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blackfox42 (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

Aerosol formed via toilet flush

newtboy says...

It worked to give a visible aerosol, I'm just thinking it makes more than you would normally create, which I'm sure was intentional. You have to have more so you can see it if you don't have a Schlieren setup. That's what I want to see, in slow motion and HD so you can see the droplets along with the air currents. Then I'll have to design a negative pressure toilet or I'll never feel like using the bathroom again!

It reminds me of a good lesson I learned with fish. It's a good idea to not learn too much about something you use habitually, it can cause real problems! Sometimes it's better to just not know. ;-)

Mordhaus said:

Beats me, I figure if a scientist from MIT does it with dry ice it's for a reason.

The Walking Dead Parody: Another One Bites The Dust

speechless says...

Nutritional value label for this video:
56% content
44% credits and "subscribe here"

85% slow motion
15% Androgynous "Rick"

*May contain bits of Michael Jackson's "Thriller"

Cutting Steel

lv_hunter (Member Profile)

flying through a pneumatic tube system

ISIS secret operations compilation

dannym3141 says...

Ok, the longer i watched it the funnier it got, and i was totally confused by it at first.. The one with the paper airplane that recently hit the footballer on live TV slayed me. 5:50 with the slow motion replay with slow motion audio, the cats and the parrot around 8 mins. Someone's dedication should be seriously commended.

mighty mites defeated by victory banner

lucky760 says...

I know it's supposed to be funny and they're a bunch of little football players in uniform so it's not like they're being badly hurt...

but watching this makes me feel sad.

I think it's not just seeing what's happening to them, but that it's being played for the world in slow motion to mock and laugh at those innocent tiny kids whose fun little celebration was spoiled.

One of the worst things in the world for me is even the very thought of an innocent child's fun being suddenly turned into sadness, or, worse, pain or, worst, tragedy. So seeing it actually happen hurts my heart a little.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Why Are Tattoos Permanent?

Squirrel vs. Water Balloon.

Zack Snyder's Slow-Mo

The Perfect Wave With The Perfect Song

artician says...

That was like a hit of pure ecstasy in video form. Pink Floyd is probably my favorite band of all time. Couple that with such a... perfect... ride...

If you've ever wondered why nearly every surfing video is in slow-motion, it's because even the best rides in the world only last a matter of seconds, but once you're on one, slow-motion is the best available way of describing exactly what it does to you.

This Stick Of Butter Is Left Out At Room Temperature

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