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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

J.R. Majewski…..ROTFLMFAHS!!! Stolen valor isn’t the best campaign. Dumped.

JD Vance….AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!! Suckers…he’s an elite. D’oh!

For all his “I’m one of you” “I’m anti elite” schtick he’s really a billionaire’s protege with more money spent by one billionaire on his campaign than any single donor ever spent on one candidate, over $16 million. Most if not statistically all his support has come from billionaires….they don’t support people who don’t repay them 10 fold.
His campaign is based on fighting elites and ruling class, but gets all his funding from those people.
Claims to be against big pharma, then hires a pharma employee to head his plan.
He complains about gas prices and takes millions from companies convicted of price gouging gasoline in California.
He complains about big tech stealing your data but owns part of Hallo which is a prayer app that steals your data and sells it for $60 a year.

Peter Thiell, his benefactor and mentor, is a billionaire nut that thinks the military should be in charge, not government. He is blatantly anti democratic, saying he doesn’t believe democracy and freedom are compatible. He’s given $16 million to the guy who SAYS he’s against elites.

MAGA candidates are being exposed as the total pure frauds and morons they are all across America. Your idiot movement is dead. 😂

PS- Trump is having more special master problems because none of the companies that electronically host discovery documents for cases like this (e-discovery vendors) will contract with Trump because they all expect him to not pay them. This means the government will be forced to contract with them and have the judge force Trump to pay or be in criminal contempt.

The sound of monkeys eating grapes

New Rule: The Tragedy of Trump Voters

smr says...

The last paragraph addresses the irony, which is the entirety of my first comment. I did not expect him, when pushing for a legal/policy solution to her problem, to then start attacking red tape for building codes. Enough loans regulation and you'll have the same thing - complaints about not being able to get a loan and the extended processing times.. Then Bill will do a schtick showing us

Bernie Sanders: I thought this question might come up

vil says...

Organizing healthcare better would save you money, not cost you. Nationalism is self-blinding. Nothing against local-patriotism, but this flag waving schtick is so.. nineteenth century. "I love my country and believe in god therefore im right" got us all into two world wars. If you love your country take care of the people that live in it and dont be a nuisance to others.

The question is, would what Bernie wants really be better? Are Bernies supporters less blind than Trumps? Who knows?

Who Is America? (2018) | First Look | Sacha Baron Cohen SHOW

bcglorf says...

I agree with you, I reluctantly watched this because my opinion of Sacha's other stuff has been the same. You fish long enough and edit enough and you can get a lot of stuff together making people look stupid. I've found I really don't enjoy most of his previous schticks because of this.

This bit is different if you watch the last half. This isn't comedy style funny, but rather in it's prime Daily Show laugh instead of cry funny. I like this BECAUSE it has the potential to ruin people's careers, and normally that's what I've hated about Sacha's schticks before.

However, getting lobbyists, and then elected congressmen to advocate on camera for getting school children as young as 4-5 armed in schools helps society. If we can identify people this monstrous, compromised or willing to pander and get some of them out of office, that's good.

ChaosEngine said:

I don't doubt it. But frankly, watching elected representatives in the US bend over and take it from the gun lobby is nothing new.

I 100% agree with his message, I just don't find the execution that funny.

Who Is America? (2018) | First Look | Sacha Baron Cohen SHOW

ChaosEngine says...

Eh.... honestly? This feels like more of the same Cohen schtick.

Put on a weird outfit/ makeup and a funny accent and interview people giving them just enough rope.

Maybe it'll be good when it comes out, but I tried to watch it and got bored halfway through.

New Rule: I Feel Petty

ChaosEngine says...

Oh FFS, here we go again with Maher deliberately missing the point.

Honestly, I used to think there were a few topics he should steer clear of (his anti-vax conspiracy nonsense to start with), but now I'm starting to think there are only a few topics he should comment on.

Even his schtick on religion is pretty fucking tired compared to much better commentators.

So fine, let's address the elephant in the room. The problem with this movie is that it holds up AMY FUCKING SCHUMER and goes "hah! look at her... the pig thinks she's good looking... how hilarious", when Amy Schumer is gorgeous.

So yeah, I'll go full SJW (never go full SJW!!) and say that this just reinforces the impossible beauty standard foisted on women that says if you're not Scarlett Johansson, you're not good looking.

If you want to hear a grown up who actually knows about film talk about the movie, watch Mark Kermode.

Jordan B. Peterson | Real Time with Bill Maher

ChaosEngine says...

He doesn't make shit up, but he does tend to exaggerate.

His main schtick is that all universities are filled with precious snowflakes that can't handle any dissenting opinion outside their safe spaces, which just isn't true.

Sure there have been a few high profile stories of people being waaaaaay too zealous about "not offending people", but those are remarkable because they're rare. Most universities still happily engage in controversial discussions.

Also "leftist"... that is not a thing. It's hard to have a genuine debate with people when you caricature their positions.

LiquidDrift said:

He's a rare conservative intellectual, the kind that don't make up bullshit to support their positions.

Jonathan Pie - Enough is Enough

Peter Joseph & Abby Martin on Abolishing Capitalism

bcglorf says...

Abby Martin participating with this makes sense. For those unfamiliar, her schtick before was working for Russia Today.

The same way Russia is fond of funding the extreme ends of Antifa and Unite the right clowns. Funding popular dissent and dissatisfaction with America and capitalism is super. However many nuts listen to Zeitgeist crazies may be small, but if that group doesn't overlap with the Antifa crowd, and doesn't overlap with the KKK crowd and doesn't overlap with those outraged by the latest wikileaks 'discovery' it all adds up to a lot of people. It's pretty much public record that Russian intelligence is happily and eagerly funding as many of these organizations they can to foment dissent and dissatisfaction.

It's not some paranoid conspiracy to say this plays into the the hands of America's enemies, it's a fact that is being proven in court. That doesn't mean there aren't piles of truths out there being dug up that make America and it's systems look bad and flawed, but spinning it to make people as angry as possible, and feeding those truths along with as many lies as the target audience will swallow is 'great' propaganda.

So that's a long winded version of declaring this video as russian funded propaganda.

Liberal Redneck - Virginia is for Lovers, not Nazis

No Dog Has Ever Wanted To Leave The Park Less Than This Dog

Payback says...

I believe I've seen this guy and dog before. It's a schtick. The dog is actually incredibly well trained. Without the "go word", it will not, under any circumstances, move an inch.

Playful fish,enjoys being handled and thrown

Is Michigan Covering Up 75,000 Ballots Never Counted?

entr0py says...

As incendiary schtick goes, I think the Mr. T we had for a while was much better.

JiggaJonson said:

I'm starting to wonder if he's even a real person or Lucky or Dag just doing some schtick to drive a more intense conversation.

Much like the fedora in this segment, it shall remain a mystery.

Is Michigan Covering Up 75,000 Ballots Never Counted?

JiggaJonson says...

I'm starting to wonder if he's even a real person or Lucky or Dag just doing some schtick to drive a more intense conversation.

Much like the fedora in this segment, it shall remain a mystery.

Januari said:

Curious do you have anything to refute any of this? Or is it your standard, "its not my view therefore i'm incapable of accepting or even conceiving of anything else."

How you can objectively feel like that process was even remotely democratic would be comical if it weren't going to have such dire consequences.

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