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Communist Targeted Minorities; Leader Vows To take down USA

newtboy says...

@bobknight33, if 95% of people are completely unaware, and of the 5% who “know” about it, 95% are against’s not much of a revolution with only .25% of the population wanting it, now is it?’s a thing.
So infantile at every turn, Bobby, you and yours are such thin skinned little babies you are scared of 1/4 of 1% who might want communism (but more likely are being misrepresented by your lying ilk).

Not worth 27 seconds to watch, forget 27 minutes of this stupidity and whining.

Snake Dick

Paula White Leading Prayer Service For Trump's reelection

newtboy says...

Religion is the mind killer.

Angels come from Africa and South America? I think her congregation will be surprised to find out they were denied entry and sent back....wrong skin color.

Deported F**king Vets - Klepper

StukaFox says...

My father was a Marine sniper in Vietnam and the only man I ever knew who loved being in the Marines so much, he volunteered to go back there on three tours. When he was medically discharged -- after being shot at least twice -- he turned into a rage-fueled alcoholic, an ardent racist and a hard-hard conservative who loved Rush Limbaugh. He hated everything liberal with an outright passion. I'm sure you can understand why I never talked politics with him.

The one thing, however, we both absolutely agreed on is that you DON'T fuck with Vets, especially those who served in combat. My father would have been furious if he'd seen this. As much as he was a racist, if you were in combat, he saw you as a brother no matter what color your skin. He would have moved heaven and earth to help these guys. I'm both glad and sorry he didn't live to see this video.

(When he died several years ago, he left me two things: his medals and his Rush Limbaugh tie. I miss you so much. Dad.)

Jessica Alba @ Hot Ones, with novel cooling methods

SFOGuy says...

Capsaicin ---from no less than Cook's Illustrated

"Milk had only a slight impact. What worked on both the skin and the mouth? Hydrogen peroxide.

It turns out that peroxide reacts with capsaicin molecules, changing their structure and rendering them incapable of bonding with our receptors. Peroxide works even better in the presence of a base like baking soda:

We found that a solution of 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of water, and 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide could be used to wash the affected area or as a mouthwash (swish vigorously for 30 seconds) to tone down a chile’s stinging burn to a mild warmth. (Toothpaste containing peroxide and baking soda is a somewhat less effective remedy.) Always keep peroxide, baking soda, and toothpaste away from your eyes."

TAC 20 years of effectively, somewhat graphic PSAs

BSR says...

They could not have picked a better piece of music.

Your eyes, your ears, your nose, your mouth, your skin. Your senses. These are all how the people you love get into your heart over time. It's how you get into the hearts of the ones you love.

I pick up many dead bodies in a week. Some people tell me how they could never do a job like this. From terrible crash scenes, crime scenes to nursing homes and at home deaths.

Dead people don't suffer. The pain is gone. The living suffer. I see it all the time.

If you lose someone you love and your heart suffers unbearably, remember your senses. The one you lost is still in your heart. That is where you put them. Alive within you. Over time that is where you put them for safe keeping. Look for them there.

When I pick up a dead body my empathy and sympathy is with the living, the family and friends. I'm just picking up an empty container where someone once lived but has now moved into the hearts of the ones they loved.

That will help with the pain you may suffer. Know that the ones you love are already in your heart and you in theirs.

That is why love.

Internet Comment Etiquette: „Passion of the Karen“

makach jokingly says...

this kind of content is exactly what you get when you start consuming videos off a proprietary video service on the internet. It is not exactly as educational as you should expect it to be but it sure is interesting and entertaining. It's not always good to be entertained like that one time I was at a strip club and the strippers turned Karens after sunset and attempted to nag me to death, but fortunately, I am pretty thick-skinned. Lucky me. That's what they call me. Lucky, I strongly believe this whole affair would have been much more enjoyable if I had just lef the place, instead I ended up marrying one of them, and you should thank me for taking one for the team, anyway made you read this far - here is your reward, a rocket ship 8=====D

The Art of Pole by Jamilla Deville

SFOGuy says...

Serious question: are poles mounted on ball bearings so that they swivel WITHOUT ripping all your skin off in a weird kind of friction burn?

iwastheturkey said:

Actually I'd say one's talent as a pole dancer is directly proportionate to one's willingness to use the equivalent of your skin sticking to vinyl on a hot day as a means of supporting your own body weight.

i.e. friction + skin + metal + 150 pounds = unpleasant to say the least

White supremacist Kenosha County Sheriff david beth

oblio70 says...

„Nothing racist about this statement“...really?

Then tell me what thoughts led to this conclusion? „Bad People“ is not a absolute Term; how does he determine who qualifies as bad?

Just because he tries to skip over his racist assumptions by NOT referencing skin color, he cannot legitimately define who is „bad people“.

Case in point: a non-racist claim focuses on the individual crimes, whereas a racist will always see a group of people as the default criminals.

Instance(s) vs group

He is an ignorant asshat unqualified for service in public safety.

bobknight33 said:

Nothing racist about this statement.

Stating that there is a need to lock up bad people. Only fools would disagree.

How to Apply Your Mask


newtboy says...

That's not crack.
GWB also had a cocaine problem, and you elected him president. 🤦‍♂️
It's also not Joe. Your ethics are so non existent now that attacking his family is now not only acceptable, it's the best you've got. Remember that when commercials about what disgusting wastes of skin Ivanka, Melania, Jarred, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb, and even Barron are come out, no whining.

bobknight33 said:

Joe Biden's son kicked out of Navy for cocaine use

Not to mention his pregnant stripper.

Florida man clings to semi at highway speed

Doberman Butterfly Whisperer

Payback says...

I'd like to thank Titan's owner, while failing by hacking off his tail, for avoiding the -even more sadistic- ear cropping.

I still am disgusted with myself for, 25 odd years ago, allowing my JRT to have his tail docked.

Hack off or puncture or push ink under your own skin all you want. When you do it for aesthetics on another creature, you've failed achieving humanity.

MakeWar | Defund The Police

eric3579 says...

people starting shit for the wrong cause.
sparking in our brains from all the lies.
I can’t breathe,
you’re choking me, I swear I’m the wrong guy.
I can’t speak,
the color of my skin makes me a liar.
Disarm the flock,
of human pigs.
If they meant no harm,
why would they need
these shiny guns?
Against these kids who were unarmed and full of fear,
protect and serve?
You’re not fooling me!
Now what?
They’re gone and you’re excused?
No future…No resolution…
This place used to be different.
Everyone was nicer.
Some of you would even help another.
Now we fight about the differences, that some of us just carry.
In our blood and in our genes and the place my mom was born.
Retired men
are freaking out
with all these kids,
that are coming out.
Leave them alone!
And continue living your boring reality.
They are superstars,
and you are nothing!
Holy shit!
They won’t stop!
Blaming it on being old school?
No excuses!
Not anymore!
Racist homophobes,
preaching the wrong words,
your time is fucking done!
You want freedom of speech?
You make me fucking sick!
Your future’s obsolete!

And the time will come when we’ll be free to be who we are or wear what we pleased without being scared. The time is now!

50 Inch Max Vertical!! 5'9" Riley Smith is INSANE!

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