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Negative Ion Products Are Dangerously RADIOACTIVE

drradon says...

without doubt, the garbage that was tested is worthless - but the testing presented was a bit naive. Alpha particles do have a very short path-length - the alpha radiation that he was detecting (while the emitter was covered) may well have been from radon gas that is being produced by the the thorium in these devices. The threat from skin exposure to directly generated alphas is likely negligible - but the threat from ingestion of the thorium oxide coming off these dangerous trinkets is likely much greater than he recognized. A significant fraction of lung cancer deaths are from inhaled radon daughter products that occur naturally - all these products are part of the decay series for thorium...

Vox: The white lie we've been told about Roman statues

Magicpants says...

Marble is translucent, the same as human skin. When they cover marble they lose all the the inner refractions, and it ends up looking like cheap plastic.

I'm not saying the statues weren't painted, but art historians ought to at least try truculent paints.

Butthole/Anus/Perenium Sunning

Bruti79 says...

I just want to know where this originated?

I really want them to explain the process of how their butt holes are converting the sun's energy at a more efficient rate than the rest of their skin.

What is the secret of the butt hole energy efficiency? =) (Health Talk Post)

newtboy says...

Classic....sounds like a meth rant.

"The point that misses the mark regarding quality, is the voices on the stroll through recordings. This specific voices are extremely the individuals they sound mechanical while much in the event that they are perusing from being a content. So when you want great outcomes with these recordings you will need to record specific voice overs. Furthermore, true to form they do give you the transcripts pores and skin recordings and demonstrate you to make the voice overs."


How the boys roll

How the boys roll

BSR says...

You know... If they just gave gay people a different skin color...

newtboy said:

Yeah...I was joking.
That said, if you wear the colored bandanas in your back pocket while dancing with other men, you shouldn't be surprised if someone makes an assumption.

VLDL: People who do awkward animal voices in public.

The 7 Biggest Failures of Trumponomics

newtboy says...

See above...factual proof Trump voters are moronic racists was supplied.

Since you need lyrics, try these-

This is the United States of America, and you got a right to hate who you want!
So let's start bustin' heads!

Black against white
Yellow versus red
The fighting won't stop until we're dead
Until we're all dead

Burning, looting
Riots destroy the masses
Nightfall brings death
City reduced to ashes

Don't call me your brother
'Cuz I ain't your fuckin' brother
We fell from different cunts
And your skin, your skin's an ugly colour

Race war, we're going to a race war
Hate war, we're going to a hate war
Prejudicial homicide!

Bloodshed, rampage
Torture is not subsiding
Chaos, bedlam
Violent ethnic uprising

Muslims against Christians
And the Arabs versus Jews
The Catholics and Protestants
No one wins: we all lose!

Race war, we're going to a race war
Hate war, we're going to a hate war
Everybody's gonna die!

Xenophobic tendencies instilled in us at birth
Are mislabelled racism, hostilities getting worse
Accept the fact my distant cousin, we cannot live in peace
Isolated environments, they may just be the key

Human beings suspicious, soon fear grows to hate
We'll have each other by the throat if forced to integrate
Mothers watch their children die at each other's hand
Cain and Abel set the course, ethnocentric command

Race war!
Hate war!

You can run, but you can't hide!-Peter Steele-Carnivore

BSR said:

How did you arrive at your conclusion. What are your resources? What are your facts? I thought you told me you believe in facts.

Cart Narcs Catch A Dumb Hag

newtboy says...

I think you people miss the point. She is in the wrong, disrespectful, and insulting from the get go. He's being a douche intentionally to get under the skin of people like her who believe they have no obligations to be decent human beings, people who leave their messes for others to clean up without qualms because somebody will take care of them. She was being a dumb bitch before he arrived, leaving her cart where it blocks both the parking spot and endangers the neighboring car, and could easily damage others by rolling, that's why cart return spots exist. Maybe his car has been repeatedly damaged by inappropriately abandoned carts, we don't know his motivation for demanding others not be irresponsible. He maybe should have just moved it and a few others to block her then sat back and recorded her outrage, and not engaged with the douchey nutjob....but that wouldn't have the desired effect.

Guaranteed she litters, despite her claims....she absolutely records him without permission, something she claimed was illegal when he did it. Rules don't apply to people like her. Civility isn't part of their makeup, neither is accepting social obligations...She must be a Trump supporter.

He was calm and polite at first until she went full superbitch on him immediately.

I fully support being a dick to dicks, and a douche to douches. I would have supported him knocking her phone out of her hand like she tried multiple times...turnabout is always fair play, and she was the disrespectful douchebag first and best....eventually blocking handicapped parking in her disrespectful rage after trying twice to break his camera/phone.

If you're doing something wrong that could harm others and someone calls you out, YOU are the asshole, not the upright citizen who saw something and said something. If you get outraged at being called out for ignoring your responsibility, you are the douchebag that deserves public shaming.

Pete Buttigieg Comforts A Bullied 11-Year-Old Iowa Girl

newtboy says...

Trump is the most thin skinned, infantile public servant ever elected.

Today he canceled meetings on infrastructure funding because Nancy, he calls her Nancy, publicly said he's involved in a cover up, still obstructing justice today by ignoring subpoenas and instructing others to ignore them as well, and he said he just won't govern unless they discard any and all investigations and stop insulting him.
"I'm rubber, you're glue" would be a huge would the mentality of a child. He has the mentality of a spoiled infant.

BSR said:

Trump has the mentality of a child. He's a "I'm rubber, you're glue" kinda guy.

Arnold Schwarzenegger gets attacked in South Africa

newtboy says...

I hope they broke both of that little fuckers legs....badly enough that he can never drop kick anyone's back ever again.

Sucker drop kicking a 71 year old in the back, even one built like Conan, means he's abusing the privilege of being able to walk....remove the privilege. He was trying to seriously hurt an elderly man for fun. End him.

I also hope, assuming nothing serious happens to him legally because Arnold isn't pressing charges, that his classmates beat the living shit out of him daily until he's unable to finish school, and his family disowns him.

What a cowardly waste of skin. I wish Arnold (or the guards) had just broken him in half in self defense. There is zero sympathy for anything that happens to people who sucker punch/kick others, or those who attack the elderly, and nothing but seething murderous rage for those who do both.

Nail him to the tree of woe.

Edit: it's being widely reported that the attacker is known for doing this kind of thing looking for internet fame and publicity.

Squish Baby

Prove Apple wrong about data recovery and get banned

viewer_999 says...

Straight under the skin. Straight, I say!

1. If you want to borrow MY crayons, then yes, I AM the boss of you. How is that even in question? They're my crayons, so I set the rules. You will not bear down, or I will withdraw my generosity. At the very least. Don't like it? Don't make requests.

2. Do not smash a toilet in a dog's face, just to get attention. The dog could have been blinded or otherwise injured, inconsiderate clumsy fool.

3. Refrain from using a sensationalist iPhone smear/repair video as a soapbox to promote sexist notions. Twice.

4. Don't expect a company to support cases of user error. Especially huge companies. It's just not possible. Devote energy to precaution and research rather than blame-shifting.
(Disclosure: Samsung user)

Trump Melts Down on Twitter, Defends Fox News Hosts

Honest Government Ad | Climate Change Policy

newtboy says...

I am. You are becoming too funny. What happened to Dimitri? He was never that clever to just say 'black is white' and sit back. What's your handle, comrade?

A chronically ill informed fear mongering right winger claiming the left is the fear mongering and hoaxing party is just so over the top hilariously ludicrous...the left's leaders aren't convicted criminal frauds who's entire platform is "they're coming to get you and only I can save you by protecting unregulated gun sales, banning im'grants, saving Christmas, and fixing some fence....i mean getting Mecxico to build that wall.", it just wouldn't work on the left, only the right celebrates known lies.
Before Obama, I might have agreed about the left being the snowflakes, but absolutely not now. You babies are so thin skinned, snowflake seems too adult, you melt over nothings daily.

If I thought for a pico second you honestly meant it and weren't just angrily projecting and trolling I would suggest an immediate brain scan, because that's so incredibly irrational that non professionals are simply not qualified to deal with that level of clinical dementia.

Funny you didn't contradict the neo-nazi right wing terrorism issue....I guess you must agree the right is now, by their own standards, a violent terrorist organization, and a more pressing issue for the U.S. than other terrorist organizations as the most active by far, outpacing to the point of replacing Islamic terrorism.

bobknight33 said:

You are losing your shit there Newt.

So sad. I’ll come visit you you in the psych ward.

I’ll come cheer you up and bring you a TRUMP button.

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