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Ecuador's Got Talent Bullies 16 Yr Old Atheist

Jinx says...

Not really. You don't ask what peoples beliefs are at a job interview, why would you do it here? And asking her to seek faith? It would be no better than panel of Muslims suggesting to a Christian competitor that they should convert to Islam.

Frankly the overwhelming feeling I was detecting from the panel was fear. It was as if the slaves were trying to convince the rebel to shut up lest master hear and give them all the cane. Love is not a command to be obeyed.

bobknight33 said:

Asking is fair enough.
Asking for her to seek faith is fair enough.

But to dog her is not.

Liberal Redneck: ‘I hate that son of b----‘ Donald Trump

Good Role Model Teaching Kids to Work Through Emotional Pain

vil says...

They all should have prepared better for the test TBH. Inflicting pain on purpose or through bad technique is not a great idea.

Most of the "pain" for the dad is from keeping his watch and his ring on. Fairly unprofessional overall.

Good job to manoeuver through all the psychological obstacles, but meh training IMHO. That said it is better to have a good person as trainer, than an exceptionally able bad guy.

Also martial arts dont make you a slave, they make you a servant and you get to choose who or what to serve.

Good Role Model Teaching Kids to Work Through Emotional Pain

Red says...

Will make a good slave which have learned to suffer and endure pain uselessly. Dignifying suffering is a road to nothing but more of the same.

I'm Not Scared of Donald Trump

Baristan says...

Both Trump and Hillary are horrible candidates. The only way either can get elected is by people being fooled into believing only two parties are a viable option.

Buy their point of view and forever be a slave to it.

WONDER WOMAN Comic-Con Trailer

00Scud00 says...

I liked everything up until the stupid little bit at the end. That woman wasn't a slave, it's called having a job. Which could be called wage slavery, but that's condition that both genders suffer from.
I don't know much about the Wonder Woman universe either, but I do agree that the WW I time period is a nice change.

Racism - Democrats and Republicans switch sides?

bobknight33 says...

History is a bitch.

13th Amendment:
Abolish Slavery
100 % Republican support
0% Democrat Support

14th Amendment:
Give Citizenship to Freed Slaves
94 % Republican support
0% Democrat Support

15th Amendment:
Right to vote for All
100 % Republican support
0% Democrat Support

newtboy said:

So much ridiculous misleading downvote is hardly enough.
Republicans are ignorant enough to buy it all, though.

Oops...forgot the "Southern Strategy" when Democrats dumped their racist ways and members and signed the civil rights bill into law, and Republicans gladly scooped them all up. Yes, when Lincoln was a Republican, the political positions of both parties were reversed.
It's hilarious that Republicans want to return to 1950's America...when the Democrats were the racists and Republicans (mostly) weren't...not realizing they would have to switch parties if they got their wish.

No *news and a complete misread of *history....needs a *fail and a *lies.

American Racist History

bobknight33 says...

History is a bitch.

The Democrats have been and will always be the true racists in America.

13th Amendment:
Abolish Slavery
100 % Republican support
0% Democrat Support

14th Amendment:
Give Citizenship to Freed Slaves
94 % Republican support
0% Democrat Support

15th Amendment:
Right to vote for All
100 % Republican support
0% Democrat Support

Introducing FarmBot Genesis

newtboy says...

As a person who actually grows much of my own produce, I can say definitively that many of their numbers are WAY off. They require one to pay one's self $100 per month for produce shopping to come up with their $1400 per year 'savings', but claim 5 minutes a day for 'harvest time'...good luck with that if you're not living on just lettuce and cauliflower...peas and beans will take 3 times that. They claim $6 for seeds, but the seeds I buy are over $3 per packet, so that's only 2 vegetables at a time...not much variety. I also note they have no cost for soil, the bed, fertilizers, pest control methods/time, disease control, etc. They also arbitrarily put the maintenance time at :30 min per month...that doesn't seem really realistic for an outdoor robot. Keep in mind that a single break down can mean the loss of an entire crop, depending on how it malfunctions. They also don't give an expected lifespan...or guarantee/warranty, so there's little way to know yet if it will last a single season, much less the 4-5 they say it takes to pay off.

It would have made much more sense to me if they had compared it to growing a home garden by hand, as that's what it's replacing, not the grocery store.

Don't get me wrong, I love this idea and would take one in a second if someone offered, I just don't see it as cost effective at $3-4K. Once the bugs are worked out so it lasts 10 years and the DIY cost is down to $1K(+-), then I'll think they have something pretty good that could also save people money. Being totally open source, I have hope that it will evolve quickly and be clearly viable in the near future. The time is coming when I won't be able to do the home farming I do would be great to have a metallic yard slave to take over for me when that time comes.

eoe said:

@newtboy: Seems they thought of this argument. They put quite a bit of effort in refuting this.

Epic Rap Battles: Frederick Douglass vs Thomas Jefferson

Lawdeedaw says...

I do lol, and laughed. But hated this video. They made Douglass seem like some angry black thug instead of the powerful and articulate narrator he was. And basically Jefferson just gave up. They should have had Douglass rap first, say only, "You owned slaves," then Nice Peter could have come out and said, "Who won? Who's next?"

And I am glad people finally see this since the Bruce Banner vs Bruce Jenner came out. Finally....

Mordhaus said:

Come on, man. Don't you get it? Please, just get it, man.

Epic Rap Battles: Frederick Douglass vs Thomas Jefferson

Lawdeedaw says...

Except nothing you said just now was correct. If Jefferson would have gotten his way there would have been no slavery. The fact that he said as much during a time when that could get your entire family brutally murdered is kinda a benefit to his character.

Oh, but he owned slaves, so he must have supported it. What stupid people believe this crap? You know who else owned slaves? Schindler did. He saved as many as he could and after the war? He was hunted like a dog. And while Jefferson did not "save" blacks, in a way he certainly did. His dictums were to treat those in his care with care and respect.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't support the confederate mantras, or that those who supported slavery were just doing what the times dictated, but Jefferson fought it in his own way. However, it was a lost cause and so he only could use what little power he had.

Mordhaus said:

Jefferson would have owned Douglass, literally.

Too soon?

Ancient Swedish Cow Herding Call

Racism in UK -- Rapper Akala

Engels says...

Well we seem to be devolving into miscommunication, so let's all be clear! bareboards2, I was not singling you out at all. In fact, you have by and large been the image of civility, so much so that I picture you with a monocle while writing your missives to us.

I too think that MonkeySpank (god help us all) seems to have the most historical and accurate interpretation of the situation; one does not traumatize a people, be they Jews or African Americans for decades and decades and decades and then expect them to up and happily integrate. There's a reckoning that has to happen, and I am sorry if your lilly white ass didn't personally own slaves, you were born into a societal architecture created by those who did and you can't pretend the playing field is level. You can stare at your voting right's act, you can belly ache about how Ashley with her 3.5 didn't get into U State university while a minority did, but it doesn't change the fact that that there's a lot of redress to be done, and it'll take a LONG time to remedy. We have some signs of improvement, with prominent African American politicians and intellectuals taking the stage and garnering universal respect, but that's the tip of the iceberg, and we have a LONG way to go.

bareboards2 said:

@Engels Noted and taken to heart.

I have edited my comment to be less judgmental and more descriptive.

Thanks for the reminder.

Racism in UK -- Rapper Akala

transmorpher says...

Why are you saying "we enslaved"? I've never enslaved anyone. And nobody currently alive in the US has participated in legal slavery.

Even a descendant of a slave owner is not responsible for the atrocities of their ancestors - we aren't Klingons.

Yes white people did terrible things in the past, but "we" didn't do it and to take on perceived guilt for someone else's actions just because they are the same skin color as you is just self indulgent.

Further, please don't say "we expect" just as black people aren't all the same neither are white people, and one person does not speak for others unless they have been nominated to do so.

So here is what I expect: everyone on the planet regardless of race, religion, nationality and life experiences to be a decent human being, that respects the rights of others, and I expect it to go both ways, without concessions because of someone's culture.

MonkeySpank said:

Well, what pisses off me about racism in the States is that we enslaved people for 200+ years, made them live in shacks and treated them like cattle. We pretty much stripped them of dignity and all that is human to the point where many of them believed it, then we said: "Hey, you are free now, so act like us!" What in the funking funk is that kind of logic? Do we expect them to say, "Thanks for the freedom, now I'll just erase the indoctrination and all the memory and I'll magically be jolly jumping ideal citizen like the best examples of your race." What adequate tools did we give them to re-engage in society?

We often expect a tabula rasa from African Americans when in fact we ruined them and should heavily reinvest in them for at least a few decades, if not centuries. Racism based on half-assed logic boils my blood more than pure racism.

Ken Burns slams Trump in Stanford Commencement

Syntaxed says...

The persecution of others to the exclusion of all but the primary religion is a tact shared with many major religions, and yes, Christianity has left its scorching mark upon humanity as a terrifying blot.

However, it is not, on this day, nor in these recent years, the acts of Christians, or Catholics that most burns a hole in our hearts and minds. Indeed, it is the acts of Radical Islamism, which is no more than a literal taking of their Koran brought to life by hate and malice.

And no, Islam is not a religion of peace, neither is Christainity-based religions for that matter. It is a matter of choice, and now, it is the choice of these Muslims, being great in number at this point in the Human Timeline, to continue the exploitation and caging of Women as sex slaves, to behead hundreds of thousands in the name of their God, and to spread their holy war to every corner of the globe until all is ruled by Islam.

That is fact, sir, as they(ISIS) have stated, as they show their brand of religion to state, as they act, and chose to carry forth action.

Sir, yes, all religions have committed to horrible deeds, but, it is always the purview of those of us that realize this to deny the growth of violence-via-religion, and now, in this day and age, that primary religion which we must stop from continuing violence is radicalized Islam.

bareboards2 said:

So you do now see why I thought you were calling him an immigrant? It certainly reads that way. Glad to know you didn't mean it.

As for killing gays in the name of Allah -- turns out not so much, now that reporting and information gathering has had time to happen.

A man who lives in America, being told on all sides that being gay is an abomination and sinful -- by some Christians, Muslims, good lord how many different sources -- who hangs out in gay bars in what pit of self-loathing because of the messages he received during his life....

A perfect case of internalized homophobia. Do a google search to find out how many of the most virulently anti-gay people turn out to actually be gay.

When this first happened, my first thought was to go up those who say gay people are sinners, take them by their lapels, look them in their eyes and say, "The blood of these people is on your hands. Your attacks on the humanity of these people who were made as God made them, have led to this horrific event."

So a hint back at you -- it isn't just sharia law that led to this. It is old fashioned religious bigotry and fear of the "other" -- very few religions are free from this crap. Certainly not Christianity. Westboro Baptist Church ring a bell?

Donald Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency of the United States of America. This is a fact.

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