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Physics Professor Michio Kaku: Oil Leak Could Last for Years

Blacking Up - White boys, Identity and Hip Hop

kir_mokum says...

ugh. too painful to watch. it looks like there's just as much racism and hypocrisy in "black" culture as there is in "white" culture. big surprise. maybe hip hop needs to take a page from it's cousins house, techno, and jungle.

i REALLY want to discuss these issues with someone like paul mooney. he seems like a smart guy but i think he has missed a lot of very important points and in a lot of ways has become the thing that he hates.

Obama's got Conan's back

dannym3141 says...

If he made a good joke i'd laugh, quantum. He didn't have the brains. Didn't have the brains to run a country either. Good luck accusing me of being <insert label insult here> from across in another country.

I don't know why people like you are so eager to settle for less. Sticking up for dubya is a mug's game. Why settle for less? Why are you happy to entrust the running of the ENTIRE country to a man that you could probably outwit? You could certainly out spell and out speak him. The only thing he could beat you at is if you had a "looking a lot like a chimp" competition.

In before "spelling/speaking isn't important" bullshit. Yes it fucking is. WHY SETTLE FOR LESS? I want a leader that makes me feel really fucking dumb, and i'm a pretty smart guy. I want him to use really long words that even i have to look up the meaning of. Unless he's explaining things to me. Then he's so clever he uses the right words that make me understand perfectly.

What the hell kind of world do we live in when an incredibly stupid person can get to be president of the USA? And then he's even defended after he's been deposed. Reprobates yelling "YEW DUN NEED TEW SPEL OR SPEAK PRUPER TO RUN YEWSELF A COUNTRY!" - yes you do, assholes. You really do. The problem is that we have people who think you don't.

Anyone seen idiocracy? Jeez.

blankfist (Member Profile)

rougy says...

You're a really smart guy and from all accounts pretty darned talented, so I really don't understand this almost obsessive loathing that you have for anything that remotely resembles a group effort, i.e. collectivism. If I didn't hope to have a beer with you and "tie on one" someday I wouldn't even bother responding to your anti-collectivist, lone cowboy diatribes.

I think you're...kind of shooting yourself in the foot by ascribing a blanketed evil intent on everything that seems to involve two or more people working together to achieve a common goal.

I mean, even your movie, man. Look at your movie. You didn't do that all yourself. You couldn't have. You probably did a lot of it, and I'm not diminishing that effort, buy if it were left to you and only you to write, direct, produce, perform in, light, record, film, score, edit, and'd be working on it to this very day, and it wouldn't be nearly as good. And that kind of cooperation, that group effort for a greater good, applies to almost everything, not just movies.

And I'll make you a bet, anything that you can name, any goal, any achievement that you think you and I could do on our own, if I have one person to help me in reaching that goal, I'll get there before you. If I have ten people I'll get there even faster. And if I have a hundred, faster and greater still.

I know I'll lose some of those bets, but I'm confident that I'll win enough of them to make that loss insignificant.

Gonna watch "The Hurt Locker" tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
In reply to this comment by rougy:
Hmmmm. A lot to digest there, Kubrick.

Sort of neutral on J.D. Salinger. Only read Catcher in the Rye and one of his short stories, Banana Fish. I heard rumors that he and Thomas Pynchon were one in the same, and I really enjoyed Gravity's Rainbow, but I doubt the rumor was true after just now googling it.

Terrance Malick I really, really, really fucking like. I thought The Thin Red Line line was sublime. The New World, Days of Heaven, Badlands...I genuinely loved each and every one of those films. Each would deserve a post of its own for me to share my critique. The man has a gifted eye.

Gilmore Girls? Maybe I'll check it out. Doubtful. I really thought you knew me better than that, because from your description, it's not my kind of show at all. I don't really watch much television, especially series oriented shows. I only watch it now because I'm living with mamason and the thing's almost always on, or tempting me to turn it on. When I finally sell the house and get the fuck out of Roswell, I won't have a television in my home for a long, long time, not even for Netflix vids.

Few people detest...nay, despise the "corporate cog" scene more than I.

I thought you would have known that by now, too.

I was being facetious. I know you aren't the type to like Gilmore Girls, that's why I used them as an example, because they were so typical American fluff with typical pro-topical issues storylines. Entertainment Weekly and Time Magazine thought the show was fantastic. How lame is that? And they like it for its quick dialog. Really?

My point was that just because you're not pro-social doesn't mean you're wrong. There are a lot of great people who were recluses, and that is distinctively not pro-social behavior. The get along gangs need us contrarians. We like individualism over collectivism. Martin Luther King Jr didn't ask that we judge a group by the content of their character.

Stephen Fry talks about the rate of imprisonment in the USA

peggedbea says...

they also left out the statistic that 80% of people released from prison, find themselves back in prison within a year, because NOONE will hire them. they can't work, so back to crime.

a really good friend of mine just got out last year after doing way too much time for petty drug possession. hes a nice guy and a smart guy and has some skills, hes a not a thief or a sex predator or crazy, he was just a kid who experimented with drugs and got caught. but noone will hire an excon. so he grows and sells pot now while he keeps looking for a job.

you heard the statistic, the us prison system was designed to house the black and brown male.

Why you shouldn't lift weights

Ben Stein accuses Ron Paul of 'anti-Semitic argument' on CNN

ForgedReality says...

A big part of the problem here was the satellite delay making it impossible for the two to converse without feeling like the other was interrupting him. Shame, because they're both smart guys. I would have liked to have seen an intelligent debate between them.

Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected'

Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected'

Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected'

I have such a boner for Magnus Scheving

9/11 Blueprint for Truth - Compelling Presentation

Duckman33 says...

>> ^LostTurntable:
Every single aspect of the "demolition theory" has been dismissed and proven wrong by many engineers and architects several times over with far more compelling and reasoned proof than this retarded bullshit. You you somehow still believe that it was a conspiracy involving a secret controlled demolition then please, for the good of humanity, kill yourself.

Oh, well hell. If you say so then it MUST be true! I'm off to kill myself now.

So, smart guy. Lets see some of this "far more compelling proof" you speak of then.

Wolf Blitzer's Fascinating Interview With Craig Ferguson

gtjwkq says...

^ Maybe you're right, I'm just generalizing that sports which are not exclusive to America also have a lesson about dealing with failure, and getting another chance.

I think Craig is a smart guy, I like his show, I just don't like how he flaunts his patriotism around, pandering to his American viewers.

Franken Reads 4th Amendment to Justice Department Official

Nithern says...

Yes, when Mr. Bush used the Patriot Act to eaves-drop on 300+ million Americans, on 3 seperate times (documentented) and most likely many more (undocumentented), he, and his cronies violated the 4th Amendment, under the trannical excuse, they were defending the country. Last I checked, No LAWS, super-ceedes the US Constitution.

The US Constitution was created to protect ALL PERSONS that fall under US juristidition. US Citizens, those here on visas, illegal immigrants. Yes, even POWs and enemy combatants. Yes, the 4th Amend, applies. Which should state how seriously the previous White House Administration lied and conspired to protect itself. Pretty sad that a full 45 million Americans STILL voted for the party that did all this crap. They did it, because they wanted less civil liberaties and more protection. Funny, how they rail Mr. Obama for trying to take away their civil liberaties.

Mr. Obama is quite a smart guy, and keeps parts of it (the act), in play. It essentially eliminates the far right from being taken seriously (as they are the ones who thought this crap up to begin with). In addition, it makes the right wingers look like immature children, because they cant hold their own people fully accountable while they are trying to hold the current president accountable for anything.

Neil deGrasse Tyson - "Children do not read horoscopes!"

jspath says...

Interesting vid and smart guy, but as to the title of the vid? Bullsh*t

I read the comics every morning as a kid, and also my horoscope ... I knew it didn't mean anything really but it was fun to do ...

Now, as an adult, I don't read my horoscope anymore, but I still read comics (web comics usually).

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