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"If They Melded" - Justin Bieber + Rachel Maddow Edition

Star Trek Into Darkness - International Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

As much as I really want to post "I was criticising Star Trek trailers before it was cool" and leave it at that, I have to say that post kinda pissed me off.

It's got to the point where as soon as anyone has a legitimate criticism of anything they get labelled a "hipster". Well, fuck that. I'm 35, and I live in New Zealand. I'm not even sure what the fuck a hipster is other than that it's weird and confusing to me. </abe Simpson>

First things first, SNL actually isn't that funny. It has moments of hilarity (Tina Fey as Sarah Palin for example) but I general it's far closer to Chris Farley than Bill Murray. Maybe it was hilarious in the 70s but I've never seen those episodes. I do know that for the last 20 years, it has been consistently "almost funny".

More importantly, you're not the only one who likes Star Trek, and even if you're the trekkiest trek fan who ever quoted Kahn, that doesn't mean the rest of us aren't entitled to criticise it. Thing is, I'm a fan. I want to see this. And I want it to be good, same way as I REALLY wanted Prometheus to be brilliant. And it just ....wasn't.

So when I complain about this, I'm not some snide douchebag who's just dying for it to fail so I can jump on the Internet and let everyone bask in the glow of how right I am. I'm complaining about it because I'm genuinely worried it won't be good. I'm the one who went to the midnight premiere of Revenge of the Sith, because I still had a faint hope that Lucas would pull something awesome out of the bag.

Fletch said:

So many Debbie Downers. Must be a new hipster thing to rip on new Star Trek, kinda like every SNL vid/thread has some boorish dolt who has to tell everyone that they haven't watched SNL for years because it hasn't been funny since the 70s.

Well... I've been a fan of all the Star Trek series (including "Enterprise") and movies since TOS, and this looks awesome. I used to record the audio of TOS on my Realistic cassette recorder when I was 6-7 years old, and I can still irritate the hell out of anybody in the room by speaking the lines of an entire episode before the actors do. LOVE Star Trek. The first movie established that the timeline is different now. Storywise, prior Star Trek canon is largely moot. Get over it.

You don't want to go see it? Don't. Easy peasy. Anyhoo, you probably all meant to click on this vid.

Joe Biden Tells Chuck Graham to Stand Up

gskuc2003 says...

@Xax. Only "low information" voter types still believe that Sarah Palin actually said she could "see Russia from (my) house." That was actually a line from a SNL skit pitting a fake Palin against a fake Hillary Clinton in a debate. The progressive/liberal leaning has trashed that politically deluded belief a long time ago.

Tina Fey Slams Rep. Todd Akin Over His Rape Comments

How can one person be so dumb?

Obama says the real Mitt Romney didn't show up to debate

VoodooV says...

He won the debate, but yeah, he had to lie through his teeth and change his position on everything in order to do it.

So in the end...did he really win? Romney's getting his ass dragged over the coals by the fact checkers now and once again we have this situation where I'm sure Romney's goal was to fire up his base. But he forgot the lesson of Sarah Palin: You can fire up your base, but that also fires up your opposition to vote against you as well.

I'm sure there were plenty of Obama supporters who probably were going to stay home on election day either because they figure Obama's already won this and most people, republicans included, anticipated Obama wiping the floor with Romney, but to see him lie so blatantly and change his colors yet again ensures that they WILL come out and vote to make sure Romney doesn't win.

Sarah Palin Insults Obama's Penis after Libya Embassy Attack

MilkmanDan says...

Do I think that Sarah Palin is a low-watt bulb that would be terrible in any position of significant government power? Yes.

Do I think that this particular comment is obviously a crass, tasteless "dick joke" as suggest by Cenk here? No.

Frankly, there are abundant opportunities to rationally criticize Sarah Palin, but this one seems like a stretch to me.

kymbos (Member Profile)

rottenseed (Member Profile)

Romney Introduces his VP as the Next President of the USA

shinyblurry says...

I don't know why you posted that video @shinyblurry as the video contradicts your point. There is no dismantling of the AHA (grow up and call it by it's proper name you fucking child) Ryan agreed there needs to be reform and he appears to have put forth some legitimate concerns. But there is no dismantling, If he wants to fix parts of AHA, then more power to him

My point was to contradict your claim that Paul Ryan is a "Sarah Palin lite". Yes, he did dismantle a primary rationale behind Obamacare which is that health care reform is budget reform. Ryan clearly demonstrated that it is exactly the opposite as Obamacare uses shady accounting practices and steals nearly a trillion dollars from Medicare to fund itself. It is a disaster for our budget, creating another gigantic government entitlement when we can't afford the ones we have.

Healthcare should not be a for-profit system. Gov't has a vested interest in keeping its citizens healthy and happy. It's one thing to take care of our doctors and reward them for their service and knowledge. It's another to make them and the insurance companies obscenely wealthy at the cost of our well-being.

We are both agreed that the system as it is is broken and needs reforming. We are disagreeing that bigger government is the answer.

Funny how your video conveniently cuts off Obama's response. Too afraid of the opposition I see.

The video had nothing to do with the argument, only to counter your point that Paul Ryan is some sort of intellectual light weight.

Dismantling AHA is going backwards. AHA is here. Deal with it, you and your Insurance lobbyist pals lost. You have some legitimate concerns? Great..awesome. I know some Republicans who have actual rational concerns and they ought to be addressed so you don't even have united support against the AHA even in your own ranks. Republicans don't fall in line with your warped ideology anymore. And when Romney loses in November I hope the adults of your party take it back from the mental midgets who refuse to have an adult conversation and bet against this nation.

I'm an independent and I don't endorse everything the republican party does. They agree more with my values since the far left took over the democratic party, but I have actually supported democrats, both locally and nationally, in the past.

If you think Obamas re-election is in the bag then you are in denial of reality. Obama is showing some very poor numbers in many polls, and if he does win, it will be by the skin of his teeth.

Ryan wants to gut medicare. Thanks for gift-wrapping Florida for Obama.

Romney has gone public with the fact that he isn't necessarily embracing all of the elements of the Ryan plan, but will introduce his own plan. That includes medicare:

>> ^VoodooV

Romney Introduces his VP as the Next President of the USA

shinyblurry says...

Doesn't seem like a "Saran Palin lite" could dismantle Obamacare and give Obama a thorough drubbing at his own health care summit:

Paul Ryan is a serious contender for VP who can more than hold his own, and picking him is very saavy as it will redirect the national conversation back to the economy and Obamas failed policies. I also feel sorry for Joe Biden when he has to meet him in debate this fall.

>> ^VoodooV:

haha! I have to admit. I didn't catch the flub in the title. I thought it was simply a sift talking about the VP pick. Then I hear Romney introduce him as the president and I go wtf?
and now @budzos's post makes a lot more sense
I dunno though, I think everyone thought Palin was going to be the next candidate. I sure as hell didn't think Romney would come back for more.
But to think Paul is a serious VP or a serious candidate for POTUS in 2016 is a stretch. At best, he's Sarah Palin lite. He may not be the super-gaffe machine that Palin was, but his Ayn Rand worship is just as outdated and outlandish.
When Republicans lose in November, they're going to have to have some serious soul searching. Doubling down on Obama-hate got them nowhere...and it's going to cost them the election just like in 2008. When even McCain had to say enough was enough and defend Obama against the extremist nutbags, that tells you how far gone the right is. I think it's very interesting that we haven't heard a peep out of McCain this cycle. the vitriol is even worse than it was in 2008 and if he had to say enough back then, I can only imagine what he thinks of it now. I'd love to hear his opinion on the birthers.
And in all seriousness, I hope Obama takes good care of his secret service people, it wouldn't shock me in the least if there was an assassination attempt in his second term.

Romney Introduces his VP as the Next President of the USA

VoodooV says...

haha! I have to admit. I didn't catch the flub in the title. I thought it was simply a sift talking about the VP pick. Then I hear Romney introduce him as the president and I go wtf?

and now @budzos's post makes a lot more sense

I dunno though, I think everyone thought Palin was going to be the next candidate. I sure as hell didn't think Romney would come back for more.

But to think Paul is a serious VP or a serious candidate for POTUS in 2016 is a stretch. At best, he's Sarah Palin lite. He may not be the super-gaffe machine that Palin was, but his Ayn Rand worship is just as outdated and outlandish.

When Republicans lose in November, they're going to have to have some serious soul searching. Doubling down on Obama-hate got them nowhere...and it's going to cost them the election just like in 2008. When even McCain had to say enough was enough and defend Obama against the extremist nutbags, that tells you how far gone the right is. I think it's very interesting that we haven't heard a peep out of McCain this cycle. the vitriol is even worse than it was in 2008 and if he had to say enough back then, I can only imagine what he thinks of it now. I'd love to hear his opinion on the birthers.

And in all seriousness, I hope Obama takes good care of his secret service people, it wouldn't shock me in the least if there was an assassination attempt in his second term.

Caribou Barbie CLUELESS on 1st Amendment

VoodooV says...

What anti-gay supporters seem to fail to realize is that the more situations like this get air time. The more it highlights the issue and the more people really start to think about how stupid it is to deny rights to homosexuals. When people go out of their way to impede homosexuals like that cake shop owner did. It highlights their struggle more and more people eventually sympathize with them. On top of it, everyone loves an underdog.

So please, bring it on. Are there any more anti-gay restaurant CEOs out there? any more local store owners denying service to homosexuals? Let them stand up and be heard.

It also highlights how Sarah Palin's time in the spotlight is over. She's irrelevant.

Caribou Barbie CLUELESS on 1st Amendment

Louis CK on Bill Maher - Sarah Palin

Yogi says...

>> ^TangledThorns:

Maher and Louis are both slime. Palin is a far better person than these two assholes and would of made a better president than Obama.

Comedians got ya down? You must not have a sense of humor and are generally a piece of shit that no one wants to be around.

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