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Storm Chaser Hit By Lightning

jimnms says...

It's not some law of nature that lightning only strikes the tallest spot or goes for the path of least resistance. I think there's a video that has an ultra slow motion capture showing how lightning works. Before the actual bolt strikes, you can see these little "finger" looking things coming down. Once they touch something that gives it a path to the ground, the lightning is discharged. Basically it strikes what it finds first, which generally is something tall, but if it happens to find something else first, like you, it's going to strike that instead.

Kalle said:

But how? He was in a car?
How then? Even looking out the window you are definatly not the point of least resistance nor the tallest pole..

Edgar Wright - How to Do Visual Comedy

mintbbb (Member Profile)

radx (Member Profile)

Match and flame in Extreme Close Up UltraSlo

SFOGuy (Member Profile)

Robert Trujillo's Bass Guitar Play on Time Warp.

ant jokingly says...

Show a video selfie of yourself playing a bass guitar in slow motion.

chingalera said:

When I play bass or guitar I seldom use a pick (instead, the thumb and index finger together using index nail as a pick) & I employ a two-finger flutter as well because I too, love the sound of flamenco

Still working on the whole slap-action, miles to go before I sleep. I think you have to have more African in you than I have to sound like Larry Graham

Incredible Unlikely Catch Wins Game with 30 Seconds Left

Testing slow motion video on the Samsung Galaxy Note III

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'sisters, boobies, bouncing, samsung' to 'slow motion, sisters, boobies, boobs, breasts, tits, bouncing, samsung, galaxy note 3' - edited by lucky760

Vice presents - The biggest ass in Brazil

digitalpimp (Member Profile)

Slow-Motion Bouncing Boobs

Testing slow motion video on the Samsung Galaxy Note III

Slow-Motion Bouncing Boobs

Ultra HD 4K Porn - Kiera Winters Teaser

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