill you to go to heaven.

The countries with one of the most intolerant cultures, are some of the best educated and wealthiest people on the planet. Countries such as UAE and Saudi Arabia. These countries are best buds with the west, and yet they still jail women when they are raped (not the rapist), and they stone and crucify protesters asking for human rights. These are the actual laws, not a few extremists, or terrorists, it's the law of the country. They are intolerant and oppressive by law, thanks to their theocratic ruling system.

To sum up the above, it's not an educational issue, it's not a poverty issues, it's not a revenge issue. It's culture, attitudes, and religion.

Fairbs said:

I'm not naive that there is rapid radicalization and that we need to get better at fighting that and quickly. It is also very obvious to me that trump actions drive and create terrorists. His bravado on the subject is what helped get him elected, but it could also be part of his downfall, because I see the numbers of terrorist attacks going up pretty soon.
My assumption about why Muslims radicalize is that the west has been bombing the shit out of them for decades. Maybe I'm wrong?
I try to use this scenario on my Mom, but she doesn't usually have much to say about it... 'What if Iraqis came over here and killed you and Dad, wouldn't you think that I'd try to do something about it or that I could radicalize?' I think she may assume some sort of moral superiority being an American or she just doesn't want to believe we could be part of the cause in creating the extremism.

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